
Showing posts from January, 2019

What if abortion were treated like the 2nd Amendment?

No one will care about your rights if you do not care about their rights. Let us begin this conversation with the question: What is the most important Constitutional Amendment? The answer is the one you care about in the least. Because if you don’t care about someone else’s rights, why should they care about yours? Granted, abortion isn’t an enumerated right, so it’s elevation over the 2nd amendment is even more perplexing. What would it look like if we applied the same restrictions to that which the Left considers to be untouchable? We are in the midst of a universal assault on the commonsense human right of self-defense. Attacks against a Constitutionally affirmed civil right coming from every direction. Leftist Liberty grabbers are demanding the imposition of Intergalactic Background checks on a Federal level on one flank. While on the other they are demanding unconstitutional and wholly unnecessary new powers to implement the practice of gun confiscation SWATing on the o

Meet FAES: One set of oppressors keeping the Venezuelan socialists in power

Collectivism can only be imposed by force. Meet the worst of the worst in the Venezuelan version. Despite 400 years of obvious failure, Leftists still persist in denying that socialism has ever been tried. The problem for them is that their base ideology has certain recurring aspects that are found every time it has been tried, aspects such as the redistribution of wealth, disarming the people, and the imposition of a police state. In the case of the failed socialist nation of Venezuela, the latter is particularly egregious with a number of agencies and groups in and out of the government that oppress the people on a daily basis. A recent report in the Caracas Chronicles detailed the FAES a special brigade of the Policía Nacional Bolivariana [PNB] They arrive at night. They break down doors and windows, they sweep residential areas with gunfire and deploy snipers on the roofs. “The commandos are coming!” “It’s FAES! It’s FAES!”, while jackboots run up the barrio stairs. Long,

Here is the definitive timeline for the Covington Catholic run in at the Lincoln Memorial

Glenn Beck put together the definitive video of what happened before the #MAGAkids incident. [Language warning] For those not of the Leftist Media who would like to get the full story of the #MAGAkids incident. Glenn Beck and his staff painstakingly went through all the available video to put together a timeline of what took place in the hours before the short, out of context video was recorded. It puts the controversy in perspective and answers the question of what happened. Editor’s Note: This is the most comprehensive analysis and honest explanation of the events leading up the famous viral video that I’ve seen so far. Whether you like Glenn Beck or not, you should watch this video in its entirety.  Originally published on the NOQ Report

The complete fraud that is socialism Once again we are witness to the age-old scam of socialism with Leftists making promises to attain power that can never be fulfilled. Long before Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago exposed the systematic oppression, torture, incarceration and deliberate mass murder that are the hallmarks of socialistic slavery. James A. Michener documented the 1956 Hungarian uprising against communism in his book ‘The Bridge at Andau’. While both are great literary works, ‘The Bridge at Andau’ laid bare the complete fraud that is the collectivist ideologies in creating a ‘Heaven on Earth’ or ‘worker’s paradise’ that never comes to fruition. The selling of socialistic slavery to a new generation tends to follow a certain type of ‘progress’. Promises are made for all kinds of largess ranging from Free Healthcare, Free Housing, Free College, Free food to even Free income. All paid for with other

Lesson learned from the #MAGAkids incident

Learning from recent history so we don’t have to repeat it. Perhaps the best way to assess the situation with the “#MAGA kids” or #Drumgate Is to break it down into lessons we all need to learn. It is unfortunate that these incidents keep on taking place with the consequences becoming more and more dire. It can only get worse from here on out if we are not careful. 1. Learn the Facts first. We live in an age of instant communication. This doesn’t mean that it has to lead to instant outrage. Until the invention of the telegraph information moved at the speed of the horse or the speed of a marathon runner. It wasn’t until the Internet became ubiquitous with a cell phone in every pocket that the dream of instant communication became realized. The same can be said of the parallel developments in visual communications. Photography came of age in as the telegraph the same century, but it involved wet panes of glass in large cameras with very slow shutter speeds. It wasn’t until the ad

Who would have thought that the nation wanted socialism?

