
Showing posts from November, 2018

Intergalactic Background Checks: Study shows this step to gun confiscation does not work as advertised

We have already established that gun confiscation is the left’s final solution to the liberty problem, and from now on this will be the context for any of their proposals or utterances; when they demand, what I call,  Intergalactic Background Checks  (comprehensive, enhanced, universal, ‘common sense’ etc,); when they want to dictate the extent of our human rights with gun “reform.” They are in reality demanding gun confiscation. They have made their gun confiscation intentions quite clear in over 70 instances the past few years.  This is a staggering number given the multiplicative effect of syndication and reprints of these demands.  In light of this the left will no longer be afforded the benefit of the doubt. Demands for gun confiscation In their own words: First, we have a quote from Alison Aires, courtesy of Joe Huffman . For what she lacks in stature within the liberty-grabber community of the left, makes up a level of vehemence unmatched by most of her comrades.

Another narrative bites the dust: Proof the Left is racist

A study from Yale University shows that Leftists treat minorities differently, presuming that they are less competent than others. It’s become tiresomely repetitive for the Left to hurl pejoratives when they have run out of good ideas or good arguments. The words of invective have lost all meaning to the point that Racist, Sexist, Transphobic, etc, etc. are just bland white noise signifying that they are bereft of debating skills or new concepts. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Martin Luther King The rule should be judge people by the content of their character. The Left’s incessant use of certain pejoratives is especially galling since most of the Pro-Liberty Right follow that common sense admonition. The fact being that such invective is only effective against those who aren’t guilty of the accusation. Advocates of identity politic

Open borders and other people’s money will be the death of Liberty

It should be obvious that the outcome of the Left offering free stuff while erasing the border will be a disaster. At times we’re supposed to give the Socialist-Left the benefit of the doubt in what they want for the country. We’re not supposed to question their patriotism because we’re not supposed to question their patriotism. But consider the outcome of the combination of the two main planks of their socialist national agenda: Erasing the border and handing out other people’s money. Erasing the country with open borders This is clearly their intent with their support of the illegal invasion columns that are beginning to assault our sovereignty. They oppose efforts to secure the border while wanting to cut the agency that is tasked with this effort. While the Left is careful about not outright endorsing these assaults, their bias towards the success of the invasion bubbles beneath the surface in all respects. Many have also observed that the Left’s intent is to create an

The liberty grabber Left has nuked its own argument over guns, part II

The Left has gone full confiscator in the debate over Liberty, this is how we should respond to their demands from now on. In the past the enemies of Liberty on the Left have tried the incremental approach to the deprivation of fundamental human and civil rights. In their zeal to produce a groundswell, they have made it clear that they reject the freedom of self-defense as well as other vestiges of the founding documents. This has been documented here and a number of other places to the point they can no longer deny this fact. The Left has changed the argument to a contention between Liberty and tyranny. While they tried to pretend that gun confiscation wasn’t their real goal, the evidence for that is quite clear from their writings. Their frustration at the lack of ‘progress’ in the diminution of Liberty caused them to become more vitriolic in the process. Curiously enough, what was alleged to be the ‘right’ side of history has been shown to be wrong with other nations rev

A little bit of trivia for the holiday table

1. How old are the ‘fresh’ ideas [according to Bernie Sanders] of socialism? A. Under 200 Years B. Over 500 Years C. Over 2,400 Years Answer: A. Those who lean left would like to think those ideas are as fresh as the rolls on the table, but alas, they are over 2,400 Years old Having been mentioned in Plato’s greatest literary work Republic.   which was estimated to have been written 380 – 410 BC literally, 400 years BEFORE the birth of Christ and the New Testament. In point of fact, there are parts of the Bible are fresher than centuries old precepts of Communism. If you answered B. over 500 years you get 1/2 credit since the year 1516 was the publication year of the book ‘Utopia’ admitted to by the communists as the ‘first socialist position’ . This was the book – considered by some to be one of the first works of science – fiction written by Sir Thomas More on a fictional socialist system. Sir Thomas More that describes an Island state with a socialist system. The word

Thanksgiving is a celebration of private property and prosperity over collectivism and death

The ideas of socialism are far from being fresh, Gardner Goldsmith of MRCTV details one their early failures of a system that can never work. A little bit of trivia for the holiday table on a subject that has been discussed before on this site 1. How old are the ‘fresh’ ideas [according to Bernie Sanders] of socialism? A. Under 200 Years B. Over 500 Years C. Over 2,400 Years Answer: A. Those who lean left would like to think those ideas are as fresh as the rolls on the table, but alas, they are over 2,400 Years old Having been mentioned in Plato’s greatest literary work Republic.   which was estimated to have been written 380 – 410 BC literally, 400 years BEFORE the birth of Christ and the New Testament. In point of fact, there are parts of the Bible are fresher than centuries old precepts of Communism. If you answered B. over 500 years you get 1/2 credit since the year 1516 was the publication year of the book ‘Utopia’ admitted to by the communists as the ‘f

The Liberty grabber Left has nuked its own argument over guns. Part I

The Left can’t argue that you don’t need a gun because the government won’t turn tyrannical while threatening that the government will turn tyrannical. In what has to be the ultimate and game-changing tweet , Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) threatened nuclear annihilation to anyone who refuses to give up their right of self-defense. The ensuing ‘fallout’ seeing him resort to damage control tactic of saying that thermonuclear gun confiscation was just a ‘joke’. After all, Who hasn’t chuckled at the prospect of the government going tyrannical with an H-bomb? One can easily see the bumper stickers now: Vote Swalwell 2020- or I will nuke your… One of the Left’s favorite little tactics is to accuse those of the Pro-Liberty right of being ‘terrorists’ as their usual method of demonizing their opponents. Take note of the Oxford English Dictionary definition of the word Terrorist: Adjective [attributive] Unlawfully using violence and intimidation, especially against civilian

