Who would have thought that the nation wanted socialism?

Why does the ‘progressive’ political minority think that they set the nation’s priorities?

It seems quite curious that the big news story is that everyone wants the country to be secure with a physical barrier on the border while most on the Right want to conserve Liberty. This is wrong going by a tweet in response to the article detailing how the ‘Progressive’ Left is a political minority. Apparently the majority follows the priorities of the progressives, according to the progressives and they certainly would not have reason to lie about something like that, given that the imposition of it’s socialistic slavery would yield them immense power over the people.
The small but extremely vocal ‘progressive’ political minority seems to have the idea that everyone is concerned with ‘Money out of politics, Green New Deal, medicare-for-all’:

Here we thought that conserving Liberty and securing the nation from a foreign invasion were the top priorities of everyone when it’s really ‘progressive’ agenda items that are the priorities of ‘progressives’.
Come to think of it, who hasn’t been clamoring to get ‘Money out of politics’? Isn’t that the top story day after day? Of course that competes with every pundit talking up the ‘Green New Deal’ as well as ‘medicare-for-all’. Because if anything, we need even more government control over health care, given how well the [Un]Affordable Care Act is working. Although it does seem strange that we would really need a brand new bloated bureaucracy if the old, bloated bureaucracy really functioned as promised.
The problem with the national socialist Left’s dominance of the culture, media and government indoctrination centers is that they can exist in an echo chamber and get the wrong idea as exemplified by the above example. We on the Pro-Liberty Right generally get both sides of the story since we are surrounded by the Leftist media day after day. This is how someone can make a mistake in thinking their’s are everyone else’s priorities. Still, this begs the larger question of why anyone would want these items in the first place?

Why do Leftist policy agendas have to be disguised as something they are not?

There should be no need for lies and falsehoods if a cause is righteous. By the same token, new programs or policies should only be accepted if they have worked in the past. The twin rules of forthrightness and functionality should be applied to every new idea.
The ‘Green new deal’ fails in both respects. It falsely equates socialistic slavery with environmentalism, since it is chock full of retreads of ancient collectivist ideas. This bloated package of environmental dictates also carries along some pretty hefty collectivist baggage such as ‘basic income programs’ and ‘single-payer health care’ that have only seen failure in the past. Having these items as part of a supposed environmental initiative should also disqualify it from consideration. But according to a ‘progressive’ judging a ‘progressive’ program, it’s supposedly the priority of everyone, including Republicans.

The takeaway

This is the problem for those who presume themselves to be correct all of the time. They are ill equipped to bolster their assertions with factual backup. No one really cares about how the Left would like to use other people’s money to buy votes, no one cares about ‘Money out of politics’ [Whatever that means].
We do care about securing the border with a physical barrier and reining in the bloated monstrosity that is the government. The Left is off in their own little world with policy priorities that bear little resemblance to reality. This is how they end up making baseless assertions without being able to answer a question as to their validity.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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