Why does the national socialist-left overreact to the proper labeling of the Nazis as being far-left?

A recitation of basic historical facts will bring forth all manner of vitriol and condemnation from the left. Why is this the case?

Properly labeling the Nazis as a far-left National Socialist German Workers’ Party will bring forth a stunning overreaction from the nation’s socialist-left. Why do they overreact denying their past? Why is this one of the worst aspects of the cultural civil war being waged by the left?

Overreacting to history

The past few years have seen the Left become increasingly detached from reality with logical arguments verging further and further from their grasp, seeing them having to compensate for their abilities and lack of practical solutions with ad hominem attacks or childish invective. The worst examples being of the genre of the ‘debunking’ article or video of the statement of the facts of the Nazi party, with most beginning with vitriol unworthy of a 5-year-old. In many cases their circular logic has devolved down to there is no reason to debate those of us on the pro-liberty right because we are essentially wrong.
A debate on the biggest historical lies in modern history does bring forth a question in why the left overreacts to the discussion. Why do they care about the base ideology of a group of socialists that were only around for a mercifully short time, over 70 years ago? Are they terribly worried that the Nazis will be correctly identified as part of an ideology that has oppressed and deliberately murdered millions of people, thus tarring their reputation?

Leftists never directly explain why certain groups are ‘right-wing’

While they will often assert that fascism is some manifestation of extremism of the political right, they fail to explain why this is the case. They simply assert the presumption and quickly ‘move-on’ to issue further insults against the pro-liberty right. The best they can offer is that ‘fascist states practiced business-friendly economic policies’ or that certain people voted for them. Or it’s the shop-worn ‘rivalry’ talking point often trotted out by the left. The problem for the left is that none of those items even come close to proving the case no matter how many times they repeat them.
This is after all, the biggest lie in modern history and a complete reversal of the meaning of common words. Those kinds of extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, but leftists never even get up to the starting block. Leftists begin with the presumption that the Nazis were ‘right-wing’ and they simply repeat the charge ad nauseam, despite not having any to proof this is the case. It could just be a coincidence that historic falsehood just happens to absolve their side of the political spectrum of the worst horrors of WWII.
Leftists presume the Nazis were ‘right-wing’ since they were ‘right-wing’, simply because they were ‘right-wing’. With the magic of circular logic, anyone can be ‘right-wing’ because they are said to be ‘right-wing’. Start off with a one-line editorial and simply build on the presumption, never mind proving the case with facts.

Why does the Left tar their opposition as ‘right-wing’ no matter how it defies basic logic?

Stalin was the originator of casting his political opponents as fascists and supposedly ‘right-wing’ despite a dearth of evidence. So it’s not without the least bit of historic irony that one of the ‘reactionary’ articles on the issue makes the stunning revelation that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics under good old Uncle Jo was in fact a ‘right-wing terroristic totalitarian regime’. Yes indeed, in an article on the admittedly leftist site ‘Wrath-Bearing Tree’ in a piece entitled: No, Nazis were Not Leftists: Or, How to Debunk Right-Wing Propaganda. The author makes this stunning revelation – without evidence –overreacting to an article on the subject in The Federalist.
For those who shout “What about Stalin?!”, the answer is that the Soviet Union, especially under Stalin, was also a right-wing terroristic totalitarian regime, despite the supposed “leftism” of Communist ideology that could be traced back to said Enlightenment values. The Soviet Union was never really Communist in anything but name, but from the beginning governed as just another kleptocratic oligarachy much more authoritarian than any Tsar ever dreamed of. Vladimir Nabokov, in his memoirs, calls the Bolsheviks (who assassinated his father, by the way) “fascists.” So the answer is that the Nazis weren’t “leftist,” but that the Soviet Union was actually “rightist.”
[our emphasis]
It would seem that the nation’s socialist-left doesn’t tire of going to the well in trying to foster the ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ lie. A lie, they insist on maintaining with the socialist nation of Venezuela.

Who knew that Bernie Sanders was ‘Right-wing’?

Lest anyone consider those previous revelations to top the heap of the illogic of the Socialist-Left, we present this piece from World Socialist Web Site entitled: Bernie Sanders silent on Assange, vocal in promoting nationalism at Michigan, asserting that socialist Bernie Sanders is really ‘Right-wing’:
Seeking to attack Trump from the right and outdo the president’s appeal to chauvinism and xenophobia, the Vermont senator declared: “The NAFTA treaty that Trump renegotiated with Mexico will still allow companies like General Motors to send our jobs to Mexico.

Sanders’ silent support for the persecution of Assange and his promotion of nationalism arise from his pro-capitalist, pro-imperialist political orientation. These right-wing positions demonstrate that his real aim is not, as he claims, to lead a “political revolution” against the “billionaire class,” but to misdirect, disorient and suppress opposition among workers and young people by channeling it behind the corporate-controlled, pro-war Democratic Party.
[Our Emphasis]
Leftists will brand anyone they consider to be the opposition as ‘right-wing’ at the drop of a hat, just as they will overreact to any challenge to their ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ mythology. They maintain these tactics and outright lies for two closely related reasons. This is to protect their base ideology, and to balance out the butcher’s bill.

Protecting the ideology of socialism

An ideology based on ancient ideas enslaves, oppresses and has deliberately murdered over 100 million people with a track record of 400 years of failure somehow tends to get a bad reputation. So it only follows that its current votaries in trying to foist it on a new generation would seek to make it sound like something other than what has brought on the horrors of the past. It’s akin to a car dealership that at one was called Robert Francis O’Rourke’s used cars is now Beto’s better deals in trying to take in a new class of suckers.

Balancing out the butcher’s bill

Even worse than keeping their base ideology ‘pure’ by insisting that it’s never really been implemented correctly is their use of these lies to try to absolve its blood soaked history. The presumption being that even though various sundry Communists have killed millions, they can point to the Nazis in one of history’s more perverse forms of ‘whataboutism’.
It is for this reason that the national socialist left overreacts with such vehemence to the recitation of the truth. Given these facts from history, it is clear that the organized evil of the modern age redounds mostly to the left. They are the one with blood on their hands, even though they attempt to project it on others.

The Dangerous mystique of Nazism

There are two very dangerous effects of leftist attempts of constantly trying to rewrite history. One is that it provides a certain level of ‘mystique’ to the Nazis, Lending itself to those of a certain disaffected status to emulate this horrid ideology. This would be far less likely if the truth about this party wasn’t undergoing constant obscurement by the nation’s socialist-left.

Shedding some of the dark side of socialism

This leftist mythology also keeps the full horror of the record of socialism under wraps. Leftists will always insist on the ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ lie. But with the Nazis as part of their own, they can’t palm off some it horrors on the ‘right wing’. Thus new adherents aren’t repulsed by the horrific past of the left’s base ideology. There would be far fewer new minted socialists if they were apprised of the full truth of the collectivist ‘faith’.

The Takeaway

There is a very good reason the national socialist-left overreacts to anyone daring to bring up certain historical facts. While it’s a part of the ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ lie, it also provides them with a convenient excuse for the deprivations of those nations that are at least for now acknowledged as leftist by the left. Soon enough they will try to work their magic in rewriting history to somehow term failed socialist nations to be somehow ‘right wing’. So at least in their minds, their base ideology will be left unsullied by oppression and deliberate mass murder.
For everyone else, the truth is becoming manifest, that the myriad variations in collectivism have all failed with horrific results for millions of people. We have reached the end of the age of experimentation in government. Those predicated on individual liberty and economic freedom are vastly superior to those based on collectivism and economic slavery. The truth of the matter will bare this out, leaving the socialist-left out in the cold as they deserve.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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