If the Republic wins…

If the ‘Democratic’ socialists win, Liberty and our representative republic loses.
Let’s bring this down to first principles. The Midterms are once again a battle between Individualism and Collectivism. Between those who value Liberty versus those who value control. To phrase it bluntly, a contest for those who want people to be controlled – their control – and those who want to be left alone.

The Individualist majority.

It is our contention that most people fall into the ‘want to be left alone’ mindset. They want to live their lives with minimal interference from the government. They will deal with a certain amount of control for the purpose of earning a living or societal constructs such driving a motorised vehicle on the public streets. They understand that taxation is a necessary evil for the purpose of providing those public goods or supporting the downtrodden. They also understand the basic principle that people are born with varying abilities or talents. That it is impossible to equalise outcomes because these individual variations.
Most people are of the Individualist category, even though they may not be fully aware of it. This includes those who are truly Liberal as well as others on the Right such as Conservatives or Libertarians. While there may be minor quibbles over some policy matters, most will agree with the basic rationality of Liberty.

The Collectivist minority.

Then there is a small segment of the population who live to control others. These are people who see everything through the lens of politics. They aren’t satisfied with running their own lives, they want to run everyone else’s as well. They have various justifications for needing this power – the ‘threat’ from the climate changing to the danger of ‘gun’ violence – but it’s the control over others that they crave. As Bill Whittle discussed a couple of days ago in a video on the ‘Anger Gap’, politics is the primary motivator for the Left, it’s their way of getting the world they want – a world where they get to tell people what to do.
Recent studies have shown that it’s only a small segment of our society that wants to control everyone else. This was exemplified by the polling that showed that 80% of the country is fed up with the ‘political correctness’ craze that seeks tyrannical control over speech and behaviour.

The Collectivist’s inherent advantages make them seem more powerful than they are.

So why does it seem that the 20% Collectivist minority is bigger than it appears? Unfortunately for those on the side of Liberty, the Left has a built-in structural advantage in that Collectivism lends itself perfectly to control and group action. Collectivists are predisposed to come together to ‘stop gun violence’ or whatever. Individualists generally eschew this kind of action.
That recent study showed that only 8% of the country had an affinity for the Liberty control of ‘political correctness’, but that small segment of the population includes the megaphone of the socialist media. Thus they seem bigger and more influential than they deserve.

The contest is between individualist and collectivist or Liberty and Tyranny.

This is what everyone needs to keep in mind. The contrast is clear in comparing the pro-liberty right with the socialist-Left. While the latter makes all manner of promises to buy votes on credit, it should be plain that it is impossible for them to fulfil these promises, just as it always has been the case with the Collectivists.
Others have detailed the differences between the two sides, with reasons to vote here, here, here and here, please check them out. It should be clear that the Left cannot offer anything but empty promises to the Individualist majority and control to the Collectivist minority.

They have laid out their socialist national agenda, so we know what they are promising:

  • Open borders to bring in a permanent underclass who will vote for a living.
  • Higher Taxes to these buy votes
  • The precursor to gun confiscation – Intergalactic Background Checks
  • Endless investigations and impeachment of any who displeases them

The last word – a warning from Benjamin Franklin.

These are just some of the negative repercussions if the Left wins. It will harken back to the warning issued by Benjamin Franklin at the close of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 when he responded to the question: ‘What have we got a republic or a monarchy?’ To which he responded: ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’
The Left would like to tear that republic apart through any means. Everyone needs to vote accordingly. Vote as though your Liberty were at stake – because it is.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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