Intergalactic Background Checks: Study shows this step to gun confiscation does not work as advertised

We have already established that gun confiscation is the left’s final solution to the liberty problem, and from now on this will be the context for any of their proposals or utterances; when they demand, what I call, Intergalactic Background Checks (comprehensive, enhanced, universal, ‘common sense’ etc,); when they want to dictate the extent of our human rights with gun “reform.”
They are in reality demanding gun confiscation.
They have made their gun confiscation intentions quite clear in over 70 instances the past few years.  This is a staggering number given the multiplicative effect of syndication and reprints of these demands.  In light of this the left will no longer be afforded the benefit of the doubt.
Demands for gun confiscation In their own words:
First, we have a quote from Alison Aires, courtesy of Joe Huffman. For what she lacks in stature within the liberty-grabber community of the left, makes up a level of vehemence unmatched by most of her comrades.
Let me tell you how you *actually* get guns banned.
You use the f…….. data that the NSA has. You check membership in gun clubs, you check the surveillance footage to see who’s a regular at shooting ranges. You check the people who are associated with the NRA. You get yourself a good long list of the people in America who love guns.

And when you inevitably catch these f……..ers with banned material? You don’t haul them into a cushy prison. Once the gavel comes down, you haul their a….. into the town square or the main road or whatever the local equivalent is and you execute them. [Edited for language]
Washington Post: A gun-free society
Daily Kos: Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns…

Euphemisms for government control of personal property

The left loves to come up with all kinds of new ways of depriving the people of their rights, with government control of personal property being no exception. I use ‘Intergalactic’ because when it comes to restricting freedom, why not do it everywhere? It also mocks the left’s self-styled moral superiority in asserting control over the universe at large. Besides, no one can ever know when a few rogue extra terrestrials might have their own version of operation fast and furious warping in a shipment of phased plasma rifles in the 40-watt range over the intergalactic border.
Most of the politicians of the liberty grabber kind have their own word for this unprecedented control over personal property. Hillary Clinton preferred the term “enhanced” background checks, presumably since one ‘enhances’ something when they make it better. For leftists, better always seems to mean a reduction in liberty for some odd reason. And others, like Rep. Nancy ‘slippery slope’ Pelosi (D-CA), used the term “common sense” background checks (a term which is not usually associated with her).
However, the peak in leftist mendacity has to be making reference to these as merely “background checks,” as though they haven’t existed for over 20 years. The implication being that no one will be safe without strict control of personal property and personal freedom.
A prime example was Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) who, like most leftists, wants to take whatever inch they get and push it a mile in controlling liberty. He spoke on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ in October 2017 about the infamous bump-stock ban. He viewed the ban as an initial move on gun control stating that Congress should mandate background checks for all gun purchases.
“That would be the clear next step,” Murphy said. “That should be our North Star.”
A severe restriction on freedom termed a “North Star? This from people who still have the nerve to claim they are Liberal. Too bad for the left that no matter what they are called these checks are useless.

A study found no change in firearm homicide or suicide rates in California 10 years after the enactment of comprehensive background check policies

Logic should tell everyone that these checks on liberty have no use, aside from fostering in the left’s final solution to the gun problem. Those intent on breaking the law will find a way of obtaining a weapon, no matter what the left has done to restrict our freedom.
A study from UC Davis Health confirmed this practical reality.
The study compared gun murder and suicide rates for 10 years after the ‘comprehensive’ background check had been put in place, with 32 control states that had not enacted these measures. They found that there was no difference in these rates before and after these restrictions on freedom had been enacted. In other words, there was no benefit in a little temporary safety for the cost of giving up essential liberty.
(SACRAMENTO) —A study of firearm homicide and suicide rates in the 10 years after California simultaneously mandated comprehensive background checks for nearly all firearm sales and a prohibition on gun purchase and possession for persons convicted of most violent misdemeanor crimes found no change in the rates of either cause of death from firearms through 2000.
The study, which posted online Oct. 12 as in press at the journal Annals of Epidemiology, was conducted by the Violence Prevention Research Program (VPRP) at UC Davis and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. It compared observed annual firearm homicide and suicide rates in California over 10 years following enactment of comprehensive background check and misdemeanor violence prohibition policies in 1991 with expected rates based on data from 32 control states that did not have these policies and did not implement other major firearm policies during the same time. 
The study found no net difference between firearm-related homicide rates before and during the 10 years after policy implementation. [emphasis mine]
Note that the bias towards liberty control with the subhead of the press release attempting to spin the results as being a factor of incomplete background-check records. But, that is leftism at its core, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Those Intergalactic checks on liberty didn’t work as advertised, so the leftist mindset is to further restrict freedom whether or not it makes a difference.

The Takeaway

The liberty-grabber left’s obsession with gun confiscation should be obvious to everyone, they would prefer that everyone else be reduced to the “Don Rickles” defense, as David Leach termed it.
Intergalactic Background Checks are just the latest step in restricting freedom. Besides not working as advertised, they have no lawful justification. Their own words on the subject have made this crystal clear – that is, they want government control of personal property so they can confiscate it later.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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