
Showing posts from August, 2019

Collectivist contradictions are causing the Left to lose the plot

As the Left’s socialist national agenda verges further into authoritarianism it’s inconsistencies will tear it apart. It’s one of the staples of any science fiction story whenever some overarching automated system that needs to be brought down. The good guys will introduce some sort of contradictory programming to the system and it will rip itself apart in trying to deal with it’s contradictory nature. Illustrated quite nicely by the end of this short FreedomToons. There are all too many examples, but two stand out at the moment. One about a report on Newsbusters that New York’s preferred bird cage liner is actually verging on the supposition that guns are somehow anthropomorphic:  NYT Front Treats Guns as Killers, Ignores Real Ones: Gun ‘Started Wreaking Havoc in Jamaica’   While the tools to track the true causes of crime:  people  [go figure] are being criticized by the same national socialist media:  Chicago police unveil controversial new tool to track gun suspects . Con

Running the numbers on why socialism can never work

The early history of socialism and its various ‘issues’ and selling it by criticizing economic freedom. This is another one of the lectures from the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama in July 2019. Although somewhat entertaining and a little bit dry in places, it makes some very good points. Primarily that socialists have to tear down economic liberty to sell their socialist slavery. Along with the fact that socialism depends upon central planning and it is impossible to develop the proper calculations to successfully run an economy by these methods. These types of videos are important to understand what we on the Pro-Liberty Right are up against in the coming years. One of the earlier points made is that there was somewhat of a conflict between the two kinds of the early socialists. Those being the Utopian Socialists: Charles Fourier, Henri Saint-Simon and Robert Owen followed later by Marx and Engels who critiqued Utopian socialism as unscientific. The professor details some

Fear not! We are sanitizing the language of surprise incidental contacts

We’re taking a cue from the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to take the fear out of societal violence. Not to make light of a very serious situation that has been  caused by the national socialist left . From their predilection to  further media contagion  to  denigrating the culture  to  leftists  actually being mass murders. We as a society need to address this situation, but not by making it worse and  stripping the innocent of their means of self-defense  or destroying due process with Gun Confiscation SWATing laws. There are a number of steps that can be taken  without dismantling our basic human rights  such as the steps they are taking in Adams County with FASTER –Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response as reported by  Fox31 KDVR-TV . Even  subsidizing  the 2nd Amendment. But since the left loves to deny reality and distract from problems they’ve caused, we’re going to illustrate their sheer absurdity by applying the same type of nonsense to

Moving left into the province of propagandists, the AP avoids the pesky issue of due process

More akin to being authoritarian propaganda, a media source ignores an important civil liberty while casting opinion as fact. Trying to come up to speed on what is going on in the world each morning is quite often akin to the  “kawoosh”  seen in the Star Gate genre, with a sudden onrush of stories and opinion pieces cast as ‘fact checks’. It’s also important to stay out of any type of echo chamber on either side, thus we check what  AllSides  would consider to be ‘Centrist’: A Center media bias rating does not always mean neutral, unbiased or reasonable, just as “far Left” and “far Right” do not always mean “extreme” or “unreasonable.” A Center bias rating simply means the source or writer rated does not predictably show opinions favoring either end of the political spectrum. Please note that as they state in their FAQ, a centrist bias rating doesn’t mean neutral or unbiased, just that it supposedly doesn’t favor either side. The problem is the Associated Press has been movin

Buying back the ‘assault weapon’ scam with military style hate speech

A look at the insanity of leftist weasel words in furthering their socialist national agenda. It would seem we are in the calm before the storm of the next gun debate. We’ve gone through the invective of having blood on our hands and all the other insane accusations while the story has dropped from the headlines. But rest assured this is only a lull in the action. Republican leadership has foolishly decided to give a hearing on all the gun confiscation schemes the authoritarian socialist left has been able to dream up the past few years. In light of all this, we decided to look at some of the language the Left uses in going after a basic human right. Some of it conveys their collectivist mindset, while the rest are simply base substitutions for real civil rights – ‘assault weapons’ instead of arms, hate speech instead of free speech. This gives the left a cynical excuse to attack liberty and individual rights while they pretend that isn’t the case. These words show the fundamen

How many times is the left going to claim the ground is shifting in the gun debate?

While Cory Booker is channeling George Orwell, once again the ground has supposedly shifted on Liberty Control. Good news, the Left has come up with some ‘new’ memes in their synthesized self-righteous condemnation of Liberty in the midst of a ‘Serious Crisis’. Anyone on social media will recognize this all too familiar pattern that will begin the moment the news breaks of a tragedy they can exploit: The Left will immediately politicize the pain of others – while projecting that on everyone else. ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ are then mercilessly mocked. It will be said that the defenders of Liberty ‘have blood on our hands’. Then the calls to ‘do something!’ – anything, whether it will solve the problem or not. Further restrictions on civil liberties are the made by opportunistic politicians. Demands for laws that already exist on  Background checks  or  Civil commitment . While other Leftists make more  demands for gun confiscation . As emotions subside, entreaties for  comprom

We don’t need ‘red flag’ gun confiscation laws. The solution to the problem is already in place.

Laws for Civil Commitment procedures that also protect due process are in place in every state -‘crisis’ solved QED. The Authoritarian Socialist Left keeps on insisting that there is a ‘serious crisis’ and that Gun Confiscation SWATing laws are desperately needed before anyone can rationally think through their true implications of destroying due process and the presumption of innocence. The problem for the Left is that there really isn’t a ‘crisis’ since there are laws on the books to handle situations where someone may be a danger to themselves.   We have already proven this here , therefore, there is no reason to implement these draconian measures that will serve to eviscerate multiple parts of the bill of rights in one fell swoop. Thus the solution to this problem should be pretty straightforward, point this out to everyone and move on to other issues of greater importance. Solving the problem by simply pointing out that the solution already exists. We supposedly need to

PragerU: Social media can no longer act both as a publisher and as a public forum

Liberty will be in jeopardy if the dominant social media organs can have it both ways, censoring speech while pretending to be public forums. A new 5-min video from PragerU perfectly encapsulates the issue of censorship of the dominant social media organs. Presenter Eric George goes through the background of the PragerU v. YouTube lawsuit and the controversy over whether these corporate giants are publisher or public forums. This case is the critical point because these behemoths wield tremendous power and have the best of both worlds. They started out acting as public forums where they acted as conduits – enjoying the legal protections under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. They are now acting as publishers deciding on what content is acceptable such as PragerU videos, while still being under the protection of being a ‘public forum’. From the  transcript : Here’s why this is so important: A few years ago, the social media giants—Google, Facebook, YouTub

Why isn’t gun control considered to be sexist as well as racist?

Liberty [Gun] Control is rooted in racism. It also adversely affects women. Why isn’t it considered to be racist and sexist? A recent video from One America News Network entitled: ‘Gun Rights Are Women’s Rights’ made this very important point on the topic of Liberty Control. The basic facts of science have one sex at a disadvantage to the other, with guns being the great equalizer. Why doesn’t the Left have to answer for the sexism and racism of Liberty control? These days, the national socialist Left wields pejoratives Racism and Sexism like an assault weapon. So why aren’t these labels applied to them for their incessant attacks against freedom? Firearms are the great equalizers, with the Left’s gun confiscation agenda having a disproportionate effect on women and minorities.  Somehow the Left escapes these facts being applied to them, while they exploit those words with abandon. We’ve already detailed the racism aspect of this issue  here , and case for Liberty control b