The top 5 interconnected mythologies of socialism

These are the top 5 myths the Left uses in peddling their socialistic snake oil. We destroy them in turn.

The national socialist media is now torn between two diametric goals: Trying to keep up at least the appearance of objectivity while fostering the Left’s base ideology. The second goal directly conflicts with the first, therefore they need to be careful in how they sell the fraud of socialism [or one of it’s aliases: collectivism, communism, ‘democratic’ socialism, Fabianism, fascism, Leninism, Utopian socialism, etc].
Meanwhile socialist Venezuela is a constant reminder that their ancient ideas do not work. Thus they have to try to sell these wonderful new ancient ideas while trying to explain away their non-functional reality. If they could just convince people that socialist Venezuela really isn’t socialist, they won’t have to explain why those people are starving in the dark, having to eat garbage.

The NSM is openly advocating socialism

New York magazine has gone all in with a cover that asks ‘When Did Everyone Become a Socialist?’ In the case of the Washington Post, they chose to run through some ‘myths’ that were ostensibly of a ‘fact checking nature’. This is their way of taking on the imprimatur of object truth teller while selling the fraud of socialism, attempting to wring a last bit of advocacy out of what remains of their tattered objectivity. Thus inspired by their example we will address the critical myths rather than issues no one talks about such as ‘Socialism is a single coherent ideology’.

Myth number 1: Failed Socialist regimes of the past or present ‘weren’t really socialist’

This is one of the most encountered falsehoods, it stretches back to several decades to the nations of pre-W.W.II Europe in connection to a regime run by a National Socialist Worker’s Party. The myth is that this Socialist Worker’s Party wasn’t really a Socialist Worker’s Party has filled volumes, but keep in mind this was a regime steeped in collectivism to the point that they had the slogan: Gemeinnutz Vor Eigennutz on their coinage, translated as Common good before Individual good.
Leftists love to play games with words, whether it’s Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate crisis or the number of euphemisms or aliases for socialism. They change the terms and change the debate: ‘that was communism, this is socialism’ or ‘that was socialism, this is democratic socialism’. It’s all the same fraudulent dead-end, but Leftists cast it like a product with a terrible reputation in new packaging, that is somehow different.
That Leftist denial of reality served as the prototype to a tactic that is still being exploited. The usual pattern is that a new socialist regime will be lauded such as that for the new minted USSR or the more recent example of the socialist Venezuela. Later on when it all implodes the typical ad hoc rescue is that some aspect somehow made it non-socialist after the fact.

Myth number 2: Those who oppose Socialism [or one of its aliases] don’t know anything about the subject

This is the usual go-to retort for most arguments from the Left, a subtle variation of the typical ad hominem attack. Aside from the Leftist commandment that one shall not generalise, except when they want do it such as accusing everyone on the right of being racist. It is at best highly questionable to make a statement based on information that it is unavailable on a limited basis. At worst, it is an outright lie. It is beyond that to make a blanket statement on millions of people based on data that is impossible for anyone to have. Of course, the Leftist rejoinder is to simply use circular logic as justification for their lies, but delving into all of this is beyond the scope of this discussion.

Myth number 3: Socialism [or one of its aliases] is a functional governmental system

A cursory look at history is all one should need to answer this question, which is why lie number one is so prevalent. If it actually worked, there would be no need to deny that systems of socialistic slavery weren’t or aren’t actually socialism.
It is manifestly obvious that socialism [or one of its aliases] does not work, the stack of over 100 million bodies of it’s victims should be the first clue. Four hundred years of failure is also convincing along with the need in those systems to have a very heavy police apparatus to keep the people in line.

Myth number 4: Certain Scandinavian countries ARE really ‘socialist’

This is one of the Left’s go-to deflections when the subject of the failure of socialist Venezuela or any socialist system crops up. It is usually tightly partnered with the ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ lie. Suffice it to say, many have eviscerated this lie, It’s been debunked too many times to count:
Capitalism vs. Socialism
Economists in Denmark to America: Yeah, We’re Not Socialist
The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism
The Nordic Democratic-Socialist Myth
Democratic Socialism Doesn’t Exist: Like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, Democratic Socialism Exists Only in Myth
These small, culturally harmonious nations have a good work ethic with the cost of their defense needs footed by the US Taxpayer. It also helps that they are blessed with mineral wealth that can fund an extensive welfare state with low expenditures on defense.

Myth number 5: Normal public functions of government are socialism

This exploits the absurd post-modernistic idea that words have no meaning. Thus they can define socialism as anything they want – think of it as Trans-collectivism. On this case, it would be LGBTOLeninism, Guild socialism, Bolshevism, Totalitarianism, Owenism.
For those whole dwell in the real world, socialism has a specific definition that doesn’t include normal governmental functions. That fact doesn’t stop Leftists from exploiting this myth to try to shame anyone who uses the roads or Libraries.

The Takeaway

Anyone who has dealt with the socialist-Left has most likely encountered one or all of these myths in some sequence. They are all mutually supporting, if you point out the plain fact that socialism doesn’t work, they will claim you don’t know what you’re talking about or that it works in Scandinavia. Knock those down and the ‘you’re a socialist if you drive on the roads’ myth will be thrown in your face. Circle back to one of the far too many failed experiments in the fraud of socialism [or one of it’s aliases] and the ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ will be used.
Were the fraud of socialism [or one of its aliases] a viable system, there would be no need for all of these interconnected mythologies. While it is far from perfect, the free enterprise system of economic Liberty is vastly superior to that of socialism, it just doesn’t fraudulently promise free stuff at the cost of individual Liberty.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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