
Showing posts from March, 2019

Gun Confiscation image Reference March 2019

[Reverse chronological order] National Journal ‏Verified account @nationaljournal Senator Kirsten Gillibrand once had an “A” rating from the NRA, but now it’s an “F.” See how her views on gun control have evolved with this explainer: 11:06 AM - 21 Mar 2019 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ‏Verified account @AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Retweeted IndyStar You know, instead of training children, teachers, houses of faith, & concertgoers to prep for being shot, we could just: -Pass Universal Background checks (#HR8!) -Disarm domestic abusers -Mandate safe storage -Ban bump stocks, semiautos, & high cap mags designed to kill people 6:50 PM - 21 Mar 2019 Craig Caplan ‏Verified account @CraigCaplan Senate Judiciary Top Democrat Feinstein on New Zealand assault weapons ban: “To New Zea

Gun Confiscation Reference March 2019

[Reverse chronological order] Craig Caplan ‏Verified account @CraigCaplan Senate Judiciary Top Democrat Feinstein on New Zealand assault weapons ban: “To New Zealand & every other country that took steps to reduce gun violence, congratulations. US needs to follow these examples & take action to protect Americans from this deadly public health scourge.” 9:29 AM - 21 Mar 2019   Bernie Sanders ‏Verified account @BernieSanders Bernie Sanders Retweeted The Washington Post This is what real action to stop gun violence looks like. We must follow New Zealand's lead, take on the NRA and ban the sale and distribution of assault weapons in the United States. Bernie Sanders added, The Washington Post Verified account @washingtonpost New Zealand bans military-style rifles, prime minister says just six days after 50 killed in mosque attacks

Students support socialism… but not when it comes to their GPAs

Campus Reform discovered that students only want property redistribution when it’s other people’s property that’s being redistributed. Almost everyone has suspected that many of the national Socialist-Left are favorable to other people’s money being ‘redistributed’ to them in the form of free-healthcare, free-college, free-housing, free-food, free-vacations and of course, free money. But when it comes to the results of their hard work and toil being taken at gunpoint for the same purpose, they suddenly change their tune. Such is the case when Cabot Phillips traveled to Florida International University in Miami to test a theory. Students overly enamored with the fraudulent ideology of socialism on college campuses these days suddenly change their principles when it’s their property being ‘redistributed’. They were all in favor of all the ‘free goodies’ of socialism until hard reality gobsmacked them, howbeit that money and property has to be taken from other people to fulfil t

Venezuela IS socialism

John Stossel destroys the ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ lie from the Left on the socialist nation of Venezuela. Once again the national Socialist-Left is at it again with their ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ or ‘that wasn’t socialist because it wasn’t done correctly’ game this time with the socialist nation of Venezuela. Their little game of lies began 70 odd years ago with their blatantly trying to deny the reality that a National Socialist German Workers’ Party [National sozialistische deutsche Arbeiter -Partei ] was actually National Socialist German Workers’ Party. This continues to the present with a good example being a USA Today story on Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks reads from Hilter’s ‘Mein Kampf’ while bashing Democrats, media stating that: Brooks’ emphasis on socialism in Germany appeared to be an attempt to link socialism with the Democratic Party — even though Nazis were not, in fact, socialists. They, along with Hitler, were fascists, essentially the opp

PragerU: The left ruins everything

Dennis Prager makes the point that Leftists parasitically feed off that which has been built up by others. In his latest video, Dennis Prager lays out the case that Leftists are generally incapable of building on their own and instead have to use up that produced by others. Please note that as always he makes the distinction between Leftism and Liberalism. A distinction many on the Pro-Liberty Right fail to make, lumping many supportive of individual liberty in with those of the collectivist mindset. Many have the unfortunate tendency to use a ‘word salad’ in describing the nation’s party in opposition to Liberty. Referring to Leftists as being ‘progressive’ or ‘Liberal’ in one instance, then ‘democratic’ the next, followed by using the correct term in another. “The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call

First they came for the gun owners….

…but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t own a gun. One of the more infuriating aspects of the Left’s game of denying reality with their little ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ is that there are distinct parallels between their agenda and that of other socialist nations, past and present. They all have a similar process of imposing socialistic slavery with a specific national agenda. A key part being the deprivation of the means of self-defense to their citizens and those who posses these means. Denying the right of self-defense is a fundamental aspect of socialism It is a fact of history that gun confiscation is an integral part of implementing of a socialist national agenda. The USSR required the people to turn in their guns, as did the German national socialist worker’s party . As was Fidel Castro’s response in the question of whether the people should have guns as or the United Socialist Party of Venezuela confiscating guns from the people for their own safety, of course.

