
Showing posts from April, 2019

#PrayforVenezuela: Interim president of Venezuela Juan Guaidó calls for a return to freedom This morning interim president of Venezuela Juan Guaidó called for the military [FANB] to rise up and finally put an end to ‘socialism of the 21st century’. In a stunning move, Venezuelan caretaker President Juan Guaidó called for the military to rise up against the socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro in #OperacionLibertad. As reported this morning in the Associated Press : CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó took to the streets with activist Leopoldo Lopez and a small contingent of heavily armed troops early Tuesday in a bold and risky call for the military to rise up and oust socialist leader Nicolas Maduro. “I want to tell the Venezuelan people: This is the moment to take to the streets and accompany these patriotic soldiers,” said Lopez, who had been detained s

Why the NRA is in trouble

The plight of the NRA should be a cautionary tale for any Civil Rights organization that compromises on its fundamental beliefs. Let’s be blunt about it, compromising with evil is a fool’s errand. It should be painfully obvious that making a deal with the enemies of liberty on the left will only see them redouble their efforts in pushing for their final solution to the freedom problem. There can be no compromise with the gun confiscation agenda of the left There should be no doubt as to the left’s ultimate goal of gun confiscation. This should be clear since Eric ‘Nukem’ Swalwell has made gun confiscation the central tenet of his candidacy along with the over 70 instances and counting of the l iberty grabber left demanding gun confiscation. However, in the face of this onslaught, the NRA decided to throw some of our fundamental human rights under the bus. It can’t be a coincidence that their latest troubles began with a willingness to compromise by acquiescing to the ‘regula

Video classic: Jordan Peterson on the ‘That wasn’t really Communism’ fallacy

Famed psychologist Jordan Peterson eviscerates the tired old lie from the national socialist Left. Fans and soon-to-be-fans of Dr. Jordan B Peterson will love this classic video when he specifically eviscerates one of the Left’s biggest lies, that collectivists of the past weren’t really collectivists as a desperate attempt at saving their vile ideology from the proper judgement of history. The Left’s ongoing effort at selling a new generation into socialistic slavery relies on three main myths to account for its 100% record of failure of 400 years. ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ [or one of it’s 40 plus aliases]. Certain Scandinavian nations are supposedly socialist. Normal government functions are socialism. The ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ has been around for decades with one of the most obscene examples the denial of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party as being a National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Of course, the Left had some success at changing the mea

Video classic: Jordan Peterson on the ‘That wasn’t really Communism’ fallacy

Famed psychologist Jordan Peterson eviscerates the tired old lie from the national socialist Left. Fans and soon-to-be-fans of Dr. Jordan B Peterson will love this classic video when he specifically eviscerates one of the Left’s biggest lies, that collectivists of the past weren’t really collectivists as a desperate attempt at saving their vile ideology from the proper judgement of history. The Left’s ongoing effort at selling a new generation into socialistic slavery relies on three main myths to account for its 100% record of failure of 400 years. ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ [or one of it’s 40 plus aliases]. Certain Scandinavian nations are supposedly socialist. Normal government functions are socialism. The ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ has been around for decades with one of the most obscene examples the denial of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party as being a National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Of course, the Left had some success at changing the m

The question that exposes the sheer fraud of socialism: How are you going to pay for all of the goodies?

Conserving liberty means asking the right questions of those who would enslave the nation with false promises. One of the fantastic aspects of this site is that we are inspired by each other’s writings in the ongoing efforts to conserve liberty. Such as the recent column from Jesseb Shiloh entitled: Seriously, stop asking socialist candidates this stupid question .  Pointing out that asking leftists a ‘gotcha’ question of why they don’t pay more in taxes never works. It only makes them a ‘victim’ opening the door for another regurgitation of their usual class warfare rhetoric. Questions that go to the heart of the colossal fraud of collectivism would be more effective that those touching of Leftist hypocrisy. The point of this exercise is to prove to the rational majority rather than the hard left 8% that they have no real means to fund their fraudulent ideology. Questions that don’t depend on the answer are far more effective than those that turn them into ‘victims’. Pref

Not even close: Socialism isn’t about social media, being social or ‘sharing’

