Why is the authoritarian left still desperately clinging to Pandemic Safety Theater?

Leftists love to exploit fear for political purposes, even though pandemic panic is dissipating faster than Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

The gathering Monday at Boulder Creek epitomizes the problem for the tyrannical ten percent maintaining a false pretense at controlling the people with social distancing and mask issues. It has many access points and is spread out making it difficult to micromanage what people are doing in the area. This is coupled with the fact that this was well publicized herehere and here, causing people to flock to this or other recreation areas.
These types of situations are increasingly repeated across the country and around the world as people have grown weary of their lives being micromanaged by the control obsessed authoritarian socialist left. The antibody tests should have shown everyone that the left’s draconian rule is of no use. However, they still persist in pushing pandemic safety theater even as it grows increasingly unpopular with the 90% of the nation who value liberty over control.

Heavy-handed control makes the leftist world go around

One does have to wonder why the national socialist left is still going after anyone who dares question their faux shutdown regime. Videos of experts asserting that herd immunity is the only way to go have been suppressed by alleged liberals who supposedly champion the cause of liberty.
Meanwhile, our ever so benevolent government is going after whoever they can to try to maintain the charade and the last vestiges of pandemic panic. Even leftists have to know that they are trying to hold back a tsunami of people sick of the shutdown and the mask micro tyranny. It could be postulated that they are intelligent to know this and are using these examples to maintain an atmosphere of fear for their own nefarious purposes.

Pandemic safety theater is disintegrating by the day

The authoritarian left has to know that their little science experiment is disintegrating by the day. Memorial Day weekend – the unofficial beginning of summer – is going to be the death knell of the mask micro tyranny. They are also going to quickly forget the arbitrary social distancing rules. This is why the left is working overtime to maintain an atmosphere of fear.
The people are already moving about, breaking the faux ‘quarantine’ regime. Keeping innocent people under virtual house arrest was rather easy to enforce. Not many were out on the street so demanding someone’s papers was an easy task. Having the arbitrary rules with everyone out on the creek makes enforcement that much more difficult by several orders of magnitude.
The mask micro tyranny will be the next thing to fall, followed by ‘social distancing’. Everyone is caring less and less about the left’s petty pandemic persuasions, soon to forget how close we all are.
The nation’s socialist left will pay a heavy price for its control fetish. So they must have some good reasons for shredding their carefully constructed false narrative of being liberal. Something critical that balances out a loss of popularity with the people. These are our top reasons why they could be still pretending that pandemic safety theater will be worth the effort.

They want people to be controlled, a pathetic attempt at clinging to power

“The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert A. Heinlein
It could just be that the authoritarian left simply enjoys ruling over everyone else. They get to make up arbitrary rules and pick winners and losers in the free market. Some people enjoy knitting, others enjoy incessantly telling others what to do for no good reason.
Leftists always revel in the exercise of power over others. This crisis was their shining moment in the sun, dictating petty rules for personal interaction with hardly a bit of rhyme or reason.
They were able to pontificate from on high: One must not congregate in a house of worship on Sunday. But that’s perfectly acceptable in buying liquor or lottery tickets. Presumably, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can tell the difference in spreading from person to person in the former, but not in the latter.

Once again, leftists get to be insufferably self-righteous

It doesn’t get any better for leftists than to control others for the ‘common good’. They can micromanage everyone’s life and claim they are saving it at the same time, feeling good about their authoritarianism.
This is the perfect set up in leftist land, akin to Michelle Obama displaying her concern by just holding a sign with an inane and useless hashtag. It’s the authoritarian equivalent of striking two birds with one stone.

Leftists love exploiting a crisis

Leftists are always up for a game of exploiting other people’s pain for their political gain. Their pandemic safety theater falls right in line with this. While there are some specific examples we want to cite we do need to note the generic category here since there is no telling how they will want to exploit this serious crisis.
Just this morning, the authoritarian press decided that once again, the pandemic panic would be another reason to go after cash. Of course, this is an anonymous method of interacting with the free market, free from the prying eyes of our social betters on the nation’s socialist left.
If there is one constant in the universe, its that leftists love to exploit a crisis to revamp society in their own warped way. From depriving the people of their essential human right of self-defense to letting criminals out of jail to pushing the ‘Green New Deal’, leftists will always be there to take advantage of the situation.

