Say it ain’t so Nancy: Was the impeachment inquisition all for nothing?

A new video from liberal Tim Pool summarizing the impeachment disaster for the left and how it all could be for naught.
Now that the left has made their “case” for impeachment over a
‘quid pro quo’
witness intimidation
bad feelings.., and back to ‘quid pro quo’. We were looking forward to their wailing and gnashing of teeth that the pro-liberty side of the controversy will be presented.
From the beginning, it’s been a drumbeat for impeachment 24/7 with a bombshell here, bombshell there, everywhere a bombshell. The walls closed in so many times, it threatened to invert the space-time continuum.
The double standards that were most interesting aspect of this fiasco. Any and all investigations into the actions of the authoritarian socialist left were of course invalid and verboten. Contrast this with the merest accusation against anyone of the pro-liberty right being perfectly valid, before any investigation. Any rumor of corruption against the Republicans was immediately accepted as the truth, while the same leveled against the left always labelled as a conspiracy theory without evidence… even with evidence.
It looks like the Republican won this round of the impeachment inquisition as detailed in the Federalist. Now it looks like they are going to demand a trial, calling forth alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella to testify.
There is nothing better than to see someone trapped by their own nefarious plans, hoisted on their own petard. At this point the leftists can either break out the toothed bucket of impeachment and dig a bigger hole for themselves or give up on the whole fiasco, showing it was all a big waste of time and the taxpayer’s money.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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