Counterbalancing the fire-hose of Leftist propaganda

A study confirms the extreme bias of the national socialist media and what you can do about it.

A study just released from the MRC should only confirm what is already understood to be the case. The national socialist media is horribly biased against the pro-liberty right and the president in particular.
Since January 20, 2017, the Media Research Center has analyzed every moment of coverage of President Trump on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts, seen by approximately 23 million people each night. Highlights:
The tone of coverage remains incessantly hostile: 90% negative, vs. just 10% positive (excluding neutral statements), matching the historically bad press we documented in 2017. Yet despite the media’s obvious disapproval, public opinion of the President actually improved slightly during 2018, from an average 40% approval on January 1 to 42.7% approval on December 31, according to RealClearPolitics.
[Our emphasis]
This is how the insanely biased Leftist media has a pernicious effect on our society. This explains how some actually think that the historical scam of socialism is a workable system of government. Or how there is a panic over the onset of Global Cooling.. Global Warming.. Climate Change to the point that we somehow need a ‘Green new deal’ of ideas that aren’t even ‘green’ or new. This is how it’s become acceptable in some circles to jettison basic civil rights because of some perceived ‘epidemic’ in ‘gun violence’.

Pushing back on the Overton window.

We are dealing with a phenomenon of once outrageous ideas becoming mainstream. Concepts that only a few years ago would have had people protesting in the streets are accepted with almost quiet resignation. This has been labelled the ‘Overton window’ where a constant drumbeat of Leftist lies and propaganda have altered the perception of acceptable policy agendas. This was exemplified in a recent article about the state of Oregon wanting to institute extremly strict laws on Liberty. The piece causally refereed to government control of private property almost in passing:
A bill that would increase firearm regulations in Oregon is a reminder that states have vastly different gun laws.
In Idaho, for example, you can purchase a gun from a private owner without going through a background check. In Oregon, background checks are required for all sales.
Never mind that practically everyone – Academia, Vox, even the director of Everytown – has admitted that Intergalactic Background Checks [Universal, enhanced] will not have any value aside from setting up the nation for the next step to confiscation: Registration.
In the battle against the ever encroaching authoritarian Left, we need more voices instead of more regulation. Leftist media sources will continue to discredit themselves spewing narrowly focused propaganda. Some may wonder why they don’t talk about the treatment of ‘marginalized’ groups overseas or similar issues they consider to be critical in the states. The answer is simple, they have a specific focus and agenda that cannot be distracted by these and other problems. This is why it is critical that people have sources such as the NOQ report that don’t carry those agendas. This is why we desperately need your help.
The national socialist media will hopefully become less and less effective at selling the Left’s authoritarian agenda, but they are still able to sway the opinion of many. That is why is it critical that we have voices that act in opposition to its outrageous propaganda.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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