The most important video of 2020: The authoritarian socialist left calling for violence

A montage of the leftist elite calling for violence in the streets while they pretend they have not called of violence on the streets.

Now that that the nation’s socialist left has suddenly discovered that people aren’t exactly enthralled with “mostly peaceful” riots and looting. They’ve done a 180 that would have made George Orwell. They’ve gone from the nonsensical ‘silence is violence’ to the ever-popular It’s Trump’s fault.
They expected to do their usual hatchet job on the truth, posting pictures and videos with the tired old hashtag #Trump’s America, to simplistically blame it on the president. The problem is that people can see with their own eyes who is out encouraging lawlessness in the streets.
They’ve even gone to the lengths of using a reaction to a self-defense shooting as some bizarre example of authoritarianism. Or, they’ve begun making claims that truly peaceful protests are somehow ‘White Supremacists Invading American Cities To Incite a Civil War’.

The party of projection strikes again.

The left has spent years calling for violence, toting around guillotines and effigies. Now that their polls are reflecting the people don’t appreciate their exploitation of the Marxist mobs, we’re all supposed to forget what they said 5 minutes ago. Suddenly President Trump is to blame for what they’ve done.
The title of this compilation is ‘The most important video of 2020’ and that certainly is the case. While they expect people to forget what they’ve said yesterday, a quick video of this type will remind them. Please share this wherever you can and put the lie to the current propaganda effort of the national socialist left.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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