Immortalising terrorism with gun confiscation will only result in more terrorism

Is it fair to punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty? Word has it that Jacinda Ardern the Prime Minister of New Zealand will immediately punish millions of innocent people with the taking of their property – at effective gunpoint no less. The plan is to grab the guns first and legislate later. Being that this is exactly what the terrorist wanted, it is the wrong thing to do from a practical and moral standpoint. Practical because as the miscreant stated, it could have used any number of means to kill people. It is immoral because millions of innocent people will have to pay the price for its insane actions. They will not only be deprived of their property, but they will be left helpless in the face of criminals and terrorists who by definition do not comply with the law. Why is tyranny quick to exploit a tragedy? The Prime Minister had stated that previous attempts at depriving the people of their human rights failed to gain any traction. This time in the midst of

Rewarding terrorism: Why are we encouraging mass murder with more liberty control?

Does it ever occur to the Left that depriving the people of the ability to defend themselves is exactly what the terrorists want? Solving any type of problem begins with the proper determination of the cause of the problem. Mistakenly ascribing the wrong cause only serves to make the situation far worse because the wrong solutions are then applied. The cause of the recent phenomena of mass murder attacks is a perverse desire for fame. This is why the miscreant in the recent tragedy in New Zealand posted a ‘manifesto’ and live streamed his horrific and cowardly actions. [Please note that we are not using his name or image]. This is also why he came out in favour of liberty [gun] control. Rewarding behavior results in more of that behavior Consider that the reprobates who perpetrate these attacks desperately want to make a name for themselves. Most people in this world want to do something positive to achieve fame. Some compete in athletic events, cure disease or work to solve s

Memo to the leftists: You don’t really have to exploit every serious crisis

The nation’s Left needs to know that trying to politicize and exploit every tragedy will only serve to further divide the country. Word comes in over the wire of a tragedy and the twin emotions of horror and dread take over. Horror that people have died and dread knowing that certain elements of our society will jump into the fray trying to exploit the attack for maximum political effect following this tragedy. Within minutes of the news breaking on the mass murder in Christchurch, New Zealand, the usual suspects sprang into action trying to callously use the deaths of other people for their crass political gain. The infuriating reaction to the Judeo-Christian action of offering thoughts and prayers Our political discourse has devolved down to talking point shorthand meant to ‘Rahm’ certain agenda items down our throats without consideration of human tragedy that has taken place. There is no better exemplification of this than the usual controversy of offering ‘Thoughts and P

The Republicans: An opposition party in name only

The GOP pushing unnecessary and unconstitutional Liberty restriction laws epitomizes a party that has lost its way It is one of our guiding principles to try to offer unique perspectives on the news of the day, avoiding the echo chamber effect that seems to permeate the rest of the Media. In light of that, consider the point that was part of Tucker Carlson’s statement last night ‘that the Republicans in Washington do a fairly credible imitation of an opposition party’ . This is not going to be on that controversy, but on the larger and far more important point that he raised. The Republicans are increasingly becoming an ‘opposition party’ in name only. Granted it’s been a long time coming, these days they regularly turn their backs on their limited government principles in joining with the Socialist-Left to see how high they can make the deficit fly. They only make half-hearted attempts at their solemnly repeated campaign promises and they are letting the Left push the Overton win

PragerU’s Will Witt: The best way to ‘beat the left’ is to make friends with liberals

Liberals and Conservatives are allies in the conservation of Liberty and individual rights. We are in a battle for the soul of the country and for the conservation of Liberty. It is vitally important that we recognize that Leftists and Liberals are diametrically opposed. Leftists are of the collectivist mindset while true Liberals are of the individualist mindset as are Conservatives. True Liberals are our allies in the fight against the Socialist-Left in their quest to attain absolute power. It only makes sense that we refrain from insulting our allies in the defense of Liberty by using the word Liberal [or it’s variations] as a pejorative. Originally published on the NOQ Report

The Ludwig von Mises quote that exposes the rank hypocrisy of the Socialist-Left

We look at how a quote from Ludwig von Mises perfectly summarises the Left’s hypocritical nature. “The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!” Ludwig von Mises The quote from Ludwig von Mises perfectly epitomizes the duplicity of the Socialist-Left. These are people who are incapable of being honest about their fraudulent base ideology of socialism. Using a n

