
Showing posts from August, 2020

The most important video of 2020: The authoritarian socialist left calling for violence

A montage of the leftist elite calling for violence in the streets while they pretend they have not called of violence on the streets. Now that that the nation’s socialist left has suddenly discovered that people aren’t exactly enthralled with “mostly peaceful” riots and looting. They’ve done a 180 that would have made George Orwell. They’ve gone from the nonsensical ‘silence is violence’ to the ever-popular  It’s Trump’s fault . They expected to do their usual hatchet job on the truth, posting pictures and videos with the tired old hashtag #Trump’s America, to simplistically blame it on the president. The problem is that people can see with their own eyes who is out encouraging lawlessness in the streets. They’ve even gone to the lengths of using a reaction to a self-defense shooting as some  bizarre example of authoritarianism . Or, they’ve begun making claims that truly peaceful protests are somehow  ‘White Supremacists Invading American Cities To Incite a Civil Wa

Don’t be surprised when they say we need to keep wearing masks so COVID-19 doesn’t come back

States without mask mandates are flattening the curve, indicating the approach of herd immunity everywhere, but expect the left to credit themselves and face placebos anyway. We’re coming up to a magical time when it will no longer be possible to still claim there is a COVID crisis. The new case numbers are coming down across the nation with the Daily Mail reporting that  New COVID-19 cases in US drop for a fourth straight week . The national socialist media is running short of pandemic panic propaganda. They’ve been scouring the wires, looking for bad news somewhere. Fear can only be maintained with stories of threats to everyone, but those are in short supply these days. The left will have to soon acknowledge the obvious: The COVID crisis is ending You only have to look at the numbers to see that  new case trends in all 50 states  are trending down:   New Case Trends in all 50 States Source:  Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (CRC) The national socialist med

Make no mistake, COVID tyranny isn’t going to end if Biden wins in November

Tucker Carlson makes some very disturbing points on what has changed and where we’re going. A recent Tucker Carlson opening monologue detailed how things have changed over the past few months, comparing how we looked at China in January and how we look today. Some assert that this will all go away in November because it’s main intent was for the left to gain power over the people – and take over the government. Somehow, they think things will reset back to normal if that takes place. The problem is that they aren’t recalling history, human nature, and the basic leftist mentality towards having control over liberty. It’s easy to see why this is the case given articles that still tries to subtly propagate the pandemic panic:  Partisan divide on reopening continues as COVID cases rise. The data shows that  most states have flattened the curve  are on a downward trend with the inescapable conclusion that we are heading towards herd immunity. However, the article couches the