
Showing posts from May, 2020

Prolonging shutdown pain: The far-left tyrannical 10% doesn’t care about people, only power

The time has come to talk about some uncomfortable truths about the nation’s socialist left and what they truly care about. Let’s have some blunt truth this morning: The far-left  tyrannical ten percent  is only opening up the economy because the people are demanding it. Listen to their words and witness their actions. Were it up to them, they would stifle the economy for years, or until the next election, whichever comes first. Unlike the rest of the nation,  the far left was thoroughly enjoying the shutdown . It not only gave them a  wondrous opportunity  to micromanage people, it let them virtue signal on all thrusters. They were saving lives, don’t you know, so it wasn’t proper for anyone to question their motives. Tyrannical ten percenters like  Governor Gretchen Whitmer  were able to pick and choose what was ‘essential’ and what was not. One can almost imagine their glee at deciding which businesses would survive their administrative onslaught. They of course  didn’t h

Prolonging shutdown pain: The far-left tyrannical 10% doesn’t care about people, only power

The time has come to talk about some uncomfortable truths about the nation’s socialist left and what they truly care about. Let’s have some blunt truth this morning: The far-left  tyrannical ten percent  is only opening up the economy because the people are demanding it. Listen to their words and witness their actions. Were it up to them, they would stifle the economy for years, or until the next election, whichever comes first. Unlike the rest of the nation,  the far left was thoroughly enjoying the shutdown . It not only gave them a  wondrous opportunity  to micromanage people, it let them virtue signal on all thrusters. They were saving lives, don’t you know, so it wasn’t proper for anyone to question their motives. Tyrannical ten percenters like  Governor Gretchen Whitmer  were able to pick and choose what was ‘essential’ and what was not. One can almost imagine their glee at deciding which businesses would survive their administrative onslaught. They of course  didn

Karen is the new word for Nazi, now the national socialist left is trying to change its meaning

Dr. Karlyn Borysenko exposes one of the ways the nation’s socialist left obscures their rampant authoritarianism by reality Inversion. Being a ‘Karen’ is the new colloquialism for a micro tyrant, replacing the term Nazi as someone who is obsessed with micromanaging other people’s lives  while having rank double standard for themselves . These are the control obsessed cadres of the  tyrannical ten percent  who should never be given any power in any circumstance. In her latest videos,  Dr Karlyn Borysenko  details the latest version of an all too common tactic of the nation’s socialist left:  Inverting reality . This is the recurring tactic of the authoritarian left of redefining words, concepts and phrases as the exact opposite of reality. Not to quibble with the good Doctor, but we might disagree slightly in that the left does this deliberately. The left has to invert reality in order to hide Its base authoritarianism Leftism is based on the concept of controlling others,

Democrats CAUGHT rigging elections, judge pleads GUILTY, mail-In voter fraud exposed

It’s becoming patently obvious that the national socialist left is prolonging the COVID crisis in a desperate bid to rig the election in November. Let’s just say it out loud: The national socialist left doesn’t really care about people, they only care about attaining power over them. The trends are accelerating. Doctors and other experts are becoming more vocal about the fact that pandemic safety theater is  doing more harm than good . The supposed advocates of liberty on the left initially  tried to suppress  these voices, they have become too prominent and  numerous  to dismiss and suppress. Even ABC News, a stalwart of the national socialist media published a piece on  herd immunity . The question then becomes:   Why is the nation’s socialist left so adamant in desperately trying to prolong the crisis?  That answer is becoming more and more obvious by the day. The left is trying to maintain a sense of fear in the nation or at least set up a scenario of a second wave in the

The incredibly stupefying origins of the COVID-19 lockdown, the world’s greatest mistake

Just when you thought this whole situation couldn’t get any more bizarre, we get word of the absurd origins of pandemic safety theater. One would expect that a blue-ribbon team of experts would have carefully developed a policy with life or death implications for billions of people around the world. A team of experts with the top women and men of the fields’ microbiology and epidemiology interspersed with a few Nobel peace recipients for good measure. It would be incumbent upon this bevy of boffins to methodically research what has worked in the past with other outbreaks and pandemics, especially paying attention to the subject of just quarantining the sick and protecting the vulnerable as well as looking at effective mitigation techniques, perhaps with an eye towards assessing ideas that are patently unworkable through practical considerations. Well, one would be wrong in assuming that took place in developing the disastrous pandemic policies currently in place. Instead, we h

Why is the authoritarian left still desperately clinging to Pandemic Safety Theater?

Leftists love to exploit fear for political purposes, even though pandemic panic is dissipating faster than Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. The gathering Monday at Boulder Creek  epitomizes the problem for the  tyrannical ten percent  maintaining a false pretense at controlling the people with social distancing and mask issues. It has many access points and is spread out making it difficult to micromanage what people are doing in the area. This is coupled with the fact that this was  well publicized here ,  here  and  here , causing people to flock to this or other recreation areas. These types of situations are increasingly repeated across the country and around the world as people have grown weary of their lives being micromanaged by the control obsessed authoritarian socialist left. The  antibody tests  should have shown everyone that the left’s draconian rule is of no use. However, they still persist in pushing  pandemic safety theater  even as it grows increasingly unpop