Why isn’t ‘Beto’ doing better?

Gun confiscation is all the rage according to the left, so why isn’t Robert Francis O’Rourke surging in popularity?

According to Robert Francis and his merry band of liberty busters, patriots around the country cannot wait to shred and burn their Modern Day Muskets in a funeral pyre worthy of a Viking princess. AR-15’s are stacking up like cord-wood in Walmart dumpsters or sinking to the depths of lakes everywhere.
Good people are giving up their guns at will because it will have the magical effect of having them disappear from the hand of criminals. Innocent folks are disarming themselves because they know that the miscreants of our society will also do the same.

The inestimable logic of ‘Beto’ O’Rourke

Everyone knows that common sense civil liberties are easily negated by teenagers crying on the tele; that’s the fine print in the Constitution everyone misses. We are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable human rights* [But only if absolutely no one in the country is afraid of anything for at least 10 years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes last] That’s the fear clause that’s tucked in behind commerce, the constitutional Swiss army knife.
One can easily envision people approaching politicians in a restroom to tell them of a lifelong desire to rid themselves of an inalienable human right. Then there are those who dream of a SWAT team to breaking down their door at 3:00 AM to seize their hard-earned property at gunpoint. Even better are those looking forward to a sweet $100 gift certificate in exchange for an $800 Rifle with a $600 optic.
The logic being that when it comes to self-preservation, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. Why defend yourself when you can wait a lifetime for the coroner to draw a chalk outline around your lifeless body?

‘Beto’: Let’s confiscate all the guns

In the world of the authoritarian socialist left, taking private property is very much like eating potato crisps – you can’t confiscate just one. Once they taste the visceral thrill of subjugating their political enemies and taking their property they can’t help themselves. The Associated Press has already produced articles on the subject: In gun buyback talk, how do you round up so many weapons? Proceeding from a standpoint that it’s perfectly acceptable to deprive people of their inalienable human rights.
As reported by the Daily Wire, Robert Francis O’Rourke has signaled that he is open to Confiscating ALL Semi-Automatic Firearms. His stated plans include a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns  Since there is no set definition of the term ‘assault weapon’ this could mean anything that could be used as a weapon to assault someone.
These things begin with the what has been demonized the most, then they move on to everything else. The liberty grabbing would start with AR-15’s and as noted in the Daily Wire article, would expand to all semi-automatic firearms. Then they will want all handguns – revolvers included. Then anything else they want to define as being an ‘assault weapon’.

Why isn’t ‘Beto’ doing better?

Thus we return to our central question. According to polling from the national socialist media, supposedly, 90% of the country is fully on board with gun confiscation accompanied with every ancillary control scheme imaginable. Given that supposed environment, a candidate espousing such rhetoric should be soaring in the polls. NRA members should be hoisting the man on their shoulders as a national hero who was willing to speak to what everyone desires.
But that isn’t taking place is it? The innermost statist desires of one Robert Francis O’Rourke have failed to bring him up in the polls. Worse yet, while his comrades of the national socialist left didn’t object to his viewpoint, they haven’t exactly embraced it either.
While Robert Francis did his best to push the Overton window as far as it would go, we are seeing that such things have their limits. Patriots of the pro-liberty right can now point to his actions as undeniable proof of the left’s final solution to the liberty problem. Halting their little game incremental moves in liberty control, to evince a design to reduce the country to absolute despotism. The liberty grabber leftists were able to claim victory in Colt temporarily stopping production on AR-15’s, leaving only 278 producers of ARs, but they will take any victory against freedom they can take.

The bottom-line

If everyone in the country, including the estimated 120 – 130 million gun owners, really wanted the government to take private property by force, ‘Beto’ should be doing better, his polling should have a positive upward trend and he should be the talk of the nation.
That isn’t the case. In fact, he has been roundly condemned by his fellow socialists while being inadvertently praised by many on the pro-liberty right. The exact opposite of what would have been predicted by the polling data.
This is clearly a case where most people have finally seen that the left has dropped the mask and has gone full authoritarian. Gun confiscations are just one manifestation, but it is giving everyone pause on just who they people truly are with the exposition of their extremist views. This is why we are answering NO on any more erosion of our inalienable human rights. This is why we are rejecting their socialist national agenda.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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