Intellectual Ammunition Pt 2: The Constitution and Founders

This multipart series eviscerates some of the Left’s biggest lies and fallacies of Liberty Control In the second of a multipart series , Gardner Goldsmith @gardgoldsmith of MRCTV addresses the issues surrounding Liberty Control, destroying some of the prevalent mythologies in the process. Intellectual Ammunition Pt 2: The Constitution and Founders This part looks at the ‘rulebook for the federal government, the US Constitution’ and quotes philosophers and the founding fathers in decimating the arguments for controls on our freedom. He begins the discussion on the individual right to bear arms for defensive purposes: This concept goes back to Aristotle, who believed in the inherent Natural Right of people to fight oppressive government and who greatly influenced the Founders. 350 years B.C, he said: Those who possess and can wield arms are in a position to decide whether the constitution is to continue or not. History is replete with the sequence: Registration,

Why does the Left have the same agenda after they turned socialist?

What does it say about the Left when they admitted to the truth, but kept the same ideas? There was a time when the nation’s Left vehemently denied being socialist. No one was supposed to state the obvious truth that their agenda bore a striking resemblance to communist ideas from ancient Greece. Nor were they to be compared to that expressed 500 years ago in Sir Thomas More’s work ‘Utopia' [Published in 1516 ] Even when it was obvious with admitted socialist Senator Bernie Sanders agreeing with the Democrats in most respects, the Leftists still denied reality. Such is the case that, lies, deception and denial are part and parcel of their usual tactics. They still persist in denying that they incessantly demanding gun confiscation, while demanding gun confiscation. The Left’s miraculous transformation to the obvious. Then a few years ago something truly miraculous took place, some polling data showed that those who were unfamiliar with the oppression and mass murder that is

Political spectrum reference

“Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert A. Heinlein “Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert A. Heinlein The political spectrum really only has two sides: Collectivism and Individualism. These correspond to left and right. Left - Control - Collectivism Right- liberty-Individualism Definitions of left 2 Relating to a person or group favouring radical, reforming, or socialist views: Left

Intellectual ammunition: Mythology vs Facts of ‘gun control’

This multipart series eviscerates some of the Left’s biggest lies and fallacies of Liberty Control In the first of a new multipart series, Gardner Goldsmith @gardgoldsmith of MRCTV addresses the issues surrounding Liberty Control, destroying some of the prevalent mythologies in the process. He begins demolishing the myth that increased Liberty control results in lower violent crime rates. Places with strict controls on freedom with high crime rates – that the Left doesn’t like to talk about – that are prima facie indicators of this absurd fallacy. Worse yet, laws that are supposed to keep people safe have the opposite effect, since they only serve to disarm the innocent to the advantage of criminals and the government. The edged weapon attacks in China show that it’s not an issue of issue of guns nor one confined to the states. Or the attack in Crimea or the recent tragedy in a state with the strictest Liberty control around. He cites the specific case of the mythol

Guns aren’t the problem

The tragedy in California proves Liberty Control does not work, this is what we need to do to actually solve the problem. We were told that Intergalactic background checks , gun registration requirements, gun confiscation laws, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases and other odious restrictions on freedom would keep everyone safe. The Liberty grabbers solemnly promised that these commonsense ‘Gun Safety’ laws would bring an end to mass shootings. Never mind that as soon as these were passed, they backtracked, parroting the talking point that each was a ‘first step’ while promptly forgetting they ever existed. California already has the nation’s strictest gun laws and yet in the wake of a mass murder tragedy in a bastion of restrictions on freedom, the Liberty grabber Left is doubling down looking to expand Intergalactic background checks, gun registration requirements, gun confiscation laws. But if those laws didn’t keep anyone safe, why bother expanding their reach

A last minute plea to the last minute voter

Look at what the Left isn’t talking about to indicate the importance of voting today. This is in the spirit of a similar situation a few years ago working the phones for Cory Gardner, eking out the last few votes. Each one counts in charting the destiny of the nation. What the national Democratic socialists aren’t talking about. Many have detailed what the Left has to offer. It’s certainly not much when it can be contained within a few tweets. But as a change of pace, let’s discuss that which they dare not mention, at least among what they would deem to be the great unwashed. The so-called ‘March for our lives’. Does anyone remember the ‘March for our lives’ ? Back in the spring, Liberty control was the thing. This was supposed to be a game changer, with hundreds of adults cast as children and teens by a sycophantic media. Leftist arrogance was on full display with many brandishing signs with demands for gun confiscation. Many a video had marchers dictating the scope of our

If the Republic wins…

If the ‘Democratic’ socialists win, Liberty and our representative republic loses . Let’s bring this down to first principles. The Midterms are once again a battle between Individualism and Collectivism. Between those who value Liberty versus those who value control. To phrase it bluntly, a contest for those who want people to be controlled – their control – and those who want to be left alone. The Individualist majority. It is our contention that most people fall into the ‘want to be left alone’ mindset. They want to live their lives with minimal interference from the government. They will deal with a certain amount of control for the purpose of earning a living or societal constructs such driving a motorised vehicle on the public streets. They understand that taxation is a necessary evil for the purpose of providing those public goods or supporting the downtrodden. They also understand the basic principle that people are born with varying abilities or talents. That it is