How to debate right-wingers (satire)

A parody of how those of the Socialist-Left are incapable of debating their morally bankrupt ideology.

Humor always needs a ring of truth, in the case of this hilarious parody, it’s a resounding bong for anyone who have dealt with those of Socialist-Left in any capacity. While it is amusing, there is also a disturbing element in that one could easily imagine this sort of indoctrination taking place at all levels of academia.
The instructor’s assertion that people who disagree with socialism and that they should shut down the conversation the exploitation of the all too common tactic of discrediting them by hurling the racism or sexism charge. Or accusing their opponent of being funded by dodgy dark money that doesn’t really mean anything but casts their opponent in a bad light. They are told those kinds of responses also work well when confronted by someone using facts and statistics..
The use of the ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ in response to anyone bringing up Venezuela or North Korea was the best part of the video by far. It is unfortunate that Leftists viewing this probably won’t see themselves in this behaviour. These kinds of tactics by the national socialist Left are the reason the NPC meme is so devastating for them.
Of course, the ‘That wasn’t really socialism’ line is the only excuse remaining for the Left. A flimsy and extremely convenient falsehood that doesn’t mean anything since systems of socialistic slavery follow the same pattern on the road to failure.
Hat Tip: Front Page Mag 

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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