Open borders and other people’s money will be the death of Liberty

It should be obvious that the outcome of the Left offering free stuff while erasing the border will be a disaster.
At times we’re supposed to give the Socialist-Left the benefit of the doubt in what they want for the country. We’re not supposed to question their patriotism because we’re not supposed to question their patriotism. But consider the outcome of the combination of the two main planks of their socialist national agenda: Erasing the border and handing out other people’s money.

Erasing the country with open borders

This is clearly their intent with their support of the illegal invasion columns that are beginning to assault our sovereignty. They oppose efforts to secure the border while wanting to cut the agency that is tasked with this effort. While the Left is careful about not outright endorsing these assaults, their bias towards the success of the invasion bubbles beneath the surface in all respects.
Many have also observed that the Left’s intent is to create an underclass of voters to keep them in office permanently. Witness their efforts to add as many of this underclass to the voter rolls, as well an opposing rational efforts to avoid voter fraud requiring identification and other measures.

Buying voter loyalty with other people’s money

Margaret Thatcher once stated:
Let us never forget this fundamental truth: the State has no source of money other than money which people earn themselves. If the State wishes to spend more it can do so only by borrowing your savings or by taxing you more. It is no good thinking that someone else will pay – that ‘someone else’ is you. There is no such thing as public money; there is only taxpayers’ money. Margaret Thatcher, speech to Conservative Party Conference, Oct. 14, 1983
Consider the bidding war the presumed presidential candidates from the nation’s socialist Left are engaged in at the moment. Each is vying to top the others in handing out cash to engender support. One is touting free health care, others are promising free college, while another has dropped all pretexts of rationality with naked offers of cash.
Never mind how they are going to get all of this money from other people, ‘You just pay for it’ as one guru of economic theory recently quipped. Presumably they have the misguided idea that vast pools of wealth are out there, ready to be tapped for what they think as the common good or Gemeinnutz in the Germanic language.

What will happened if the Left has their way on these issues?

Combine the elements of oxygen, heat and fuel and you will have a fire. A wildfire will result from an unlimited supply of these elements. An unlimited supply of people wanting what is at first an unlimited supply of other people’s money will see a government growing out of control. The key difference between these two analogies is that a fire will burn out without any fuel, while the government will simply find other sources.
It should be obvious that if one illegal invasion column is successful, more will follow. It should also be obvious that handing out other people’s property will only accelerate the process. Erasing the border will mean an illegal invasion of millions, attached to the prospect of cash, free health care, free housing, free food, free college, etc. It will get to the point where the entire system implodes when they run out of other people’s money.

Does the Left intend to destroy the country?

This outcome should be obvious to anyone taking the time to logically look at the facts. So at this point there are only two options as to why the nation’s Socialist-Left is pushing these two elements of their agenda. They either lack the intellectual acumen to understand the result of their agenda items, or this is their intention.
Perhaps they have convinced themselves that they have the ability to halt the governmental conflagration that they want to start. That their moral superiority is such that it is imperative that they have control over everyone else. One is hard pressed to fathom why they would intentionally set these events in motion, but either way they are playing with fire.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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