Leftists never want to admit they were wrong

These are people who fall back on the ‘good intentions’ excuse without even thinking about it. But in this case, the damage from their little high school science project is going to be incredible.
The economic damage is going to be staggering, but that doesn’t mean they will take the blame for it, no sir. They will just point fingers at others and belch forth nonsensical bovine excreta that this somehow means the end of economic freedom.
Perhaps leftists have the odd idea that the longer they can stretch this out, it will appear to be less of a screw-up on their part.

Cheat the election with mail-in voting fraud

This is one of their more overt goals in this crisis. Presumably, things are still going to be so dangerous in 6 months so they will have no other choice than to cheat in the election with mail-in voting. This has been brought up before here, but this is such a critical issue it’s worth mentioning again.
In another case of our analysis being bolstered by current events, The Texas Tribune is reporting that a federal judge says all Texas voters can apply to vote by mail during pandemic:
District Judge Fred Biery granted a preliminary injunction that allows all registered voters to apply to vote by mail during the coronavirus pandemic after finding the state’s existing election rules violate the Equal Protection Clause.

In a statement, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said he would seek immediate review of the ruling by the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.
“The district court’s opinion ignores the evidence and disregards well-established law,” Paxton said.
[Emphasis added]
Apparently the left sees the pandemic as the gift that keeps on giving, a serious crisis that will never end.
We’ve said all along that this really wasn’t a complete shutdown of the economy. It should be obvious to all that it was a faux lock-down from the beginning. This is because the hair-brained idea of a societal quarantine meant that essential services would have to stay open and people would have to move about, negating the purpose of the whole exercise in the first place.
But that hasn’t stopped the left from pretending that which isn’t so. Now we’ve seen a number of editorials and efforts to put in place voter fraud by mail. As always, they falsely cast it an issue of ‘safety’ instead of what it truly is: An attempted stealing of an election.

Second wave strategy

Perhaps the most insidious reason the nation’s socialist left is damaging itself with the lock-down is that it has no other choice. The people have clearly rejected socialism formally in its overt manifestations, soon enough with the covert versions in the guise of Joe Biden or Michelle Obama. All the vote-buying goodness of socialism, but without the deliberate mass murder that always accompanies leftist Utopias.
We’re already seeing the set-up articles on the issue, talking about the second wave with the Chinese Communist Party kicking things off.
Perhaps their hope is to hold enough people back from attaining herd immunity with pandemic safety theater that there will be a marginal uptick in cases in the fall. Something they can use to attack President Trump or justify mail-in voting fraud.
So some type of uptick in cases should be expected in the fall. We can expect the national socialist media and the left [sorry for the repetition] to blare this kind of news from every chyron and headline until the cows come home. Thus it’s to the authoritarian’s advantage to maintain a level of fear in the meantime.

The bottom line: The left has to maintain a certain level of fear to exploit the crisis

We should note that the nation’s leftist socialist elite considers this ‘an Exciting Time’.  No doubt because this is the only chance they have. While it seemed like it was ages ago, their impeachment gamble was only a couple months past, this was their ‘hail Mary’ play that failed. In a sense, the pandemic panic is a second chance for them. The longer they drag this out the more they can extort from the people and have an impact on the election.
The nation’s socialist left clearly wants to prolong everyone’s pain to extract whatever they can get out of the crisis. While they spout talking points about opening things up, their actions speak louder than words. No one should have any doubt that they would have this go on forever if they could, for the reasons listed out here and for a multitude of others.
Their actions here should show everyone they have no use for freedom or an end to the crisis. It has let them take all kinds of ‘liberties’ with the constitution, they never want to give that up.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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