Gun Confiscation SWATing: Shooting down due process

A new video from the Firearms Policy Coalition highlights the dangers to Liberty and due process posed by so-called ‘Red Flag’ Laws. Gun confiscation SWATing, Extreme risk protective orders or so-call ‘Red Flag’ Laws are all the rage of the Liberty grabber Left and RINO’s these days. It’s bad enough that these unnecessary and unconstitutional violations of everyone’s due process rights are being ‘Rahmed’ through on a state level. But both the US House and Senate have their own versions. The latter co-sponsored by Senator Marco ‘RINO’ Rubio (R-FL) with the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on March 26 . In a case of trying to solve a rare but emotionally charged problem, these will only serve to create an even bigger problem destroying several civil and human rights in the process. We’ve already established that this type of legislation is unnecessary since Involuntary Civil Commitment laws that protect due process rights are already on the books. Thus we hav

The top 5 interconnected mythologies of socialism

These are the top 5 myths the Left uses in peddling their socialistic snake oil. We destroy them in turn. The national socialist media is now torn between two diametric goals: Trying to keep up at least the appearance of objectivity while fostering the Left’s base ideology. The second goal directly conflicts with the first, therefore they need to be careful in how they sell the fraud of socialism [or one of it’s aliases: collectivism, communism, ‘democratic’ socialism, Fabianism, fascism, Leninism, Utopian socialism, etc]. Meanwhile socialist Venezuela is a constant reminder that their ancient ideas do not work. Thus they have to try to sell these wonderful new ancient ideas while trying to explain away their non-functional reality. If they could just convince people that socialist Venezuela really isn’t socialist, they won’t have to explain why those people are starving in the dark, having to eat garbage. The NSM is openly advocating socialism New York magazine has gone

How to debate right-wingers (satire)

A parody of how those of the Socialist-Left are incapable of debating their morally bankrupt ideology. Humor always needs a ring of truth, in the case of this hilarious parody, it’s a resounding bong for anyone who have dealt with those of Socialist-Left in any capacity. While it is amusing, there is also a disturbing element in that one could easily imagine this sort of indoctrination taking place at all levels of academia. The instructor’s assertion that people who disagree with socialism and that they should shut down the conversation the exploitation of the all too common tactic of discrediting them by hurling the racism or sexism charge. Or accusing their opponent of being funded by dodgy dark money that doesn’t really mean anything but casts their opponent in a bad light. They are told those kinds of responses also work well when confronted by someone using facts and statistics.. The use of the ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ in response to anyone bringing up Venezuela

Resolution 1776: The Red, White and Blue New Deal

A response to the attempt by the Left to sell socialistic slavery under the false pretense of environmentalism. This is in response to the challenge issued by nation’s favorite socialist and budding authoritarian to come up with something better than the insanity, mass death and misery of the so-called ‘Green New Deal’. Never mind that she cannot manage to follow her own dictates. They consider themselves to be better than we of the great unwashed, being morally correct and all, so why should they have to follow the rules? Our alternative is immensely superior to her ancient ideas with 400 years of failure. it’s called Economic Liberty. Simply stated, socialism is a fraudulent ideology that promises all manner of largess, but never delivers on its Utopian vision. In the case of the ‘GND’ the scheme includes hilariously insane ideas for ocean-wide train travel, rebuilding every structure in the country, getting rid of cow flatulence and free stuff funded by gold coins made

Capitalism vs. Socialism

Two videos compare Economic Liberty to Socialistic Slavery with the logical comparison coming out just as expected. One of the benefits – aside from sheer entertainment value – of having certain socialists as prominent celebrities is that we are finally having debates over which is the better system: Economic Liberty or Socialistic Slavery. The latest PragerU video conducts a direct comparison between the two systems, destroying a few Leftist mythologies along the way such as that the Scandinavian countries are socialist. The presenter makes that point that the Economic Liberty of the free enterprise system places the people in control. While that control under a system of socialistic slavery is in the hands of the power elite. Mark Levin also made the point on why centrally controlled economies always control people in a recent radio commentary. The results of this open debate haven’t been favorable to the national socialist Left with a recent poll from NBC News/Wall St

Peak Projection: Who knew that favoring Liberty meant that you wanted to confiscate guns?

The Liberty Grabber Left has perfected the art of projection to the point of sheer absurdity. Does anyone remember how the Left used to make cogent arguments in favor of their policy proposals? We neither. Way, way back when, they could make a sensible argument when their ideas made sense. Now they just parrot the worst ideas of the USSR or national socialist worker’s party of Germany and expect to be lauded for the effort. The problem with going way out Left is that they have no other place to go to when called out on an issue. As of late, they have fallen back on the tired old tactic of accusing their opposition of what they are doing – in spades. Whether it’s hurling the racism or sexism charge at the drop of a KKK hood, or questioning everyone else’s veracity, they’ve refined the art form to facepalming perfection. Problem is that projection only works for a little while and then talk begins about sending in the men in the white coats to have them ensconced in a padded