Leftists would like their label for organised evil to mean something other than subjugation and mass murder. We tend to avoid making light of America’s favourite socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [aka ‘AOC’] from the rationale that when someone is making a mistake it’s best to just get out of their way. However in this case, this is not about the women whose antics will cause her ideology of organised evil to be laughed from the pantheon of practical governmental forms. This is about an adorable 8-year-old and perfect her impression of Ms. Cortez, specifically the point that socialism isn’t about being ‘social’, ‘social media’ or ‘sharing’. For those who haven’t seen this viral video, it’s a perfect rendition of ‘AOC’ and her ruminations on climate change and socialism. In light of this adorable impression, we will take this occasion to eviscerate what seems to be a very odd understanding of some basic words on the part of the National Socialist-Left. Socialism is not ab

The 1751 machine that made everything

  A short video on how technological innovation born of economic liberty has changed the world. History is more than dates, places and battles. In many instances it’s technological advances that change the world for the betterment of all mankind. In this case it’s the story of French inventor Jacques de Vaucanson and his creation in France of the first all metal slide rest lathe, the forerunner to all modern machine tools in 1751. Lathes had been around for centuries, but lacked the precision with hand held cutting tool s. The slide rest of the Vaucanson metal lathe that provided the control to produce metal part of exacting dimensions. The lathe is said to be able to produce every other machine and machine tool. This advancement changed everything. The producer of the video references a profound chart of World Population GCP and per Capita GCP 1 –2008 AD from data of the late Angus Maddison, similar to this produced by the  Visual Capitalist , we credit them for the chart a

Why does the national socialist-left overreact to the proper labeling of the Nazis as being far-left?

A recitation of basic historical facts will bring forth all manner of vitriol and condemnation from the left. Why is this the case? Properly labeling the Nazis as a far-left National Socialist German Workers’ Party will bring forth a stunning overreaction from the nation’s socialist-left. Why do they overreact denying their past? Why is this one of the worst aspects of the cultural civil war being waged by the left? Overreacting to history The past few years have seen the Left become increasingly detached from reality with logical arguments verging further and further from their grasp, seeing them having to compensate for their abilities and lack of practical solutions with ad hominem attacks or childish invective. The worst examples being of the genre of the ‘debunking’ article or video of the statement of the facts of the Nazi party, with most beginning with vitriol unworthy of a 5-year-old. In many cases their circular logic has devolved down to there is no reason to deba

Why isn’t communism as hated as Nazism?

Dennis Prager presents the case of why some forms of organised evil are ‘ more equal’ than other forms of organised evil. Even though it was from a few years ago, this 5 minute video from PragerU lays out some of the reasons why the Far-Left collectivist ideology of Communism aren’t as reviled as another Far-Left collectivist ideology, Nazism . Reason Number 1: There is, simply put, widespread ignorance of the communist record. Whereas both right and left loathe Nazism and teach its evil history, the left – and I’m talking about the left, not traditional liberals like Harry Truman or John F. Kennedy – has never loathed communism. And since the left dominates academia, almost no one teaches communism’s evil history. Reason Number 2: The Nazis carried out the Holocaust. Reason Number 3: Communism is based on nice sounding theories; Nazism isn’t. It’s based on heinous sounding theories. Intellectuals in general – including, of course, the intellectuals who write history

Is China becoming more communist?

China Uncensored details how that communist nation is moving further Left pushing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. China Uncensored is almost a guilty pleasure of sorts, despite the name it’s has a hilarious combination of real news and cutting, sarcastic humour that makes for a very entertaining presentation of current events in communist China. Leftists are the funniest people in the world – at least according to Leftists. To be blunt about it, most if not all the Left’s socialist national agenda is based on false narratives with the subject of their skill in humour being no exception. They will tell you they are the funniest people around, and they would know because they are the funniest people around. They’ve cornered the market on comedy – as long as it denigrates the cause of Liberty or Conservatives. As is usually the case, this Leftist mythology fails to meet up with stark reality. In the real world our emphasis on Liberty frees up any constraints on what i

Proving a far-left National Socialist Workers’ Party was a far-left National Socialist Workers’ Party – Part II

