Don’t be surprised when they say we need to keep wearing masks so COVID-19 doesn’t come back

States without mask mandates are flattening the curve, indicating the approach of herd immunity everywhere, but expect the left to credit themselves and face placebos anyway.

We’re coming up to a magical time when it will no longer be possible to still claim there is a COVID crisis. The new case numbers are coming down across the nation with the Daily Mail reporting that New COVID-19 cases in US drop for a fourth straight week.
The national socialist media is running short of pandemic panic propaganda. They’ve been scouring the wires, looking for bad news somewhere. Fear can only be maintained with stories of threats to everyone, but those are in short supply these days.

The left will have to soon acknowledge the obvious: The COVID crisis is ending

You only have to look at the numbers to see that new case trends in all 50 states are trending down:
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (CRC) New Case Trends in all 50 States
 New Case Trends in all 50 States Source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (CRC)
The national socialist media won’t be able to hide the good news for long. There is a reason why the pandemic isn’t making headlines or dominating the news cycle. They don’t have any more dire stories of doom.
Sure, they could talk about the plague or murder hornets, but not enough to send people into a panic. It won’t be long until the stories start about how the mask mandates saved the nation. Never mind that places without a state-wide mandate are also flattening the curve, turning that assertion false.
Soon enough the national socialist media will have to acknowledge the obvious. They will have to pivot from pandemic panic to a new narrative, that we regretfully have to keep the new freedom restrictions in place to prevent a COVID-19 resurgence.

Expect the new mantra to be that we need to keep wearing face placebos

You can almost hear the national socialist media now, repeating the mantra that we need to keep wearing a face mask to keep COVID-19 at bay. Never mind all of the evidence that they don’t work. Never mind that face placebo are useful when looting and rioting.
The new clarion call will be that we will have to wear these things until the end of time or a vaccine is developed – whichever comes first. The problem is that this doesn’t square with the truth.
Consider the evidence from states that never had a state-wide mandate or none at all. Such is the case with Arizona that according to a report in USA Today was the state most resistant to wearing masks for coronavirus protection.
Other states had similar results, thus debunking the need for masks. There is a growing amount of anger at being forced to accede to this scientifically questionable matter.

Sweden’s disease expert says just wearing face masks could be ‘very dangerous’

On top of all this evidence that masks are useless, comes word from Anders Tegnell, chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency and the country’s top infectious disease expert that it’s very dangerous to put too much stock in face masks.
“Face masks can be a complement to other things when other things are safely in place,” he said. “But to start with having face masks and then think you can crowd your buses or your shopping malls — that’s definitely a mistake.”
It should be noted that masks were the only mitigation measure used by Black Lives Matter rioters since they conveniently served a duel purpose.

The bottom line: If masks keep us safe, then why do we need mail-in voting?

There are several reasons the national socialist media keeps on pushing the pandemic panic. They are trying to maintain a certain level of fear in the nation and continuing with the mask mantra in the face of growing evidence of the attainment of herd immunity.
It’s partially that they just enjoy controlling people. Some of us collect stamps or knit. Leftists revel in ordering people around. It’s their vocation and avocation combined as one. They get to virtue signal while enjoying themselves. But that isn’t the main reason.
They are pushing the pandemic panic as an excuse to demand their cheat by mail scheme. Fear keeps some people at home cowering in the corner. Others march in the street because it’s too dangerous to march in the street, protesting in-person because it’s too dangerous to vote in-person.
Were it not such a dangerous time in the history of our great nation, it would almost be amusing to witness their rank contradictions. Supposedly, masks ensure our safety but contradict themselves when it comes to in-person voting. As mentioned on Instapundit since we need to vote by mail because it’s too dangerous to do otherwise, can we purchase guns by mail once again for the same reason?
Contradictions are always indicative of errors in logic or deceptive practices. If masks keep us safe, then why do we need mail-in voting?
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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