Guns aren’t the problem

The tragedy in California proves Liberty Control does not work, this is what we need to do to actually solve the problem.
We were told that Intergalactic background checks, gun registration requirements, gun confiscation laws, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases and other odious restrictions on freedom would keep everyone safe. The Liberty grabbers solemnly promised that these commonsense ‘Gun Safety’ laws would bring an end to mass shootings. Never mind that as soon as these were passed, they backtracked, parroting the talking point that each was a ‘first step’ while promptly forgetting they ever existed.
California already has the nation’s strictest gun laws and yet in the wake of a mass murder tragedy in a bastion of restrictions on freedom, the Liberty grabber Left is doubling down looking to expand Intergalactic background checks, gun registration requirements, gun confiscation laws.
But if those laws didn’t keep anyone safe, why bother expanding their reach? Unless the true purpose of pushing new controls on Liberty isn’t about solving anything but rather expanding the Left’s power over the people.

It should be patently obvious that Leftist attempts at Liberty control do not work.

The plain fact is that we should see a decrease in ‘gun violence’ in places with strict controls on Liberty. This has never been the case, given that if it did actually work somewhere, the Liberty grabber Left would never stop talking about it. The best they can offer are selective statistics or to simply ignore the failures of their agenda. Erich Pratt in USA Today and Jacob Sullum in Reason magazine both pointed out that the mass murder in California this was another tragic failure of the obsession with Liberty Control of the Socialist-Left.
Leftists have convinced themselves that they have the moral high ground in their various causes of ‘saving the planet’ or ‘protecting the children’ thus they feel righteous in their mentality of the ‘Ends justifying the means’. So if they have to lie a ‘little’ bit, that’s perfectly acceptable – to them. If they have to pretend that mass murder tragedies only take place in the states or faking the statistics on mass shootings, that’s okay because they are ‘protecting the children’.
In some ways that cavalier attitude towards the truth highlights the underlying issue that is the heart of the problem. The Left’s flexible morality is the very reason these tragedies are taking place.

Proving that gun confiscation will not solve the problem.

Before any Liberty grabber Leftists parrot the tired old line that ‘No one is talking gun confiscation’, a reminder that our research has developed a list of over 70 instances in the past few years that talk about this very ‘solution’. Please don’t insult our intelligence or memories with the repetition of that outright lie.
It should be obvious that the Socialist-Left has been grooming the law to their ultimate goal of gun confiscation. Their current obsession of the otherwise useless tool of Intergalactic [Universal or enhanced] Background Checks is a prime example. These serve no other purpose than as a stepping stone to gun registration followed by gun confiscation, their writings have admitted to this fact.

What would happen if the Left were to get their ‘gun-free’ fantasy world?

Let us diverge from this dissertation for a moment and conduct a thought experiment on what would be the result of the Left’s final solution to the gun problem.
What would happen if we had an unlimited supply of pixel dust and unicorn droppings and we could put in place what the Left has always wanted: a gunfree’ Utopia. Imagine a magic wand emblazoned with an Everytown logo that would instantly rid the world every firearm possessed by the law abiding faster a boating accident on Chatfield lake.
Since this is a Leftist fantasy world, the ‘law’ of the magic wand would do what no other law has done – have the criminals comply as well. Just for good measure it would also take away every gun in every government’s inventory. The miraculous result would be a fantasy world free of firearms, unlike anything ever seen, because laws don’t ever work on the lawless.

What would be the result of this ‘Gun-free’ Utopia?

Leftists have the farcical idea that if no one had a gun, no one would need a gun. The problem is that evil can always fashion a weapon out of normally encountered raw materials. Those of evil intent would simply revert to the weapons used before firearms arrived on the scene. Producing edged or blunt force weapons out of readily available stone, metal, glass, wood or modern materials such as plastic, ceramic or hard candy. This wouldn’t even ‘cut down on the carnage’ since the innocent would be disadvantaged by strength or skill. Criminals would be fashioning knives and clubs as they do now in the ‘gun free’ realms of most penitentiaries.
It should be patently obvious that even if guns could be eliminated from society, evil would find another way to kill the innocent. If not guns, then edged weapons. If not edged weapons, then blunt force weapons. If not blunt force weapons, then chemical explosives. If not edged chemical explosives, then vehicular weapons. On and on and on…. The focus on inanimate objects is a fools errand, we must concentrate our gaze upon our society’s moral constructs – or lack thereof.

So, how do we solve this problem?

All of this should make it clear that more restrictions on freedom, including gun confiscation will not solve anything. They will make the situation worse – far worse – than it’s current state.
The only rational solutions would be to remove the restrictions on freedom and restore societies moral underpinnings. The first item would merely be restoring the common sense human right of self-preservation. In other words, get rid of the odious controls on Liberty and so-called ‘Gun-Free’ zones. There are an estimated 400 – 600 million guns in the hands of 120 Million gun owners with trillions of rounds of ammunition, as the saying goes there if they were a problem, everyone would know it.
By definition, criminals do not obey the law and yet Leftists think that a brand new law will reverse this trend. Or it could be that they don’t care about the actions of criminals since they consider them to be the ‘downtrodden’ so they are ‘justified’ in anything they do. Either that or their power is more important than everyone’s safety.

Restoring the world’s moral underpinnings.

Solving a problem always involves careful, unemotional analysis of its true cause. Simply focusing on what feels good or appears to be a solution, but is not will only makes things worse – far worse.
Repeating the same ineffective actions is not only insane, but dangerous as well. The current focus on guns hasn’t done anything to mitigate the problem of societal violence. It has only made the situation worse, exemplified by the recent mass murder in the people’s republic of California.
We have no other choice than to turn our focus to something other than inanimate objects.
Evil will always find a way to kill, eliminate guns and it will easily find another way. Multiple-shot or repeating firearms have been around for centuries. While these mass murder tragedies are a distinct phenomena of only the past few decades. It clearly isn’t the fault of inanimate objects, but of those wielding them.
So what has changed to cause some to conduct these horrific attacks?
The past few decades have seen a steady degradation of morality. This is the ‘glue’ that holds society together. Consideration of any other action than restoring our moral underpinning will only result in more death and destruction.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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