Why does the ‘progressive’ political minority think that they set the nation’s priorities? It seems quite curious that the big news story is that everyone wants the country to be secure with a physical barrier on the border while most on the Right want to conserve Liberty. This is wrong going by a tweet in response to the article detailing how the ‘Progressive’ Left is a political minority. Apparently the majority follows the priorities of the progressives, according to the progressives and they certainly would not have reason to lie about something like that, given that the imposition of it’s socialistic slavery would yield them immense power over the people. The small but extremely vocal ‘progressive’ political minority seems to have the idea that everyone is concerned with ‘Money out of politics, Green New Deal, medicare-for-all’: Here we thought that conserving Liberty and securing the nation from a foreign invasion were the top priorities of everyone when it’s really ‘pr

How ‘Progressives’ are a small but vocal political minority

The data shows that most people are in the rational majority while the Left is a small but vocal minority. A recent video from Daisy Cousens makes the very important point that far-Left ‘progressives’ are an extremely vocal minority that dominates the media, culture and government indoctrination centres. Even though they are only 8% of the population, they take on the false pretense of representing everyone else. Equally important is the fact that the data from the Hidden Tribes Study shows that the people trying to conserve Liberty on the Right have a lot more in common with the exhausted middle. This majority on one side of the issues, while the small minority of the far-Left on the other. As she points out, this is not exactly a ringing endorsement of the national socialist Utopia the Left would like to force on the rest of us. This is a short description of the 7 groups identified in the study: Progressive Activists (8 percent of the population) are deep

So-called Red Flag laws: An unconstitutional solution to a non-existent problem

As with most Leftist affronts to Liberty, unconstitutional gun confiscation SWATing or so-called ‘Red Flag’ laws are based on a lie. The usual contention is that these laws that eviscerate basic constitutional protections of due process are desperately needed because there are no other means to deal with people who are alleged to be a danger to themselves or others. Our previous article on the subject dealt with this outright falsehood. There are laws and procedures for involuntary civil commitments already on the books to handle these extreme situations. In the case of Florida and the Parkland mass murder, the “The Baker Act”  was already in place, but the authorities failed to take action in time. Other states such as Colorado already have procedures in place for Mental Health Holds. The existence of these laws have been ignored in the effort to ‘enhance’ the government’s ability to confiscate guns. Its just another case of the Left exploiting a tragedy to ‘Rahm’ through new la

Counterbalancing the fire-hose of Leftist propaganda

A study confirms the extreme bias of the national socialist media and what you can do about it. A study just released from the MRC should only confirm what is already understood to be the case. The national socialist media is horribly biased against the pro-liberty right and the president in particular. Since January 20, 2017, the Media Research Center has analyzed every moment of coverage of President Trump on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts, seen by approximately 23 million people each night. Highlights: The tone of coverage remains incessantly hostile: 90% negative, vs. just 10% positive (excluding neutral statements), matching the historically bad press we documented in 2017. Yet despite the media’s obvious disapproval, public opinion of the President actually improved slightly during 2018, from an average 40% approval on January 1 to 42.7% approval on December 31, according to RealClearPolitics. [Our emphasis] This is how the insanely biased Leftist media h

Why true liberals should embrace limited government

Those who truly advocate for freedom should abhor the expansion of government into our personal lives and Liberty. This is the second in a series inspired by JD Rucker’s article on What classical liberalism is, briefly . As a basis for this discussion, these are the relevant parts of the definition of the term Liberal from the Oxford English Dictionary: Definition of liberal in English: adjective 1 Willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas. 1.1 Favourable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms. 1.2 (in a political context) favouring individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform. noun 1A person of liberal views. Origin Middle English: via Old French from Latin liberalis, from liber ‘free (man)’. Despite the post modernist mentality of some, the terms Liberal and Liberty haven’t changed in meaning. Both have the same roots in the ‘female personification of liberty and persona

Collectivism 101: The lie of ‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs’

Every living being has to work to survive, this is a basic law of nature Leftists like to ignore. ‘Democratic’ socialism is all the rage with the Left these days. A new generation having been deluded into the false notion that they are owed a living simply because they exist. That if the world fails to provide free health care, free housing, free food, free college, etc, etc. That this is a failure on the part of Economic Liberty [please note that term instead of the implied pejorative ‘Capitalism’]. This is a logical fallacy from a practical and moral standpoint that needs to be debunked in order for our civilisation to endure. It’s a law of nature that one has to work to survive. The fact is that every living being from the beginning of time has had to exert itself to survive. Every living creature from bacteria to Brontosaur has had to do work in order to exist. That is simply a fact of life. It is simply a logical progression that this rule has to apply to human beings a

