Over 75 cases of the left calling for gun confiscation – Beto version 2019

Destroying the lie from the national socialist left that ‘no one is talking about gun confiscation’.

Joy BeharRobert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rouke and Representative Eric ‘nukem’ Swawell (D-CA) epitomize the mendacity of the left in demanding gun confiscation while denying that they are demanding gun confiscation. Like many others of the national socialist left, they want to push for their final solution to the liberty problem while still pretending to be ‘liberal’, using all manner of soft sounding synonyms for the taking of the people’s property.
Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) loves to talk on this subject, but according to him, anyone else talking about it is ‘fear mongering’. Just because he and his fellow leftists are demanding gun confiscation, does not mean he and his fellow leftists are demanding gun confiscation.
This of course doesn’t even touch on the obvious aspect of unconstitutional gun confiscation with so-called ‘red flag’ laws. Their existence alone proves the point that the liberty grabber left obsesses over using any means necessary to disarm their political enemies.

Just the major players in the gun confiscation demand genre.

This is our annual accounting of the over 75 instances of the liberty grabber leftists demanding gun confiscation, eviscerating the lie that they aren’t demanding gun confiscation. Everyone should note that the national socialist left is nothing if not creative in creating euphemisms to disguise their obvious ultimate goal. Using nonsensical terms such as ‘mandatory buy back’ in a thinly veiled attempt at pretending it’s not really confiscation.
It’s an accounting from most of the major outlets of the national socialist media as well as the leadership of the authoritarian socialist left [but we repeat ourselves]. There are a vast number of more examples from the minor characters of the movement, such as this one from ‘Alison Aires’, but for the sake of brevity we kept the criteria for inclusion high to make the list manageable. It proves the point none the less.

Why do leftists lie about their obvious ultimate goal of gun confiscation?

If there is one thing we’ve learned from extensively researching this ‘genre’, it’s that leftists love to lie about their obvious goal. They will scream ‘do something’ even though this won’t do anything to solve the problem they created in the first place while it is plain as day that these are mere stepping-stones to confiscation.
There are several reasons why they lie about what is patently obvious, but the primary cause destroys their entire argument for liberty control. They of course want to fool people into registering their firearms with the solemn promise that it won’t lead to gun confiscation, only to go back on that promise and confiscate them anyway, as was the case in the UK. But that isn’t the main reason for parroting an obvious falsehood.

The primary reason the left maintains the ‘no one is coming for your guns’ lie.

There is an exemplary quote that is a succinct reason why the left lies about their obvious end goal of gun confiscation in the video from of the reference article: Must watch: ‘I carry a gun’.
“I carry a gun because there are only two types of creatures on this planet predators and prey. no one watches a cheetah chase down a gazelle and deny that the gazelle has the right to use its horns to protect itself.
But there are people who would deny that same right of self-defense to other human beings. Such people seem to think that the way to stop the cheetah is to cut the horns off the gazelle. That somehow if you make it easier for the predator the predator will simply go away. It doesn’t work that way if you make it easier for the predator you get more predators.”
[Emphasis added]

That is clearly the objective of the liberty grabber left.

Pointing out this obvious ultimate goal will see the inevitable use of this obvious lie, but the left has no other choice. Employing the ‘no one is talking about gun confiscation’ lets them red herring their way out of this critical aspect of the debate. That is why we have spent countless hours compiling this list. It set’s the debate of the unalienable human right of self-defense in its proper context. Were the liberty grabber leftists to get their way, far more people would die by being rendered defenseless.

Registration IS confiscation.

One final note, we have already proven that imposing a requirement of governmental permission to keep an unalienable human right is akin to the actual seizing of firearms. Virtual gun confiscation with registration or licensing demands means that firearms are now under the control of the government. With the only difference from real gun confiscation being where the firearms are stored.
All of these references from almost every major media outlet of the national socialist left as well as its leadership, proves that this is their obvious goal and they aren’t just talking about it.

2020 Presidential candidates that have advocated gun confiscation.

[or any synonyms thereof: mandatory buy back etc, virtual confiscation/permission requirements ]











Originally published on the NOQ Report


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