Is the national socialist media setting up to push for Obama 2.0?

Why is the authoritarian left pushing the absurd notion that Obama is a conservative?

The Washington post recently tried to claim that Barrack Obama is a conservative. Problem is, they eviscerated this with the admission that: “Obama was a believer in big government” but this was buried deep in the story.
They also managed to come up with an even bigger whopper with this: “Until the Sandy Hook tragedy in 2012, Obama studiously avoided any push for gun control.”
Had they done any research, such as looking at their own archives, they would have realized this was categorically false. Given a Washington Post article from April 2011, where the supposedly “conservative” Obama stated that gun control was very much on his agenda, and that he was working on it, “but under the radar.”
While they did their best to try to cherry pick selected aspects of Republican administrations, there is a differential of several orders of magnitude between these and a president very much a part of the ‘intelligentsia’ of the nation’s socialist left.

Why is the authoritarian left pushing the absurd notion that Obama is a conservative?

Why is it so important for the national socialist media to cast a dyed in the wool leftist as a pro-liberty patriot? It could be that leftists just love to confuse the issue as they have tried with the ‘political compass’, the Political Sextant, the Three-Axis Political Compass or the A Six-Axes (sic) Political Compass and a host other multidimensional affairs.
Models tend to muddy the water instead of clarifying the issues, usually with confusing and opaque tests that just happen to cast most people into the left side of the spectrum. Most of these are meant to obscure the fact that the far-left – socialist – side of the rational political spectrum is fundamentally authoritarian. This is why these are quite popular with those of the authoritarian socialist left.
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Is it to shift the Overton window even further to the left?

Aside from sowing confusion, the purpose could be to shift the Overton window even further left, making the outlandish far-left proposals of the ‘Democratic’ presidential candidates at least seem reasonable. This could be trying to set the left end of the spectrum on the authoritarian socialist ideology of the current crop of 2020 candidates, setting the ‘right end’ on the old standby Barrack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton stand-in Michelle.
Taking a page from the Clinton playbook, this could be a way of having an Obama back in the White House. A way of ‘restoring’ the Obama presidency with all kinds of identity points as a bonus.

Or is it to set up a Michelle Obama candidacy?

The alternative could be that this is to set Michelle Obama as the ‘sane choice’ in contrast to the 2020 candidates so far to the left, they are below the horizon [our apologies to any flat-earthers out there].
Casting Barrack Obama as a ‘conservative’ and by extension, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama would set her up as the reasonable alternative to the far-left field. Never mind that she along with Barrack is just as authoritarian as the rest in the nation’s left.

The Bottom Line

Consider that the candidates from the nation’s socialist left are failing to gain any traction to the point that Michael Bloomberg is now trying to buy his way into the White House – despite his issues.
The impeachment inquisition could see some of the top candidates sequestered away in a Senate trial. But only if Nancy Pelosi has the.. nerve to go through with the effort, given that alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella could be called to testify. This leaves the spotlight to Joe Biden and the third tier candidates.
Many have characterized the impeachment debacle as a ‘hail Mary’ play. The Washington Post article could be indicative that in desperation next the left might be contemplating a ‘hail Michelle’ play.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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