Collectivist contradictions are causing the Left to lose the plot

As the Left’s socialist national agenda verges further into authoritarianism it’s inconsistencies will tear it apart.

It’s one of the staples of any science fiction story whenever some overarching automated system that needs to be brought down. The good guys will introduce some sort of contradictory programming to the system and it will rip itself apart in trying to deal with it’s contradictory nature.
Illustrated quite nicely by the end of this short FreedomToons.
There are all too many examples, but two stand out at the moment. One about a report on Newsbusters that New York’s preferred bird cage liner is actually verging on the supposition that guns are somehow anthropomorphic: NYT Front Treats Guns as Killers, Ignores Real Ones: Gun ‘Started Wreaking Havoc in Jamaica’  While the tools to track the true causes of crime: people [go figure] are being criticized by the same national socialist media: Chicago police unveil controversial new tool to track gun suspects. Consider the implications of these two stories, the national socialist media is verging on blaming inanimate objects for crime, while trying to absolve those who are truly responsible.
The national socialist Left is verging into an ever-increasing series of philosophical contradictions that are causing them to lose the plot. Contradictions such as using taxes to discourage activities while pretending these same tax policies won’t hinder the economy.

Liberty control disempowers the people

The word from the socialist-left is supposedly all in favor of ‘democracy’, power to the people or a ‘dictatorship of the Proletariat’ and all that pabulum. Except in practice they do the opposite, with no better example than Liberty [gun] Control. In essence, this scheme seeks to deprive the people of their means of self-defense, empowering criminals and the government.

Promising the moon without a care about how to pay for it

The Heritage Foundation recently produced a report that echoes many in that as it is typical of the socialist-left, they have a tendency towards grandiose promises that can never be fulfilled. Promises that don’t even have a toehold in neighborhood of reality. The summary of the report entitled: It Is Arithmetically Impossible to Fund the Progressive Agenda by Taxing the Rich lays it out in stark terms:
It is arithmetically impossible to pay for progressive promises by “taxing the rich.” Progressive promises are too expensive—and the amount of income earned by the rich is too small. Even using lower cost estimates, confiscating every dollar earned by every taxpayer with incomes of $200,000 or more would only pay for about half of the progressive agenda. And that figure is based on the false assumption that people would continue to work, save, and invest when subject to a 100 percent flat tax. The reality is that progressive promises can only be funded by increasing taxes on the middle class from three to 10 times their current level or, for a limited time, by dramatic and unsustainable increases in federal borrowing.
Meanwhile they have not a care in how to pay for all of it, aside from insanity of MMT – Modern Monetary Theory, discussed at length herehere and in particular in this article from the Foundation of Economic Education [FEE] entitled: Modern Monetary Theory Is a Recipe for Hyperinflation
Even if politicians could perfectly plan the economy, humans would still respond to natural incentives, making MMT an impossible economic scheme.

The purveyors of ‘scientific’ socialism

Recall that our friends on the national socialist left pride themselves as being ‘scientific’ and yet they are pushing a base ideology that is equivalent to a ‘flat earth’ economic theory. One that is economically impossible as is a flat earth being physically impossible, they have a record of over 100 million dead to prove the point.
Perhaps it is unfair to compare socialists to ‘flat earthers’. After all the later are relatively harmless aside from intense debate on some conspiracy theories. Socialism [or its many aliases] by contrast, has been responsible for over 100 million deaths and untold misery. But they both have a lot in common from a logic standpoint, something we will explore at a later time.
The point is that there are more inherent contradictions – that are increasing by the day – on the socialist-left than on the conservative-right. Contradictions that are driving leftists insane.

The Bottom-Line

The problem for our friends on the national socialist left is that while it’s possible to hold one or two contradictory beliefs for a short time period, piling more and more on top of all the others makes the situation untenable. Not to mention that each one of those beliefs will be in conflict, this being illustrated by come of the open conflict present on the far-left fringe.
Just as the contradictory programming or commands of an automated system in a science fiction drama will eventually tear it apart. The inherent contradictions of the national socialist left will see it implode. Let us all hope that is sooner, rather than later. With the aftermath being the sane Democrats coalescing into a left of center party that eschews collectivism while a small cadre of dyed in the red socialists split off to argue in an echo chamber somewhere, leaving the rest of us in peace. Colleague JD Rucker made the point that 2020 MUST be the election to stifle socialism for good.
After 400 years of failure, it should be clear that socialism is the ‘flat earth’ theory of economics. A logical impossibility that needs to finally take it’s place on the ash-heap of history. It should be taught as a cautionary tale to future generations, cutting through the bovine excreta as a way of preparing them for the inevitable appearance of charlatans that will try to sell it one more time.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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