Abolish socialistic slavery October

Setting up an occasion to examine the incredible inferiority of socialism and why it should be banished. #Bansocialism

The time has come for a proper debate on the inherent superiority of economic freedom over socialistic slavery. That is why we are creating the month-long event ‘Abolish socialistic slavery October’ to inspire this debate.
While no system based on flawed beings can ever be perfect, for centuries economic freedom has been demonstrated to work by practical reality. The failure of the collectivist ideologies has also been obvious for centuries. These base ideologies have not only failed to work, but they have led to the oppression and deliberate mass murder of millions. That should be prima facie evidence that those ideologies should be banished.
“Despite the miracles of capitalism, it doesn’t do well in popularity polls. One of the reasons is that capitalism is always evaluated against the non-existent, non-realizable utopias of socialism or communism. Any earthly system, when compared to a Utopia, will pale in comparison. But for the ordinary person, capitalism, with all of its warts, is superior to any system yet devised to deal with our everyday needs and desires.”
Walter E. Williams
[Emphasis added]
After years of concealing the obvious truth of their base ideology, the left has finally come out of the authoritarian closet, admitting the obvious. Socialism has always been the base ideology of the left, and for once they are being honest about it, at least in this regard. That they finally admitted the truth with the very same national socialist policy agendas should speak volumes.
They have always wanted to come out of the authoritarian closet, proudly announcing their innate desire to control everyone’s life and property. Just as they have always wanted to demand that everyone turn in their guns. The problem is that both have revealed too much and the people are recoiling at the prospect of an elite group of authoritarians ruling over them.
Along with their collectivist coming out party, they have made absurd demands for the abolition of economic freedom. As is typical of the national socialist left, they have ‘weaponized’ the language, using the pejorative ‘capitalism’ instead of economic freedom in reference to the free market system. Please note that we will be using the more accurate and preferred term.
The idea of finally committing the collectivist ideologies to the scrap heap of history was in fact inspired by the national socialist left. In particular a report in the Stranger covering the national convention of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) with the ‘long-term goal of abolishing capitalism’ As well as this report from the New York Times on a debate organised by the socialist magazine Jacobin on whether we should scrap capitalism.

Let’s have that debate on scrapping the societal slavery of socialism.

The Walter E. Williams quote we posted at the top of the page epitomizes the reason the national socialist left prefers to keep the debate over it’s base ideology framed in a certain way. While the proponents of economic freedom readily admit to it’s faults – primarily because it is based on the actions of imperfect beings – it is far and away the best system ever devised. The left cannot allow the debate to be centered around the practical realities of both systems simply because they would lose the debate. Instead, they have to attack liberty and individual rights and freedoms. While holding out the promise of free stuff paid for with other people’s money.
Another quote from Dr. Williams shows the great contrast between the two systems:
“Prior to capitalism, the way people amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man.” ― Walter E. Williams
In essence showing that the collectivist ideologies are nothing more than a dressed up version of economics by coercion that has been practiced by some for eons. But this time around, couching the system in terms of ‘fairness’ and ‘equality’.

The purpose of abolish socialistic slavery month

The proper linear model of the political spectrum is always one of a measure of governmental power or an innate desire for control. With the right side favoring individualism, economic freedom, and minimal government. While the left side of the political spectrum favors collectivism, socialistic slavery, and totalitarian government.
It is patently obvious that economic freedom is vastly superior to socialistic slavery. This is why our comrades on the national socialist left avoid comparing the two. They prefer just to flaccidly attack the defects inherent in any system that is based on the actions of imperfect beings. While they fastidiously avoid discussions of the incredible inferiority of their collectivist system.
Therefore, the purpose of putting the spotlight on the issue during the month of October with the accompanying hashtag #Bansocialism, is to make the comparison to let the people make the choice. We are confident that given the contrast between economic freedom and socialistic slavery, they will make the proper choice.

Why choose October for abolish socialistic slavery month?

