New year, new resolutions, new party

Looking forward to 2019 and the socialistic slavery being offered by the Left.

Now that we’ve assessed 2018, its time to look at the ‘fresh’ ideas of the Left based on very, very, very old ideas. Never mind that the old ideas didn’t work, the new versions will work because of a new label. After all, these are people who excel at repackaging old failed ideas as new failed ideas.

Socialism: Four centuries of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Granted, when Plato first proposed many of the vestiges of the ‘Ideal State’ 2,400 years ago in ancient Greece they were actually new and untested. Expressed again in Sir Thomas More’s Utopia over 500 years ago in 1516, they still hadn’t been tried. However, now that it’s 5 centuries later that is no longer the case. What began with the first colonies in the New World in what would become the United States. Continuing on with the first use of the word Socialism in connection to another short lived experiment in collectivism in New Harmony, Indiana. These ideas have a consistent track record of failure that cannot be denied, except by those uncaring of the cause of Liberty – people who pretend to be Liberal – who cynically use such ideas to obtain a death grip on power.
Never mind that these ancient ideas fly in the face of basic human nature or that they take the brutal repression of Liberty to be implemented. Never mind that these ideas have caused the deliberate mass murder of over 100 million people.
The authoritarian socialists on the Left assure us that this time around, their ideas will miraculously work. This time around, their ideas that run contrary to basic psychology will suddenly no longer do so. This time around, the magical dollars to fund their farcical schemes will flow like unicorn droppings. This time around, they will able to set up a wondrous Utopia before running out of other people’s money. Rest assured there will be no brutal repression of Liberty, even though they have already begun doing that with the basic human rights of self-preservation and self-expression. There won’t be any mass murder, despite their obsession with taking away the people’s ability to ‘resist’.

The Left’s underlying agenda is one of collectivism and coercion versus individualism and Liberty.

One finds it hard to believe that Leftists don’t understand that their collectivist mindset is anathema to Liberty. They are either deceiving themselves or trying to deceive everyone else. While they can claim to be ‘Liberating’ people by handing out freebies, the plain fact is that it is paid for with other people’s money. Other people’s money taken at gunpoint.

New Resolutions.

Last year, one of these was on using the proper terms to describe the Left. Halting the practice of complimenting them with a term that implies what they are not: Liberal. Their Liberty destroying antics makes it imperative that we redouble these efforts as well as expand them in the other areas where they use words that contrary to their meaning: Progressive, Democratic. Most of the Left’s socialist national agenda is based on deception, we have to call them out on this whenever possible.

A new Liberty lexicon to push back on the ever so tiresome PC culture.

We’ve in a cold war of words [Being less and less civil by the day] The Left is far ahead of us in reshaping the conversation with words such a ‘migrant’ instead of illegal alien, gun ‘reform’ instead of gun confiscation. So it is time we push back on the practice. These are but a few suggestions:
  • Socialistic Slavery instead of Socialism.
  • Parasite Left instead of Progressive Left.
  • Gun Confiscation SWATing instead of ‘Red Flag’ laws.
  • Authoritarian Socialist or Leftist instead of Liberal, Progressive or even Democrat.

One other suggestion.

This would to become more concise in writing. [‘Physician, Heal thyself!’] Even though the explanations of Leftist ideas take up a lot of digital ink, they do manage to deceive with short, emotionally laden talking points.
This is why we of the Pro-Liberty Right are better at the ‘meme’ art form and area we should push to advantage. Liberty and freedom are easily understood concepts. Leftists have somehow twisted these words to make it seem that voting to enslave oneself in socialism is somehow ‘Liberating’ or ‘Liberalism’. That clearly isn’t the case, we need to make that clear to everyone else.

New Party.

There is an old Chinese proverb that one should dig a well before one is thirsty. Such is the case here, if we wait until the electoral season is upon us, it will be too late. We shouldn’t have to detail all worsening frustrations with the Republican Party. Trump has already indicated that he’s willing to deal with the Left in getting certain things implemented.
At present, the voting population seems to be dividing into 3 camps. Most people fall into one of two towards the Middle-Right of the political spectrum. With most being of the Libertarian, Conservative and True Liberal camp on the right. With others are of the moderate mentality being of a right leaning stance while being buffeted by Leftist propaganda making them think they on the Left. Then there are the far-Left Socialist cadres full of sound and fury, signifying nothing that dominate the media culture and indoctrination centres (government schools).
Perhaps it is time to have three parties representing these three camps – A far Left, National Socialist party, a moderate party and finally a Conservative, Libertarian, and True Liberal party standing for Limited government.
The far Left, National Socialist party could finally be honest for once about their desire for a ‘worker’s paradise’ instead of Liberty. Hopefully, most people would see this as a dead-end and it would slowly ‘wither away’. The GOP could be the moderate party in the middle, since that us the direction they are heading anyway. The new party would stand for the conservation of Liberty and limited government. After the far Left leaves the scene, the remaining parties could have a civil debate over the proper role of government, setting forth a new pattern of freedom.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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