Mark Judson is why authoritarian leftists are known as liberty grabbers

A candidate for Congress from the nation’s socialist left drops the mask, revealing his true authoritarian mindset

Self-described ‘Resistance Bad-Ass (D)’ Mark Judson decided to conduct a little poll yesterday on whether or not his political opponents should be fired ‘from any Federal Jobs, to include the military, in order to protect the Nation’. He stated flat out that he was: ‘Not proposing policy – just seeing where people are on this.’
Unfortunately, this revealed too much of his underlying mindset. The resulting ratio party caused him to delete the tweet after few hours, but as they say, the Internet is forever:


As exemplified by the authoritarian’s subsequent tweet trying to play the victim and downplay the controversy:
Therefore, for the sake of future reference, this is the general outline how these occurrences unfold as well as illustrating why they are liberty grabbers.

Phase three of the mask dropping process

These cases of one of the nation’s authoritarian socialist left dropping the mask follows a predicable path:
  • Phase 1: A liberty grabber leftist reveals a bit too much of who they truly are.
  • Phase 2: The attention from this causes people to look into their policy positions.
  • Phase 3: Said liberty grabber leftist then deletes the revelation.
  • Phase 4: The liberty grabber then claims it was all a ‘joke’.
  • Phase 5: Their authoritarian policy positions show it wasn’t a ‘joke’ after all.
For phase 2 we took a hard look at the policy positions of ‘Resistance Bad-Ass (D)’ Mark Judson. We can’t detail them all, but anyone perusing his site should able to read them. If need be, these should be archived somewhere for these purposes.
One of the more interesting policy positions of Mr. Judson is that: “New laws need to be created around ‘truth in reporting’ and the propagandists currently operating need to be criminally prosecuted”:
Yellow Journalism AKA Propaganda
The “News” differs greatly between the Left and the Right, not just a small difference in perspective, but completely different material facts on many issues. One side is simply NOT telling the truth. President Obama was not responsible for the ideological rift between US Citizens, and neither is Trump. The reason that this seemingly insurmountable rift exists is because one side is guilty of a horrendous, prolonged propaganda campaign. New laws need to be created around “truth in reporting” and the propagandists currently operating need to be criminally prosecuted for the virtually irreparable damage that they have done to our country, both domestically and abroad.
[Emphasis added]
Never mind that this violates the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution in spirit and in deed. Who decides what is ‘the truth’?

The case for calling the authoritarian left liberty grabbers

This one example illustrates the reason that the nation’s socialist movement has earned the liberty grabber label. This isn’t just about the left’s mindless obsession with gun confiscation. It is much more than that.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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