Video classic: Jordan Peterson on the ‘That wasn’t really Communism’ fallacy

Famed psychologist Jordan Peterson eviscerates the tired old lie from the national socialist Left.

Fans and soon-to-be-fans of Dr. Jordan B Peterson will love this classic video when he specifically eviscerates one of the Left’s biggest lies, that collectivists of the past weren’t really collectivists as a desperate attempt at saving their vile ideology from the proper judgement of history. The Left’s ongoing effort at selling a new generation into socialistic slavery relies on three main myths to account for its 100% record of failure of 400 years.
  • ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ [or one of it’s 40 plus aliases].
  • Certain Scandinavian nations are supposedly socialist.
  • Normal government functions are socialism.
The ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ has been around for decades with one of the most obscene examples the denial of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party as being a National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Of course, the Left had some success at changing the meaning of basic words so they have continued the practice to the present, trying to pretend that the socialist nation of Venezuela isn’t really socialist.
The proper definition of the Nazis as Leftists has been accomplished a number of times in books and articles here, here and of course here. But the nation’s Left continues to persist in trying to perpetrate this historic lie. The problem for them is that they’ve gone to the well too many times on this one, with most people refusing to buy into their basic denial of reality.
Their desperation to salvage ideology from the proper judgement of history has seen them try the second lie. Unfortunately for them, the Scandinavian countries have destroyed this mythology with the latest example from PragU. Finally, the most absurd excuse for the colossal failure of collectivism over 4 centuries has been the attempts at claiming normal government functions are collectivism. Leftists just change the basic word definitions and viola! We’re all collectivists! Of course, one could change collectivism to mean a pastrami on rye and every deli in the nation would have to raise the red flag of socialism.

Eviscerating the ‘That wasn’t really socialism [or one of it’s 40 plus aliases]’

While he talked about this subject a number of times, this version is by far the best, punctuated by an exhortation that cuts through the usual Leftist pablum on the subject:
This is an excerpt from the full talk, available at the posting of the video on YouTube.
This is a transcript of the relevant portion reported on xyz:
“And then when the Marxists say, “well that wasn’t real Marxism,” what it really means, and I’ve thought about this for a long time, it’s the most arrogant possible statement anyone could ever make, it means:
“If I would have been in Stalin’s position I would have ushered in the damn utopia instead of the genocidal massacres, because I understand the doctrine of Marxism and everything about me is good.”
“..Well think again sunshine, you don’t understand it. You don’t understand it, and you’re not that good, and if the power was in your hands, assuming you had the competence, which you don’t, you wouldn’t have done any better, and even if you had there would have been someone else right behind you to shoot you the first time you tried to do anything good.”
[Our emphasis]

The takeaway.

We’ve always known that the Left will go to any lengths at salvaging their failed ideological scam. However, most of these desperate undertakings are doomed to failure just as any further attempts at resurrecting collectivist failure.
Soon enough, people see through these self serving lies, just as they see that socialism is just a fraud to expand government to authoritarian levels with Leftists in control. This is why they need to be defeated and their vile ideology banished from the pantheon of viable governmental forms.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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