Dealing with the usual tactics of the nation’s Socialist-Left in their denial of historical fact. Part I of this 2 part series presented just some of the historical facts of the case. In the interest of ‘fairness’, Part II will present and eviscerate the usual tactics and talking points of the nation’s socialist-left on this subject. Please excuse the excessive length of the article, but the left has many issues here that need to be addressed. In one regard, this might seem to be a trivial issue since the National Socialist German Workers’ Party [Nazi’s] only existed for a mercifully short time over 70 years ago. However, the tactics used to deny the history of this socialist nation are still being used to try revising history while it is being written with the socialist nation of Venezuela. The nation’s socialist-left also persists in trying to invoke it’s false history labeling some on the pro-liberty right with the ‘Nazi’ pejorative . Headlines that present opinion as fact i

Over half of Colorado county sheriffs say they won’t comply with unconstitutional state gun grab bill

Gun Confiscation SWATing is all the rage with the Liberty Grabber Left and RINO’s. MRCTV profiles CO sheriffs standing up for Liberty. There are many deep philosophical reasons to oppose Gun Confiscation SWATing [aka ERPO, ‘Red Flag’ laws]. This is why a number of Colorado sheriffs are opposing these constitutionally abhorrent measures and are willing to put their freedom on the line to do so. In this video from a few days ago, Gardner Goldsmith , of MRCTV fame details how these lawmen of the state are standing up for freedom and our civil Liberties. These unnecessary laws have already lead to the death of an innocent man in Maryland . The fact is that Gun Confiscation SWATing is an unconstitutional solution to a non-existent problem .  Now, RINOs are getting into the act , with Lindsey Graham harming the 2nd Amendment supporting these laws. But let us check some of the worst aspects of these laws: The outright Lie that these laws are ‘urgently’ needed Existing laws on

Proving a far-left National Socialist Workers’ Party was a far-left National Socialist Workers’ Party – Part I

Recent events have illustrated the need to once again eviscerate a favorite myth of the left’s socialist national agenda. Some leftist lies refuse to die. One of their perennial favorites is the bizarre habit of claiming socialist nations are somehow ‘right wing’ or ‘conservative’ while in the throes of their inevitable collapse. The latest example is of course the socialist nation of Venezuela, but this scheme reaches back to the WWII era nation of Germany and a certain national socialist worker’s party. Repeating a lie doesn’t make it the truth Much like mythical zombies of the undead that arise again and again, this lie crops up in the news with tiresome regularity. The latest example being Robert Francis O’Rourke compares Trump to Nazis. Or the headline dripping with incredulity from the Daily Mail: Brazil’s President Bolsonaro says there is ‘no doubt’ Nazism was a leftist movement after visiting Holocaust museum in Israel . Those are just from recent days with the nation’s

Ami Horowitz: The Left and the KKK may be separate, but they are equal!

The more things change, the more they stay the same with Leftists judging people along racial lines. In a masterful example of the art of filmmaking, Ami Horowitz shows that the small portion of the population that comprises the Far-Left have the same misguided ideas about race relations as Democrats and the KKK had in the past. They cast themselves as paragons of virtue and tolerance who take the incredible stance of supporting segregation. It should be remembered that despite the Leftist propaganda, the Ku Klux Klan was formed by southern Democrats to keep African Americans and Republicans out of political power . The video begins with Leftist students of Columbia University agreeing with the abhorrent notions of segregation. Contrast this with the regular folks of the area being appalled at the idea reflecting the mainstream view of the issue. Then he interviews someone in agreement with the Leftist students of Columbia: A white supremacist and leader of the KKK. One of th

The Liberty Lexicon: Winning the argument with one word, Part I

Framing the argument is a critical aspect of the Individualist-Right winning the virtual cold war with the Collectivist-Left. We are in a war for the soul of the country and for freedom. At present it is a virtual cold war, with the Left is on the offensive using their inherent collectivist mindset to their advantage to try to set the terms of debate. It is critically important to recognize that in every conflict one side will develop new tactics and weapons that will be countered and adopted by the other in order to maintain parity. Such is the case with our present situation with the Collectivist-Left using certain words to their advantage as the weapons of the virtual war. Therefore it is imperative that we of the Individualist-Right develop and use the proper words in this virtual cold war. While this has been an ongoing project, beginning the write-up process had two inspirations. One the article Coming soon: Proper Narrative, LLC from JD Rucker . The other from Glenn Beck