Is China becoming more communist?

China Uncensored details how that communist nation is moving further Left pushing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

China Uncensored is almost a guilty pleasure of sorts, despite the name it’s has a hilarious combination of real news and cutting, sarcastic humour that makes for a very entertaining presentation of current events in communist China.

Leftists are the funniest people in the world – at least according to Leftists.

To be blunt about it, most if not all the Left’s socialist national agenda is based on false narratives with the subject of their skill in humour being no exception. They will tell you they are the funniest people around, and they would know because they are the funniest people around. They’ve cornered the market on comedy – as long as it denigrates the cause of Liberty or Conservatives. As is usually the case, this Leftist mythology fails to meet up with stark reality.
In the real world our emphasis on Liberty frees up any constraints on what is funny or even the topics that can be the discussed. Word has it that those of us on the Pro-Liberty Right ‘Meme’ better than the Left. The good people of China Uncensored show that we’re moving in to dominate this realm as well.
This recent episode detailed the communists moving further Left with a bonus of reference to the Go’auld of Stargate fame. It’s a very informative while being humorous while nailing collectivist proclivities to the wall, enjoy!

Originally published on the NOQ Report


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