Bloomberg’s big adventure: Praising dictators, dodging demonstrators and buying public sidewalks

The ongoing saga of a would-be authoritarian elitist trying to buy an election because he knows better

The astounding revelations on Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg keep coming out causing people to wonder how he even has a chance. He has insulted people, both high and low while showing a distinct admiration for dictators.
His chief rival admitted socialist ‘breadline’ Bernie has his own issues in this area, making the case that neither of them are suitable for the Oval office. Both come across as would-be dictators, so it’s hard to decide which one would be the worse of the worst.
There are a number of issues with the man, so it’s hard to pick out the most damaging revelations of the moment. But there are a couple of both high and low examples that make it clear Bloomberg should never be even close to the White House.

Michael Bloomberg: Xi Jinping is Not a Dictator

As reported here a few months ago on a segment from the PBS program Firing Line with Margaret Hoover, Bloomberg made the startling assertion that the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and president of China Xi Jinping is Not a Dictator. Because the man ‘has to satisfy his constituents’ or else he won’t survive.
Apparently, Bloomberg has never heard of the Tiananmen Square massacre, where the ‘People’s Liberation Army’ ran over protesters with tanks and armored personnel carriers. Yes, the man who advocated ‘Socialism With Chinese Characteristics’ is somehow answerable to the people. One can easily envision Bloomberg wanting to be in the same position in the states.

Liberty grabber elitist

Then of course there are all the other revelations that keep pilling out. Oddly enough, Bloomberg is quite egalitarian in his denigrations of most people and professions, making it only a matter of time before everyone is maligned.
The common thread in all of this is what we’ve known all along. Leftists in general and Bloomberg in particular have convinced themselves that they know better. After all, they are trying to save the children, the planet and the universe at large. So they can cut a few corners when it comes to the truth. The ends justify the means, even if the means are to our end.
There is a distinct contrast with the political right and the political left, between the fundamental political philosophies of individualism and collectivism. While we on the conservative-right favor liberty over control, our comrades on the nation’s socialist left tend to favor control over liberty.
This is because we on the conservative-right favor individual liberty and the individual while the socialist-left favors non-existent ‘collective rights’ and the collective. We value the life of the individual, they value the life of the collective.

Dodging pro-liberty protesters

For some reason, many of the pro-liberty community have a deep hostility towards billionaire Bloomberg and his designs on everyone’s unalienable human rights. Perhaps it was his buying of a state legislature and ongoing attempts to decimate the common sense human right of self-preservation.
This is why Bloomberg has to play a shell game with his events. This is why he has to sneak in the back door to events to avoid those from the individual liberty side of the aisle.
In our last installment, he was greeted by a massive demonstration in Arlington, Virginia. The same thing occurred in ‘Gainsboro’ North Carolina with pro-liberty protesters braving a steady downpour to remind liberty grabber Bloomberg that guns save lives.  The latest occurrence had more people at an event voicing support for our basic human rights; there is something about an incessant threat of gun confiscation that brings out the pro-liberty protesters.

Buying public sidewalks

Our last little look into the life of a would-be emperor, is the report of his staffers claiming that he had “purchased” a public sidewalk for one of his events. Yes, the man who claims a dictator is a man of the people has staff that thinks that he owns the ground we walk on.
Hence, pro-freedom demonstrators were kept away, unable to voice their opinion to Bloomberg. Despite the fact that he’s made claims to the contrary.

The bottom line: Both Bloomberg and Bernie are uniquely unqualified to be president

These days, diversity means that there is a variety of reasons why these two men are unfit for the highest office in the land. Both are uniquely unqualified in their own right.
Bernie Sanders because he wants to buy votes with other people’s money, other wise known as socialism [see, it’s ‘social’ like social media, so it has to be good].
Never mind that his base ideology has never worked in the 400 years that it’s been tried.  Or that it has a body count over 100 million. His secular faith system only promises a Utopia and always ends up in oppression and death.
Conversely, Bloomberg believes that he knows better than anyone else and that he should be in control. His pontification over the years belies an elitist mindset while his failures prove this isn’t the case. He is a covert socialist that is obsessed with control of society, beginning with an elimination of individual liberty.
Both have the common sense human right of self-defense as their first target, but it won’t end there. Socialism and control is the antithesis of liberty, something the left has to keep hidden beneath a blanket of lies, unattainable promises and false labels. That is why the left cannot win the next election.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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