Prolonging shutdown pain: The far-left tyrannical 10% doesn’t care about people, only power

The time has come to talk about some uncomfortable truths about the nation’s socialist left and what they truly care about.

Let’s have some blunt truth this morning: The far-left tyrannical ten percent is only opening up the economy because the people are demanding it. Listen to their words and witness their actions. Were it up to them, they would stifle the economy for years, or until the next election, whichever comes first.
Unlike the rest of the nation, the far left was thoroughly enjoying the shutdown. It not only gave them a wondrous opportunity to micromanage people, it let them virtue signal on all thrusters. They were saving lives, don’t you know, so it wasn’t proper for anyone to question their motives.
Tyrannical ten percenters like Governor Gretchen Whitmer were able to pick and choose what was ‘essential’ and what was not. One can almost imagine their glee at deciding which businesses would survive their administrative onslaught.
They of course didn’t have to follow their own rules, since those were just for the little people. The lockdowns were for those less virtuous than themselves. A microcosm of the Global Cooling debate, only they were allowed to reap the benefits of economic liberty. Only they deserve to fly in carbon belching private jetliners or live on the rapidly disappearing seashore.

The left has to follow the will of the people, not the other way around

Those paying attention will note that the people started hunkering down before the government decided to make it an unconstitutional order. We sought out supplies and made provisions for the long haul. After which our social betters told us to buy supplies and make provisions for the long haul.
The tyrannical ten percenters instinctively knew that if they had tried to pull the same stunt over ‘Global Cooling’, gun violence, the murder Hornet invasion or the cannibalistic rat plague, we the people would have told them to go play in the traffic.
Leftists have the unfortunate tendency of treating everyone else as though they are helpless children, to be taken care of only by their good offices. For the far-left, we are the great unwashed, unable to feed ourselves or pick the correct leaders – Them.

The reopen protests worked

The saying is that if leftists didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have standards at all. Leftists will laud any demonstration on their side as purely virtuous on an earth-shattering level, setting a new standard for protests unrivaled in any age. Remember ‘Occupy Wall-Street’ and how it was to set the stage for a new epoch in leftist action?
Contrast that with any demonstrations of the pro-liberty right, said to be small no matter what size. As well as being supposedly ‘white supremacist’ whether or not the press can find one person holding a Confederate flag in a crowd of thousands. Even worse, should one dare to compare the national socialist left to another group of authoritarians, it will be falsely said to support Nazism or some other bit of bovine excrement.
The national socialist media can’t even be honest in writing about these protests, throwing up ‘scare quotes’ around words like freedom or human right. Not to mention mischaracterising them as “anti-lock down” instead of pro-liberty.

Make no mistake, the country is opening up because the people want it opened up

Try as they might, the tyrannical ten percenters weren’t able to keep up the fear level in the nation. Fear is only a temporary emotion, born of the fight or flight response from our ancestors. It can only work for a little while.
Then people begin to look at what we’re supposed to be afraid of and the emotion subsides. It doesn’t help that the far-left overplayed their hand, trying to squeeze every bit of advantage out of the ‘serious crisis’. Still worse for the left is the fact that the dire predictions were wrong – very wrong. Then there is the fact that most who became infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus were asymptomatic.
Soon enough, the people saw through the leftist fearmongering and the pandemic safety theater. They ventured outside and realized the sky wasn’t falling and the murder hornets weren’t flying.
Being outside in the sunshine just happened to be the best course of action for those imbued with common sense. Not so with the tyrannical ten percent, this was the worst of outcomes. People can only be controlled when they are afraid.
It came as a bad realization of the tyrannical ten percenters that the people are too ‘obsessed’ over freedom and liberty. For some reason, they don’t like being told what to do, especially by those who don’t have their best interests at heart.

The bottom line: Power is the left’s only priority

We are only beginning to realize the damage wrought by the shutdown mistake. No one should have any doubt that the economic carnage and death caused by the leftist lock-down will somehow be blamed on COVID-19 instead of on the true perpetrators of this societal atrocity.
Deaths caused by the leftist lock-down will be illogically blamed on the disease itself as a way of absolving them of the disaster while justifying it even further.
But the main point to remember is that the left wanted the pain caused by their shutdown and the rest of their pandemic safety theater to continue. Not just so they could control others, but as a ‘Hail Mary’ gambit to hobble the economy to help their chances in November and impose voter fraud by mail.
They don’t care how many people are hurt by economic strife as long as they gain power. That should be clear to everyone. It’s just another lie from the left when they pretend to care about people.  Just as it is when they pretend to care about liberty.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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