The left has weaponized the language: It’s easier to change a word than change a law

A rather profound statement that explains the new tactics of the left in restricting liberty with weasel words.

The headline was a paraphrasing of a rather profound statement on our current situation on how the post modernist left tries to change society to their collectivist dictates. It was an observation made in the above video on how the NHS has slippery-sloped its way into controlling free speech.
For those unfamiliar, Tim Pool is a video journalist who considers himself to be a ‘moderate’ liberal. Those who have viewed his content over time can’t help but notice that someone who used to support Bernie Sanders is now gradually moving further and further to the pro-liberty right side of the political spectrum. Perhaps even he hasn’t noticed it, but he has gradually moved towards the freedom side, away from the authoritarian left.
This is unsurprising for those who have experienced or studied socialism first hand. Only those with a superficial knowledge of socialism actually believe in its magical thinking. The more one learns about socialism, the less one supports socialism, as in the case of Mr. Pool.

Being denied health care because of hate speech

The video showcases one of the dangers of the national socialized health care. There are those who only look at the ‘positive’ side of socialism: other people’s money taken by force to buy votes with free stuff. Looking past the freebies reveals that both sides in this transaction are under a modern form of slavery.
Even worse than that, when the government has complete control of society, it can reshape it. Those of an authoritarian elite can make decisions for everyone else. In the case of the example in the video, this kind of system can be used to control people based on any kind of arbitrary criteria.

It’s easier to change the word than change the law

This observation was at the 3:27 min point in the video on the subject of how the authoritarian left manipulates the language to their advantage. This was a somewhat profound statement because it encapsulates in one sentence what the left has been doing the past few years. The advantage of this saying is that it frames the situation in one clear sentence.
They use this tactic to suppress individual liberty and basic human rights instead of trying to change the law. They know that it would be impossible to repeal the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Therefore, they simply do an end run around on the Constitution – changing the word instead of changing the law.
For years the left has endlessly parroted propaganda in woefully undefined terms such as ‘hate speech’ or ‘assault weapons’ as a means to try to change the law on free speech or the common sense human right of self-defense.
An undefined word or phrase can be used to describe anything and ban anything. In the case of the term ‘assault weapon’ it’s just a matter of saying ‘every gun is an assault weapon’ in order to justify banning all guns, negating constitutional law by negating the meanings of certain words.

It’s easier to change the word than change the facts

Using undefined weasel words also relives the left of actually having to deal in facts and logic. Saying something is ‘high capacity’ means they don’t have to justify restrictions on liberty. Those words can mean anything so they can never be pinned down to the facts of everyday reality.
It also means they can exploit certain words to impart an emotional competence to the argument. Using words like ‘military style’ or ‘weapons of war’ charges up the emotions of the moment, making it easy to negate the practical reality of free speech or the common sense human right of self-defense.

The bottom line: Weaponized words prove the left doesn’t care for democracy

The authoritarian socialist left has weaponized the language because they want to get around logic, facts and the laws that limit government. Undefined weasel words let them interject an emotional component into any discussion on basic human rights, letting them avoid the true issues being discussed.
The left uses language to attack liberty, because they can’t do that is an open debate. They talk about ‘assault weapons’ and ‘hate speech’ so they don’t have to be honest about their true goal of restricting everyone’s basic freedoms.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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