Make no mistake, COVID tyranny isn’t going to end if Biden wins in November

Tucker Carlson makes some very disturbing points on what has changed and where we’re going.

A recent Tucker Carlson opening monologue detailed how things have changed over the past few months, comparing how we looked at China in January and how we look today.
Some assert that this will all go away in November because it’s main intent was for the left to gain power over the people – and take over the government. Somehow, they think things will reset back to normal if that takes place. The problem is that they aren’t recalling history, human nature, and the basic leftist mentality towards having control over liberty.
It’s easy to see why this is the case given articles that still tries to subtly propagate the pandemic panic: Partisan divide on reopening continues as COVID cases rise.
The data shows that most states have flattened the curve are on a downward trend with the inescapable conclusion that we are heading towards herd immunity. However, the article couches the discussion as:
The partisan divide between Americans who believe “it is safe now” to reopen businesses and vote, and those wishing to “wait several months” to resume such activities, persists as the number of coronavirus cases continues to rise, according to a new survey.
The implication being that “several months” will be after the nation’s socialist left takes over. Everyone should note that we’ve been subjected to this kind of ‘reasoning’ for months now with a moving of the goalposts at every step. First, it was ’15 days to flatten the curve’ then somewhere along the way it became ‘if it saves one life.’ Apparently the new the standard is that that there shall be no increase in new cases – ever.
Anyone who is under the impression that the left will give up their newfound power to micromanage people’s lives needs to consider historical precedent what they’re done in the recent past, as exemplified by the video.

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste” – Rahm Emanuel

Despite their false front of calling themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’, they are neither. As is the case with nearly everything else they do, these are just convenient concepts they exploit to attain power.
They are perfectly willing to use other people’s pain from a mass murder tragedy to push for more control over liberty. This includes exploiting the current crisis to reach the same goal. The immortal words of Rahm Emanuel echo this sentiment.
The video details some of the incredible changes that have taken place over a few months. The left has been able to micromanage people’s lives and they don’t want to give that up. There are addicted to authoritarianism. It’s their drug of choice.
“Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Lord Acton
Joe Biden has already called for a mask mandate if he wins, and despite lacking the authority to do so, he wants to roll back the opening up of the economy in some places.

Face masks are just a harbinger of things to come

Tony Heller of Real Climate Science noted in one of his recent videos that masks are nothing but a placebo. The indications are that we are approaching herd immunity regardless of mask use since this is taking place in states without an overall mask mandate.
Parenthetically speaking, if masks worked there should have been a downward trend in new cases within the typical incubation period [4 14 days] for COVID-19. Conversely, there should have been worse effects in states and localities without a mask mandate. This has not been observed in the empirical data. No one should have any doubt that the news of such an occurrence would have been trumpeted everywhere.
The problem is that when we do achieve herd immunity, they will still insist on mask use because we could have a resurgence in the disease. When that ploy fails to be effective, they will move onto something else. For example, there is a report that China has sealed off a village after Bubonic Plague outbreak.

Biden into authoritarianism

Like most leftists, Joe Biden favors control over liberty. The current crisis gives him and the rest of his minions a perfect excuse to exercise control over our freedom, whether it’s suppressing freedom of speech or an excuse to denigrate the common-sense human right of self-defense.
Back in June, Joe Biden bragged he would use his federal power to make Americans wear a mask. Now, he says he would roll back reopenings in some places – despite not having the power to do so.

The bottom line: This isn’t going to end in November

No one should have any illusions that this is going to end in November. Leftists hate liberty, while they may pretend to favor it with self-labeling as ‘Liberal’.  It’s only a dodge to help them attain power. Consider how they trample all over freedom and individual rights when they attain that power.
The COVID crisis gave the nation’s socialist left a perfect opportunity to seize power. They will not want to let it go. Make no mistake, as herd immunity sets in, the mantra will be that masks protected the nation and that removing then will see a re-emergence of the disease. Never mind all of the studies hereherehere and here show that they don’t work as advertised.
No one should have any doubt that the changes forced on the nation by the socialist left will be permanent if they take over the government. They will play out the COVID crisis for as long as they can, then it will be onto something new. They want this tyranny to be the new normal. This is why they have to be defeated.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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