Karen is the new word for Nazi, now the national socialist left is trying to change its meaning

Dr. Karlyn Borysenko exposes one of the ways the nation’s socialist left obscures their rampant authoritarianism by reality Inversion.

Being a ‘Karen’ is the new colloquialism for a micro tyrant, replacing the term Nazi as someone who is obsessed with micromanaging other people’s lives while having rank double standard for themselves. These are the control obsessed cadres of the tyrannical ten percent who should never be given any power in any circumstance.
In her latest videos, Dr Karlyn Borysenko details the latest version of an all too common tactic of the nation’s socialist left: Inverting reality. This is the recurring tactic of the authoritarian left of redefining words, concepts and phrases as the exact opposite of reality. Not to quibble with the good Doctor, but we might disagree slightly in that the left does this deliberately.

The left has to invert reality in order to hide Its base authoritarianism

Leftism is based on the concept of controlling others, whether through wealth redistribution or direct control. The problem for them is that this directly contravenes essential human liberty and individual rights.  This isn’t exactly a positive trait so they have incessantly work to keep it hidden.
“The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!” Ludwig von Mises
[Emphasis added]
Making the critical point that leftists exploit labels to imply the exact opposite to their true nature. They want to go backwards to the ancient playbook of collectivism while falsely claiming it’s something ‘new’.
They incessantly work against the cause of liberty and individual rights while falsely self-labeling themselves as ‘liberals’. While supposedly caring about the people and democracy, current events show that isn’t the case. From unnecessarily prolonging the COVID crisis to pushing the Scam of the Century Mail-in voter fraud.

Socialists were always Red

One of their biggest and least noticed reality inversion was to swap the primary colors of the two sides of the political spectrum. Up until the 2000 election, the left was always red. With terms like ‘Better dead than red’ or referring to socialists as ‘reds’ a common occurrence, such as the 1981 movie ‘Reds’ described by the IMDB as: “A radical American journalist becomes involved with the Communist revolution in Russia, and hopes to bring its spirit and idealism to the United States.”
This reportedly is why the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei chose the color red for their flag as is the case with the USSR and the Reds of Chinese Communist Party.

Nazism: The left’s most infamous case of reality inversion

This was the case of the nation’s socialist left taking a cue from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in first downplaying the words socialist and workers’ party in that term and then claiming that they were somehow ‘right-wing’.  Don’t ask leftists to prove this because they won’t be able to,  but that never stopped them repeating a good—and politically expedient—lie.
Subsequently, they’ve done this in other cases to the point that it’s become a rule of thumb that one knows when a nation’s socialist agenda has imploded when it’s suddenly termed as ‘right-wing’.
We’ve eviscerated that assertion herehere and here. Suffice it to say, but the term Nazi began as a derogatory term and has always been the case. In fact, the new term ‘Karen’ in many ways is a replacement for the term Nazi, thus it is easy to see why they would want to invert reality with these terms as well.

The left’s reality inversion of the term Karen

This is the latest example of the left’s rampant use of reality inversion with the derogatory term for an authoritarian: Karen. The accompanying article lays out the ‘crowd-sourced’ definition of the term:
Karen Taxonomic Rank
Kingdom: Eradica
Phylum: Gulaga
Class: Tattle-tale-ia
Order: Hypocrite
Family: Busybodae
Genus: Home-alone
Species: karenus
Overbreeding and lack of natural predators have caused this once nearly extinct creature to thrive under current conditions.
How Karens manifest in the real world, particularly in the era of COVID-19
A Karen is a person who is a killer of fun. They are usually bougie, entitled women who will inevitably ask to speak to the manager should you not conform to the way she expects you to behave.
A Karen will not hesitate to call the cops and tattle on neighbors who dare to have a BBQ, and will call you selfish for wanting to protect your freedom while simultaneously trying to impose her wannabe authoritarian view of the world on you. Karens only care about freedom when it comes to their freedom to behave like a Karen.
That is generally the accepted definition of the word. Given this explanation, it should be easy to correct one’s behavior simply by staying out of other people’s business.

The bottom line: Authoritarians always have to invert reality to hide their true nature.

Averting from a tendency from being what is colloquially termed ‘a control freak’. Leftists cannot follow this choice because of their proclivities, so instead, they are trying to use some Orwellian tactics to invert reality, trying to falsely assert that Leftists attacking liberty are somehow defending it, while asserting the opposite for the political Right.
Karens used to be referred to as ‘Nazis’ – overbearing authoritarians who revel in micromanaging other people’s lives. It is quite telling since this too is a word undergoing real-time revision by the national socialist left.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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