
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Dark Art of Framing: How the authoritarian left manipulates with words and emotions

A new PragerU video highlights how we need to frame our arguments for the conservation of liberty. Sometimes it is quite fascinating to witness certain spontaneous events taking place. In this circumstance, it is that many  patriots of the pro-liberty right  have begun singing the same tune in unison seemingly without a central directing influence. We submit that the ‘how’ in this situation isn’t as important as the ‘what’. The past few weeks have seen many come to the same conclusion, that we conservators of liberty need to step up and  begin pushing back  on those who are actively working against this cause. That merely defending freedom isn’t sufficient, that we need to go on offence. Framing the argument. The PragerU we are presenting succinctly makes this point with a some suggestions on how we can structure our arguments to counteract the tactics of the left in pushing their socialist national agenda. This begins with determining how they frame their arguments.

Is the national socialist media setting up to push for Obama 2.0?

Why is the authoritarian left pushing the absurd notion that Obama is a conservative? The Washington post recently tried to claim that  Barrack Obama is a conservative . Problem is, they eviscerated this with the admission that: “Obama was a believer in big government” but this was buried deep in the story. They also managed to come up with an even bigger whopper with this: “Until the Sandy Hook tragedy in 2012, Obama studiously avoided any push for gun control.” Had they done any research,  such as looking at their own archives , they would have realized this was categorically false. Given a  Washington Post article  from April 2011, where the supposedly “conservative” Obama stated that gun control was very much on his agenda, and that he was working on it, “but under the radar.” While they did their best to try to cherry pick selected aspects of Republican administrations, there is a differential of several orders of magnitude between these and a president very much a p

Say it ain’t so Nancy: Was the impeachment inquisition all for nothing?

A new video from liberal Tim Pool summarizing the impeachment disaster for the left and how it all could be for naught. Now that the left has made their  “case”  for impeachment over a ‘quid pro quo’ … extortion … bribery … witness intimidation … bad feelings .., and back to ‘quid pro quo’. We were looking forward to their wailing and gnashing of teeth that the pro-liberty side of the controversy will be presented. From the beginning, it’s been a drumbeat for impeachment 24/7 with a bombshell here, bombshell there, everywhere a bombshell. The walls closed in so many times, it threatened to invert the space-time continuum. The double standards that were most interesting aspect of this fiasco. Any and all investigations into the actions of the authoritarian socialist left were of course invalid and verboten. Contrast this with the merest accusation against anyone of the pro-liberty right being perfectly valid, before any investigation. Any rumor of corruption against

Reference list of non firearm attacks

‘At least 3 people’ stabbed while shopping in The Hague, Netherlands; Not known if it’s related to earlier terror attack in London via @twitchyteam London police shoot suspect dead after 'terrorist' stabbings Four Paris police officers killed in knife attack at headquarters Suspect screaming ‘You die!’ kills up to 23 at anime studio https://www.apnews.Com/b10907eaf37945889d9ee4339df92aaa TOKYO (AP) — A man screaming “You die!” burst into an animation production studio in Kyoto, Japan, and set it on fire early Thursday, authorities said, killing 13 people and leaving more than 10 others presumed dead. Police seize 5

Collector list of 2A references

The Guardian, Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK Guns Flow Into UK Despite Strict Laws; US Crime at Historic Lows as Civilian Gun Ownership Soars Joy Behar: Don't tell Americans before you take their guns When Rational Arguments About Guns Are Utterly Useless - The Truth About Guns The Nazism of Democrat Gun Control Using “liberty” instead of “gun” reveals the true nature of the left as authoritarians, bent on ruling over everyone else. It’s easy for the

We’ve tried the left’s ideas and they don’t work. It’s time to try something else.

The time has come for overt action in the conservation of freedom, a pro-liberty push back. Let’s be blunt about it. The left’s socialist national agenda is just a rehash of ancient ideas that have never worked and will never work. They consist of warmed over collectivist control schemes that have repeatedly failed in the past and will repeatedly fail in the future. It’s high time that we finally relegate them to the dustbin of history and use what has been proven to work. Many people don’t even understand the true nature of the collectivist dogma of socialism. It is always sold as being ‘democratic’ with fantastic promises of benefits born of simple wealth redistribution. It always ends up in lies, oppression and death when the promises never come to fruition. Leftists are of course very skilled in repackaging very old ideas as new. Like a scam artist that has a new alias every week, they keep on coming up with a new name for the same thing hoping to fool a new generation

Was it in the national interest to investigate corruption and foreign meddling in US elections?

What was perfectly acceptable in the Mueller fiasco is being judged by an entirely different standard with the impeachment inquisition. Double standards are exceedingly divisive, having one set of rules for one group and an entirely different set for another tends to build resentment and disharmony. But that is what we are witness to these days, with the authoritarian socialist left and their national socialist media minions applying one set of rules to themselves and another for everyone else. The leftist mindset of a birthright to power. The collectivist left has increasing felt that they have a birthright to rule over everyone else. They’ve convinced themselves they are on the ‘right side of history’, mainly because they incessantly tell themselves they are on the ‘right side of history’. That is hardly the case since their base ideology is centered on ancient ideas of collectivism that have been abject failures for several centuries. Nevertheless, they believe themselves

Over 75 cases of the left calling for gun confiscation – Beto version 2019

Destroying the lie from the national socialist left that ‘no one is talking about gun confiscation’. Joy Behar ,  Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rouke  and  Representative Eric ‘nukem’ Swawell (D-CA)  epitomize the mendacity of the left in demanding gun confiscation while denying that they are demanding gun confiscation. Like many others of the national socialist left, they want to push for their final solution to the liberty problem while still pretending to be ‘liberal’, using all manner of soft sounding synonyms for the taking of the people’s property. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) loves to talk on this subject, but according to him, anyone else talking about it is  ‘fear mongering’ . Just because he and his fellow leftists are demanding gun confiscation, does not mean he and his fellow leftists are demanding gun confiscation. This of course doesn’t even touch on the obvious aspect of unconstitutional gun confiscation with so-called ‘red flag’ laws. Their existence alone proves the po