The answer is two-fold, one it points out the formation of one of the worst vestiges of the organised evil that is socialism in the USSR with the so-called ‘October revolution’. Second, it is the month before election day – at least in the states – thus it is a prime opportunity to have a discussion on the vast superiority of economic freedom over socialistic slavery.
Keep in mind the previously mentioned points, that the nation’s socialist left has to avoid having their inherently flawed system based on force compared to a superior system based on freedom. As exemplified by Karl Marx 150 years ago or by Richard D. Wolff of recent vintage, the authoritarians of the left have to avoid making comparisons since their base ideology will always come out lacking.
The best they can offer are criticism after criticism of economic freedom. While they palm off citations of the horrid past results of their system as ‘not really socialism’ or some variation of that all too often cited excuse. Now is the time to have a rational discussion of which system is superior as well as detailing the reasons for this superiority.
Given these circumstances, we are establishing abolish socialism October as a springboard to discuss the hideous collectivist ideologies. Since most are variations of the same theme, with the aliases for collectivism will fall under the rubric of the debate. These are the exemplified with various terms, including: Bolshevism, collectivism, communism, democratic socialism, fascism, Leninism, national socialism, project X, Stalinism, statism, totalitarianism, etc. to name a few.

Socialism: Failed ancient ideas masquerading as functional and new

One would presuppose that it’s easier to think that the failed ideas of socialism are ‘new’ or untried than to look into their history. Paradoxically, the more one knows about the subject, the less they are enamored with it’s precepts, as Ronald Reagan once observed:
“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.“ – Ronald Reagan
These are ancient ideas, as Rabbi Daniel Lapin noted, they were present in the story of the Tower of Babel. The Socratic dialogs in Plato’s ‘Republic’ had extensive discussions of the ideal state.
Centuries later, the ‘first theoretical expression of a genuinely socialist position’ was expressed in the book Utopia, by Sir Thomas More, published in 1516.
Coincidentally, these ideas were tried in the new colonies of the Americas of Jamestown and Plymouth almost 100 years later. The first ‘official’ experiment in socialism [meaning that it was the first use of that word] took place in the New Harmony Indiana, it barely lasted 3 years 1825 – 1827.
It wasn’t until the evil that is socialism gained a foothold in Russian that the full flower of socialistic slavery became manifest, along with the myriad places it’s been tried and failed down through the centuries. This is why we must banish this evil from the pantheon of viable governmental forms.

Why is it critical that we abolish socialistic slavery?

This question should answer itself, just as it was important to abolish other types of slavery. Socialism [or one of its aliases] has a history of horrors unmatched in modern times. From the concentration camps of national socialist Germany to the Gulag archipelago of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the untold horrors of Cuba and Venezuela, there is a reason to label socialism as organised evil.
The book ‘The bridge at Andau’ on the Hungarian revolution against socialist oppression gave a very detailed exposition on why collectivist regimes always require secret police apparatus and the suppression of Liberty. As is the case now as it was then, a nation’s Socialist-Left will promise just about anything to attain power over the people:
When communism is wooing the workers in Csepel, all kinds of exaggerated promises are made if they seem likely to awaken men’s aspirations and their cupidity. These promises are couched in such simple terms and such effective symbols that they become immediate goals of the revolution.

Review briefly what communist agitators had once promised the Hungarians who appear in this book: consumer goods such as they had never known before, increased wages. increased social benefits, shorter hours of work, improved education for everyone, a greater social freedom, and a government directly responsible to the working classes. Under communism such promises were never even remotely capable of attainment.
[Emphasis added]
All of that should be eerily familiar to those watching the campaigns of the presidential contenders of the national socialist left. It begins with those promises and ends in arrests by the secret police and real concentration camps, but only after the people have been disarmed. That is why those same contenders are competing to see who can be more authoritarian in dictating what you can have for your inalienable human rights or how and when your private property will be confiscated.

The bottom-line.

The national socialist left is at a severe disadvantage in that it pushes an ideology that has never and can never work. Thus, they have to play games with words and language to try to set the field of debate to their advantage. They also have to keep the debate centered on the flaws of economic freedom rather than the severe disabilities of socialistic slavery.
The purpose of abolish socialistic slavery month is to sweep that away and make a proper comparison of the two systems. We patriots of the pro-liberty right know that our system of individual rights and economic freedom is vastly superior to that of the national socialist left’s system of collective ‘rights’ and socialistic slavery. That is why we are setting up this mouth for the purpose of having this discussion and disposing of those collectivist abominations once and for all.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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