Gun confiscation SWATing: Red flag laws go national

A Video from attorney Alex Kincaid makes the crucial point that laws for involuntary civil commitment already take of the issue addressed by so-called ‘Red Flag’ laws. So-called ‘Red Flag’ laws or ‘Extreme Risk Protection Orders’ are all the rage in the far left’s gun confiscation agenda. A new video from attorney Alex Kincaid points out that there are already laws on the books to cover situations such as the Parkland mass murderer. That ‘Every state in this country already has a set of laws that allow law enforcement to take away firearms from people by civilly committing them’. I discuss HR 6747, Congress’s answer to making sure your state imposes a red flag law, if you don’t already have one. Congress holds out the proverbial, governmental carrot, by offering $$$$$$ to each and every state that enacts a red flag law. Learn the facts that you need to know to make sure your legislators don’t grab money from this bag and dismantle the Constitution. Auto-generated transcript

FreedomToons: Debunkers Vs G*n Control Nonsense

Ripping apart a bit of Liberty grabber propaganda that admits that gun confiscation is the goal with facts that trounce Leftist feelings. It used to be that the Liberty grabber Left would take a break in going after our civil rights between their ‘serious crisis’. As of late, they have transitioned to the strategy of exerting constant pressure on freedom, with the latest example being their reintroduction of a measure to assert unlawful control over private property. As is far too often the case, the promotion of this law in itself is based on a false implication: ‘House Dems to introduce gun background checks bill on Tuesday’ as though these somehow haven’t existed for 25 years. Studies have already shown that the ‘Intergalactic’ versions of these checks are useless for anything aside from being a stepping stone to confiscation. Debunking Liberty grabber lies This new animation from FreedomToons debunks a piece of propaganda excreted from the Liberty grabbers. Interes

Hey, you’re not a leftist!

A video from Blue Collar Logic makes the point that True Liberals belong on the right, conserving Liberty. Blue Collar Logic are videos from a couple of guys applying basic common sense to the issues of the day. In this case a video setting forth the proposition that it very important to know the meaning of the labels we use. That true Liberal belong on the Pro-Liberty Right right. While we may quibble here and there, most of it rings true. They point out that the founding fathers were true Liberals, while those who push socialistic slavery cannot rightfully assume that moniker. For example, we have the recent case where the Washington Post published an article directly identifying Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) as a ‘Liberal’. Given that socialism is a collectivist ideology that is adverse to individual rights it’s hard to reconcile that any of her mindset could be Liberal. But that is the state of our nation these days, with one side using words to deceive

2019 should be the year of the question

Now is the time to ask the important questions about Liberty and individual rights. This year will be the lead up to the 2020 presidential contest, a time to choose between Liberty or Socialistic slavery. Thus, it is more than appropriate that we designate this year as a time to discuss the big issues of our time. This is in the best Socratic tradition beginning a dialog exploring certain assumptions or sacred cows. In the modern vernacular, ‘starting a conversation’ or ‘speaking truth to power’ [Whatever that means]. Some of these inquiries will cause our friends on the authoritarian socialist Left a bit of discomfort. In other words, lose their collective minds, since for them only certain kinds of ideas are allowed these days. Generally those that only serve to affirm Leftist orthodoxy. Those that call into question certain assumptions on their part or challenge the inevitability of socialism are verboten or call into question the validity of collective punishment or the myr

New year, new resolutions, new party

Looking forward to 2019 and the socialistic slavery being offered by the Left. Now that we’ve assessed 2018, its time to look at the ‘fresh’ ideas of the Left based on very, very, very old ideas. Never mind that the old ideas didn’t work, the new versions will work because of a new label. After all, these are people who excel at repackaging old failed ideas as new failed ideas. Socialism: Four centuries of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results Granted, when Plato first proposed many of the vestiges of the ‘Ideal State’ 2,400 years ago in ancient Greece they were actually new and untested. Expressed again in Sir Thomas More’s Utopia over 500 years ago in 1516, they still hadn’t been tried. However, now that it’s 5 centuries later that is no longer the case. What began with the first colonies in the New World in what would become the United States. Continuing on with the first use of the word Socialism in connection to another short lived