
Showing posts from September, 2019

Only Trump can drive the left that crazy

The left has been losing the plot for years. President Trump just brought out their worst. We are often reluctant to comment on developing news stories, with the fog of the news cycle concealing the facts, making it difficult to affix the proper assessment on the situation. Just trying to learn what exactly is going on is a Herculean task in and of itself, much less divine what it all means. So this will be some observations from flight level 30 on the overall situation. It will most likely not contain any spoilers. Recent events have invoked thoughts of the 1988 movie  Die Hard , the story of one man, John McClane, played by actor Bruce Willis, resisting a group of ‘terrorists’ who had taken over a skyscraper and are holding hostages, including his estranged wife. At one point, one of the ‘terrorists’ trashes a beverage cart, and his estranged wife comments that ‘Only John can drive somebody that crazy.’ This is not to say that President Trump is unique in this ability. Nor is

Voting with power tools: Building your own Modern Day Musket part II

The AR-15 is the Modern Day Musket, this is the 2nd part of the series on building one from the ground up Part I  was a video on the last steps in the machining of what is colloquially referred to as an  ’80 % Lower Receiver’ . This is an overview of the tools and techniques to finish out the assembly of the lower part of the rifle. It’s essentially the process of installing the mechanisms necessary to operate the firearm into the bare framework the lower receiver. Since this hunk of aluminium or plastic is considered by the government to be a  ‘gun’  purchasing one still requires a background check. Note that carelessness with a couple of the steps can lead to the lower receiver being rendered useless, not to mention that it’s relatively easy to lose these pieces. In many ways, the AR-15 represents everything the national socialist left hates about liberty and rugged individualism. It’s modularity means it can be customised to suit one’s personal needs. For example, an ext

Abolish socialistic slavery October

Setting up an occasion to examine the incredible inferiority of socialism and why it should be banished. #Bansocialism The time has come for a proper debate on the inherent superiority of economic freedom over socialistic slavery. That is why we are creating the month-long event ‘Abolish socialistic slavery October’ to inspire this debate. While no system based on flawed beings can ever be perfect, for centuries economic freedom has been demonstrated to work by practical reality. The failure of the collectivist ideologies has also been obvious for centuries. These base ideologies have not only failed to work, but they have led to the oppression and deliberate mass murder of millions. That should be prima facie evidence that those ideologies should be banished. “Despite the miracles of capitalism, it doesn’t do well in popularity polls. One of the reasons is that  capitalism is always evaluated against the non-existent, non-realizable utopias  of socialism or communism. Any ear

Why isn’t ‘Beto’ doing better?

Gun confiscation is all the rage according to the left, so why isn’t Robert Francis O’Rourke surging in popularity? According to Robert Francis and his merry band of liberty busters, patriots around the country cannot wait to shred and burn their Modern Day Muskets in a funeral pyre worthy of a Viking princess. AR-15’s are stacking up like cord-wood in Walmart dumpsters or sinking to the depths of lakes everywhere. Good people are giving up their guns at will because it will have the magical effect of having them disappear from the hand of criminals. Innocent folks are disarming themselves because they know that the miscreants of our society will also do the same. The inestimable logic of ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Everyone knows that common sense civil liberties are easily negated by teenagers crying on the tele; that’s the fine print in the Constitution everyone misses. We are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable human rights* [But only if absolutely no one in the country i

Gun Confiscation image Reference September 2019

[Reverse chronological order] In gun buyback talk, how do you round up so many weapons? September 22, 2019

Gun Confiscation Reference September 2019

[Reverse chronological order] In gun buyback talk, how do you round up so many weapons? September 22, 2019 In gun buyback talk, how do you round up so many weapons? September 22, 2019 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s recent vow to take away people’s AR-15 and AK-47 rifles raised one big question: How is it possible to round up the millions of such guns that exist in the United States? The number of AR-15 and AK-47s in the U.S. is estimated at a staggering 16 million, creating logistical challenges to take them out of circulation. Many gun owners are also unwilling to turn over the weapons, and if the government offered to buy them all back at face value, the price tag could easily run into the billions of dollars. … The prospect of significant gun measures has faded in recent weeks under the Republican-controlled Senate and President

Gun Confiscation image Reference August 2019

[Reverse chronological order] A Peace Plan for a Safer America [Demands for compensated confiscation as well as virtual confiscation of all guns in addition to a licensing requirement for an unalienable human right] “To be clear: the implementation of an assault weapons ban should be a full mandatory buy-back of assault weapons” August  2019 A Peace Plan for a Safer America The key elements of a national gun and ammunition licensing system would include:     A multi-step approval process, overseen by a law enforcement agency, that requires background checks, in-person interviews, personal references, rigorous gun safety training, and a waiting period of 10 days for each gun purchase. Licenses would be renewed every year upon successful completion of annually refreshed requirements in the above areas. In the process, a national registry of firearms sales would be created to make gun owners

Gun Confiscation Reference August 2019

[Reverse chronological order] A Peace Plan for a Safer America [Demands for compensated confiscation as well as virtual confiscation of all guns in addition to a licensing requirement for an unalienable human right] “To be clear: the implementation of an assault weapons ban should be a full mandatory buy-back of assault weapons” August  2019 A Peace Plan for a Safer America The key elements of a national gun and ammunition licensing system would include:     A multi-step approval process, overseen by a law enforcement agency, that requires background checks, in-person interviews, personal references, rigorous gun safety training, and a waiting period of 10 days for each gun purchase. Licenses would be renewed every year upon successful completion of annually refreshed requirements in the above areas. In the process, a national registry of firearms sales would be created to make gun owners

No, Sen. Schumer, gun confiscation talk is exactly the reason to stop ‘universal’ background checks

The national socialist left incessantly demands gun confiscation, all the more reason not to ‘go forward’ with its precursors. Sometimes it’s easy to knock a lie from the left out of the park. This is certainly one of those times. As reported by the  Times Union , everyone’s favorite Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) recently stated: “I don’t know of any other Democrat who agrees with Beto O’Rourke, but it’s no excuse not to go forward.” In the retail game, this is known as a two for one special, in this case two lies in one statement. Most leftists obsess over gun confiscation and this is the exact reason to oppose ‘universal’ background checks. One only needs to consider that none of the other candidates objected to this stance, or that they have offered their own schemes to deprive the people of their inalienable human right of self-defense. Not to mention a quiet perusal of the admittedly outdated  list of leftists demanding gun confiscation  – Updated to Sep

Voting with power tools: Making your own Modern-Day Musket, part I

We thought we would ‘Beto’ Robert Francis to the finish and bring up the subject of building your own AR-15. Now that Robert Francis O’Rourke has made gun confiscation a key part of the left’s socialist national agenda we thought we would do our part, popularizing private production to propagate progressive paranoia. We certainly have to salute those retail establishments having sold out of their  ‘Beto Specials’ on AR-15s and AK-47s in two hours  with a true masterstroke with it being ‘online only’ [That’s only a joke since the paperwork would have to be completed in person]. Then there is another outfit producing a  ‘No Beto’ Stripped AR-15 Lower  in honor of Robert Francis. Our contribution will be a quick run down on making your own version of the  Modern-Day Musket , the venerable AR-15. As is usually the case with ‘democratic’ socialists, they follow Saul Alinsky’s ‘rules’ “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” In the case of the inalienable hum