Voting with power tools: Building your own Modern Day Musket part II

The AR-15 is the Modern Day Musket, this is the 2nd part of the series on building one from the ground up

Part I was a video on the last steps in the machining of what is colloquially referred to as an ’80 % Lower Receiver’. This is an overview of the tools and techniques to finish out the assembly of the lower part of the rifle. It’s essentially the process of installing the mechanisms necessary to operate the firearm into the bare framework the lower receiver.
Since this hunk of aluminium or plastic is considered by the government to be a ‘gun’ purchasing one still requires a background check. Note that carelessness with a couple of the steps can lead to the lower receiver being rendered useless, not to mention that it’s relatively easy to lose these pieces.
In many ways, the AR-15 represents everything the national socialist left hates about liberty and rugged individualism. It’s modularity means it can be customised to suit one’s personal needs. For example, an extendable stock means that it can be adjusted to one’s arm length. Being a relatively small round, is has a low recoil.
Building an AR-15 – the Modern Day Musket – is a great way to become intimately familiar with the functional operation of the rifle and the best way to obtain one.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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