What if abortion were treated like the 2nd Amendment?

No one will care about your rights if you do not care about their rights.

Let us begin this conversation with the question: What is the most important Constitutional Amendment? The answer is the one you care about in the least. Because if you don’t care about someone else’s rights, why should they care about yours? Granted, abortion isn’t an enumerated right, so it’s elevation over the 2nd amendment is even more perplexing.

What would it look like if we applied the same restrictions to that which the Left considers to be untouchable?

We are in the midst of a universal assault on the commonsense human right of self-defense. Attacks against a Constitutionally affirmed civil right coming from every direction. Leftist Liberty grabbers are demanding the imposition of Intergalactic Background checks on a Federal level on one flank. While on the other they are demanding unconstitutional and wholly unnecessary new powers to implement the practice of gun confiscation SWATing on the other.
The past few years have also seen more than 70 instances where the Left has demanded gun confiscation. State and Local governments are having a contest to see who can obliterate a common sense human right faster. In some locales, magazine limits are constantly being lowered to the magical level of zero. They are opening up the ‘definition’ of an ‘Assault Weapon’ to just about any object that can be used to assault someone. Meanwhile, they are encouraging every private business they can to stomp on our civil rights in any way they can. No restriction of Liberty is ever considered to be too extreme or the last word in decimating our freedom.

Leftists Cheering for abortion for any reason

Meanwhile, in a disturbing display of ‘progressive’ priorities, cheers arose at the passage of a law in New York codifying the killing of a child up until the moment of birth. Thus we have the perverse situation that a child can be killed before emerging from the womb, while Leftist would use the same death afterwards to demonize the right of self-defense and the NRA.
In an amoral twist of logic, abortion has become sacrosanct for the Left, while the commonsense human right of self-defense has been relegated to 3rd level status, a civil right the Left would eliminate if they had their way.

What if abortions were treated the same as the 2nd amendment?

Of course, the commonsense human right of self-defense is affirmed in the bill of rights, while abortion is not. If those who have no use for Liberty can treat an enumerated right as meaningless, how should one never even mentioned fair in the greater scheme of things?

Stigmatizing the discussion of a basic human right

This begins with restrictions placed even on the dissemination of information about abortion, as is the case with the right of self-defense. Even inquiring about the subject could send up a ‘red flag’ to federal, state or local agencies tasked with tracking these events.

Abortion background checks

Forcing people to undergo a background check to exercise a basic human right is also one of the Left’s favourite ways of restricting Liberty. Then it’s simply a matter of expanding the practice with more requirements and restrictions to make more expensive, embarrassing or odious.
As was proposed to have the right of self-defense, perhaps a social media should be made before an abortion can be performed. Or they could load on more requirements of mental health evaluations, age and other restrictions, as they are incessantly pulling for in the case of a Constitutionally affirmed civil right.

Abortion waiting periods

Then of course, the Left loves the idea of delaying and inconveniencing people who would like to be able to protect themselves and their families. Once they have their foot in the door with a 5 day waiting period they can just rack up the numbers to restrict Liberty even more.

Taxing abortions

If there is anything leftist love more than attacking the cause of Liberty, it would have to be taxing what they don’t like into oblivion. Solving the serious crisis of
Global Cooling,
Global Warming, Climate Change: Raise taxes! Never mind that there is no connection to the problem. After all, they are saving the planet, so anything goes. They want to tax guns, tax transfers, tax ammunition, tax gun transfers, tax ammunition transfers, on and on. So why not tax abortions? It makes about as much sense as all of those other taxes.

Restrictions on how many abortions can be performed in a certain time period

The people who only pretend to be Liberal also like to restrict how many guns an innocent person can buy. Why not have this same restriction on abortion? Who needs to have more than one every 2 years? What about restrictions on Late term ‘Assault abortions’ since they have no place in a civil society.

What about requiring a government permit to get an abortion?

Leftists love to get in the way of Liberty, so why not have this additional requirement to even find out about getting an abortion? This could come with it’s owns set of background checks, waiting periods and taxation. Leftists love to parrot the line ‘if it saves one life’ so why not in this case?

Maybe even a federal Bureaucracy to oversee the whole operation

This could be a Federal agency tasked with loading on all the red tape the Left really loves in the case of the common sense human right of self-defense. Call it the BATFBureau of Abortion and Fetal Termination that will oversee all the new abortion background checks, abortion waiting periods abortion taxes and permits. Who is going to object to all of those measures with the good intention of saving lives?

Does all of this sound familiar?

What’s that you say? All of these background checks, waiting periods, taxation and other rules ‘Infringe’ on your abortion rights? Welcome to the world of the gun owner!
We cringe whenever there is a serious crisis, knowing that you Liberty grabbers will soon find a convenient TV camera to call for even more restrictions on freedom. There are 120 million innocent gun owners, but as soon as shooting takes place, we know that our Liberty will once again be on the chopping block. In recent times there doesn’t even have to be a shooting for you Leftists coming back for more if our freedom. You don’t seem to care how much collective punishment you heap on us, so consider how it would work if abortion received the same treatment.
Of course, guns save more lives than are taken, the same can hardly be said of abortion. Thus it might be more imperative abortion undergo this kind of treatment.
Image Source: EveryDayNoDaysOff

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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