
Showing posts from July, 2019

The unintentional hilarity of the headline: Should 2020 Democrats go big or get real?

Sometimes the truth can come out in the inadvertent expressions of a headline writer. The Associated Press headline for the ‘Debate takeaways’ from last night’s Democratic extravaganza said it all:  Should the 2020 Democrats go big or get real?    Most likely in the din of the Leftist echo chamber obscured the unintentional humor contained therein. However, this extended itself into the early morning version of the story, AP tends to ‘revise’ its stories without notice so the joke may not be around for long. Maybe the author meant this to be a wink and a nod to the fact that  socialism has always been a fraud, built upon lies and deceptions.  It could also be that this was just a colloquialism for the moment. Much like a rocket just beginning to approach the apogee of it’s flight, there is an almost imperceptible deceleration of the initial enthusiasm of the left in dropping the mask concealing their true principles. They so much wanted to let everyone know that they were indee

QR on media contagion and serious crisis

“Media Contagion” Is Factor in Mass Shootings “Media Contagion” Is Factor in Mass Shootings DENVER — People who commit mass shootings in America tend to share three traits: rampant depression, social isolation and pathological narcissism, according to a paper presented at the American Psychological Association’s annual convention that calls on the media to deny such shooters the fame they seek. … Johnston and her coauthor, Andrew Joy, BS, also of Western New Mexico University, reviewed data on mass shootings amassed by media outlets, the FBI and advocacy organizations, as well as scholarly articles, to conclude that “media contagion” is largely responsible for the increase in these often deadly outbursts. The prevalence of these crimes has risen in relation to the mass media coverage of them and the proliferation of social media sites that tend to

Current Sr. Google Engineer goes public on camera: Tech is ‘dangerous,’ ‘taking sides’

The evidence keeps on piling up that the dominant social media organs are unfairly tripping the scales to the Left. A senior engineer from Google has gone public in a new video from Project Veritas detailing how Google dwells in political bias and used “algorithmic unfairness” to skew search results. In an on-the-record interview the engineer named Greg Coppola followed up reports from  Project Veritas  on the danger of the dominant social media organs tipping the scales to the Left. Project Veritas ✔ @Project_Veritas GOOGLE ENGINEER BLOWS WHISTLE: "Are we going to just let the biggest tech companies decide who wins every election from now on?" # GoogleExposed 6,296 7:23 AM - Jul 24, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy 4,747 people are talking about this Project Veritas Published on Jul 24, 2019 (New York City) Project Veritas has published an on-the-record interview with an insider who works at G

Hashtag Authoritarianism: How the Left uses subtle methods to manipulate the electorate

The danger of the Authoritarian Socialist Left using social media trends and tricks to alter opinions. The dominant social media publishers are exerting their influence subliminally and the situation is only getting worse. It’s to the point that a small and exceedingly undemocratic elite could decide to swing future elections to the Left from now on. This was extensively discussed in a recent congressional hearing where  experts  and victims of social media free speech suppression presented the problem in stark terms on the future of our representative republic #Istandwith [insert name of SJW ‘victim’] The danger in all of this was perfectly exemplified by the initial report of an alleged ‘verbal assault’ of  Georgia Democrat Erica Thomas  by a “white man” because she had too many items in the express lane. Suddenly the erstwhile hashtag #IstandwithErica trended and we were off to the races. At first, she  doubled down  on her lies. Then she backpedalled, but not before

Exposing the truth about Republicans

Which party founded the KKK, supported slavery, and opposed civil rights and giving blacks the vote? A recent video from Will Witt from PragerU exposes that people do not really know that much about the Republican and Democratic parties. The revelation of the facts of the matter shocked most of the people, showing that the government indoctrination system is woefully inadequate to educating the country. No matter how much money they waste. Now that the Left is doing all they can to render the words racist and sexist meaningless, while numbing everyone to real crimes against certain minorities. It’s vitally important to correct the record on which political party began with the purpose of the abolition of slavery. The party that started the  – and revived –  the KKK and which party opposed civil rights and giving blacks the vote. Originally published on the NOQ Report

What the far-Left radical socialists do not understand: They are now a small political minority

Studies have shown that the far-Left radical socialists are an ever-shrinking but excessively vocal political minority. This is one of those columns that’s been in composition for weeks, being a number of ideas that floated about in their own eco-sphere until they attained enough weight to gel together. Oddly enough, the spark was a piece on journalist Andy Ngo in Buzzfeed ‘News’. Apparently being attacked by a mob of the fascist Left that put him in hospital was the best thing for his career, never mind the neurological aftereffects. Much like the stopped clock being right twice a day, the Far-Left media does get things correct on occasion. They have begun to label anyone not of their ilk to be on the ‘center-right’ or  Conservative  as in this case. The  Hidden tribes study  showed this to be a stark situation for the far-Left radical socialists, with only 8% of the country self-identifying as such. These are what the study termed to be ‘Progressive’ activists [ a misnomer in

It’s time to make it official: The dominant social media organs are publishers

Even Google considers itself to be a publisher, censoring the news and oppressing the Pro-liberty Right. During the Senate hearings last Tuesday on the critical problem of censorship by the dominant social media organs, Ted Cruz presented internal documents that show that even  Google thinks of themselves as a publisher  as well as oppressing Conservative voices. As reported on  CNBC , he confronted the Google executive with internal documents that prove what we’ve already known to be the case. The dominant social media organs feel the need to tip the balance of power towards the socialist Far-Left. Interestingly enough, the documents show that these domineering organizations already consider themselves to be publishers, so why not make it official? In his question of the Google executive Karan Bhatia: Cruz showed a presentation slide that reads “Tech firms are performing a balancing act between two incompatible positions.” The slide included logos from Facebook, Twitte

We won’t survive the suppression of Liberty by the Socialist-Left

The Left has a new workaround for Liberty: Dominate and shut down the marketplace of Ideas. Let’s be blunt about it:  socialism is based on lies.  These begin with the lie that socialism is about freedom and Liberty. When in actuality it is about  central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth  requiring coercion or the threat of force, the antithesis of freedom and Liberty. This is why the Left cannot abide free speech or the free exchange of ideas.  This is why the Left has to dominate the conversation and shut down the marketplace of ideas. