Running the numbers on why socialism can never work

The early history of socialism and its various ‘issues’ and selling it by criticizing economic freedom.

This is another one of the lectures from the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama in July 2019. Although somewhat entertaining and a little bit dry in places, it makes some very good points. Primarily that socialists have to tear down economic liberty to sell their socialist slavery. Along with the fact that socialism depends upon central planning and it is impossible to develop the proper calculations to successfully run an economy by these methods. These types of videos are important to understand what we on the Pro-Liberty Right are up against in the coming years.
One of the earlier points made is that there was somewhat of a conflict between the two kinds of the early socialists. Those being the Utopian Socialists: Charles Fourier, Henri Saint-Simon and Robert Owen followed later by Marx and Engels who critiqued Utopian socialism as unscientific. The professor details some of the early ideas of socialism as a way of explaining the ideology.
We can’t do justice to the entire presentation, aside from the point that the left can’t actually sell socialism, they can only criticize economic freedom as in the case of Marx with his book Das Kapital.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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