The Republicans: An opposition party in name only

The GOP pushing unnecessary and unconstitutional Liberty restriction laws epitomizes a party that has lost its way

It is one of our guiding principles to try to offer unique perspectives on the news of the day, avoiding the echo chamber effect that seems to permeate the rest of the Media. In light of that, consider the point that was part of Tucker Carlson’s statement last night ‘that the Republicans in Washington do a fairly credible imitation of an opposition party’. This is not going to be on that controversy, but on the larger and far more important point that he raised.
The Republicans are increasingly becoming an ‘opposition party’ in name only. Granted it’s been a long time coming, these days they regularly turn their backs on their limited government principles in joining with the Socialist-Left to see how high they can make the deficit fly. They only make half-hearted attempts at their solemnly repeated campaign promises and they are letting the Left push the Overton window so far Left that it would make Robert Owen fume with anger.

Is it Representatives in name only or Republicans in name only or both?

Perhaps we are incorrect on this point, but it was understood at one time that the politicians we send to Washington D.C. are supposed to ‘represent’ the interests of the people who sent them. Hence the terms ‘Representative Republic’ and ‘House of Representatives’.
Generally speaking, at least the majority of the people in districts represented by Republicans would prefer to keep the vestiges of the Bill of Rights, with specific emphasis on the Right of Due Process and the Right to be confronted with the witnesses making an accusation.

With RINOs as ‘friends’ who needs enemies?

The rollover Republicans have only served to embolden the Left since they see little opposition to the pushing of their socialist national agenda. Even worse, we have ‘Republicans’ helping out the gun grabbers in setting their agenda in denigrating the cause of Liberty.
This is epitomised with the push for the codifying of Gun Confiscation SWATing on a national level. With Marko ‘RINO’ Rubio (R-FL) co-sponsoring a bill  that could permanently damage the bedrock principle of due process. Better yet, we now have Lindsey Graham 1.0 (R-SC) helping out the Left in destroying our basic civil Liberties with hearings on the same subject.
The story now is that we have an urgent situation that there are those out there who pose a danger to themselves and others and we don’t have any means to do anything about it. That we must act quickly to put in place measures to handle these situations. Because the need is so dire, we don’t have time to honour the niceties of commonsense civil rights. As Trump stated infamously: “take guns first and worry about ‘due process second’”

Gun Confiscation SWATing laws are STILL unnecessary and unconstitutional power grabs.

We’ve documented how the supposed urgent necessity for these laws is based on a lie since there are statutes on the books for Involuntary Civil Commitment such as the Chapter 394 of the Florida Mental Health Act known as “The Florida Mental Health Act” or “The Baker Act.” For example.
These laws are already in existence, hence there is no need or urgency to layer more unconstitutional laws on top.

Gun Confiscation SWATing a.k.a. ‘Red Flag’ Laws had no effect murder or suicide.

Even worse than the fact that these laws are wholly unnecessary since there are already laws on the books for Involuntary Civil Commitment or that they infringe on half the Bill of rights is that they have no effect in the very rationale for their implementation.
Consider the abstract for a recently published paper from Dr. John Lott and Professor Carl Moody have new research on the Red Flag Laws/Extreme Risk Protective Orders:
Red flag laws had no significant effect on murder, suicide, the number of people killed in mass public shootings, robbery, aggravated assault, or burglary. There is some evidence that rape rates rise. These laws apparently do not save lives.

The Takeaway

In the past the Republicans rolling over for the Left meant a few minor changes in policy. We are now entering a stage where these minor changes are becoming extremely serious. An ‘opposition’ party rolling over for the Left bent on the destruction of Liberty does not portend well for the future of our representative republic.
An opposition party has to stand for something, not for the empowerment of Left with new laws that are unnecessary and unconstitutional. Who knows what it’ll mean for the future of the nation and the world at large if the GOP doesn’t change course.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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