Resolution 1776: The Red, White and Blue New Deal

A response to the attempt by the Left to sell socialistic slavery under the false pretense of environmentalism.

This is in response to the challenge issued by nation’s favorite socialist and budding authoritarian to come up with something better than the insanity, mass death and misery of the so-called ‘Green New Deal’. Never mind that she cannot manage to follow her own dictates. They consider themselves to be better than we of the great unwashed, being morally correct and all, so why should they have to follow the rules?

Our alternative is immensely superior to her ancient ideas with 400 years of failure. it’s called Economic Liberty.

Simply stated, socialism is a fraudulent ideology that promises all manner of largess, but never delivers on its Utopian vision. In the case of the ‘GND’ the scheme includes hilariously insane ideas for ocean-wide train travel, rebuilding every structure in the country, getting rid of cow flatulence and free stuff funded by gold coins made from unicorn droppings.
Thus, we have spared no expense – meaning none – in developing our own blurry ‘vision’ in response. This is Resolution 1776: The Red White and Blue New Deal or RWBND for short [pronounced ‘RoWBeND’ or something.]. Stipulating that this isn’t really a ‘deal’, unlike the Left we recognise that we have no right to lay claim to other people’s money, much less dole it out for the purpose of buying votes. We are also proudly using the colors of the flag, unlike the 2020 Democratic presidential contenders.
Is the nation ready to revive the American Conservative Movement?
Our option is based on clear thinking or its best semi-serious approximation with practical solutions that could work in the real world as opposed to ocean bottom train travel. We also won’t be so presumptuous to assume that we can halt a natural process driven by the sun that has taken place for eons. This will address the far more pressing issue of those trying to attain power with farcical promises of wealth redistribution entailing free health care, free college, free housing, free food, free park visitation, free day-care, free income and of course, free unicorn rides for all in lieu of airline travel.
The people’s [how is that for being pretentious?] Resolution 1776: The Red, White and Blue New Deal
Recognising the duty of the Feral Government to create a Red White and Blue New Deal [RWBND] to finally rid humanity of the scourge of socialism.
(1) Whereas the endemic fraud of socialism has been the existential threat to Liberty for over 400 years, finding that:
(A) It has its roots reaching back to at least 2,400 years ago in ancient Greece, discussed in classic works such as Plato’s ‘Republic’.
(B) Said classic work also referenced 500 years ago in book 1 of ‘Utopia’ authored by Sir Thomas More, collectivists admit that this as the ‘first theoretical expression of a genuinely socialist position’
(C) Said ideas inspiring the first experiments in the vile concept [oops, did we say that out loud?] 400 years ago in the first colonies of the Americas with Jamestown colony in 1607 and Plymouth colony in 1620.
(D) The first use of the word ‘socialism’ being from almost 200 years ago in another of its failed experiments in the town of New Harmony, Indiana in 1825.
(F) Other experiments in this fraudulent ideology having taken place over the past 400 years, including those in Albania, Angola, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Nicaragua, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Russia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Ukraine. [Just to name a few.]

Whereas the fraud of socialism has been the direct cause of untold human misery, oppression and violent death in this span of experimentation of over 400 years:

(1) The unfulfilled promises made to sell the fraud of socialism to new generations (such as in the Green New Deal) have necessitated the implementation of secret police apparatus to suppress discontent over these unfulfilled promises.
(A) That instead of bringing about ‘fairness’ and ‘equality’ the societal slavery of socialism has served to enrich the power elite of these collectivist systems.
(B) That the severe economic hardship imposed by the fraud of socialism have forced people to eat children, pets, zoo animals and garbage to survive.
(C) That to suppress the people who have fallen for the grandiose promises of ‘democratic’ socialism, secret police apparatus have instituted wholesale arrest, torture and imprisonment of untold millions of people.
(D) In addition to this, many of these experiments in socialistic slavery have resorted to using the mental health apparatus to also suppress dissent.
(F) That to maintain this suppression these experiments in societal slavery have instituted systems of deliberate mass murder on an industrial scale resulting in well over 100 million dead.
Whereas, to carry out this oppression and deliberate mass murder on an unimaginable scale, the purveyors of the fraudulent ideology of socialism obsess over having the government in control of its own constraints (referred to in this preamble as “systemic injustices”) the nation’s Socialist-Left (referred to in this preamble as “Reds”);
Whereas, basic human rights such as the commonsense human right of self-defence enumerated in the 2nd amendment of the US Constitution as a right of the People to keep and bear arms (referred to in this preamble as “The commonsense human right of self-preservation”);
Whereas, The commonsense human right of self-preservation poses a direct threat to the redistributionist policies of the Reds, they obsess over the destruction of this basic human right.
(1) This obsession with destroying said basic human right consisting of the following ‘progression’.
(A) Unconstitutional control over private property with Intergalactic Background Checks. [Or one it’s multiple aliases: Universal, Enhanced, Strengthened, etc.]
(B) Demands that the country’s subjects obtain permission from the government in order to exercise said basic human right (hereafter known as ‘registration’)
(C) Implementing unnecessary and unconstitutional gun confiscation (hereafter known as ‘gun confiscation SWATing’ or so-called ‘Red Flag’ laws).
(D) Followed by wholesale gun confiscation as demanded by the ‘Reds’ while still maintaining the false pretence of supporting a basic human right.
Whereas Red is the color most associated with socialism and the party of the Democrats was clearly the more socialistic of the two major parties.
Whereas, the nation’s Socialist-Left (referred to in this preamble as “Reds”); are enamoured with the prospect of a Utopia as was the case in the USSR, North Korea and currently in Venezuela and desperately want to participate in the deprivation and death of a socialist ‘Utopia’ we propose the following hereafter known as the RWBND Mobilization.
Whereas; since only a small percentage of the nation wants to enslave itself in the misery and death of socialism portions of some of the several states will be set aside for this purpose designated as being Red zones or Red states.
(1) Inspired by the odd effort to sell off Montana and in order to bring about the wondrous Utopian vision of a ‘Heaven on earth’ the socialist Red zone portions of the People’s Republic of California will be sold off the Mexico to pay off the national debt.
(2) The socialist Red portions of New York and possibly other similar states will be sold off to Canada to also pay off the national debt.
(A) Those dwelling in these Socialist-Red states enamoured with high taxes on other people, gun free zones for other people, severe restrictions on energy use for other people and the other Liberty destructive measures of socialistic slavery will swap places with those Liberty minded in the now designated Socialist-Red states.
(B) After the specified mobilization time period those in the Socialist-Red states will be required to remain where they are since they will now be experiencing the sheer joy of socialistic slavery that they wanted to forcibly impose on other people as has been the case in North Korea and Venezuela.
(C) Since most sane people will soon want to escape the societal slavery of the Socialist-Red States after experiencing the vestiges of these states, including but not limited to constant surveillance, oppression, starvation, torture, imprisonment and mass death; walls will be built by the Reds to keep those people confined as has been always the case.

The Takeaway

We hope that this thought experiment in political humor will be sufficient to convince the 18% enamored with the fraud of socialism the reason why the rest of the population despises its organised evil.
One last question directed at the 18%: Does it make any sense to throw away an admittedly flawed, but exceptional system that brought about our modern world and lifted untold millions out of poverty? Replacing it with a system based on ancient ideas that have never worked and have only brought untold misery, oppression and death upon mankind?

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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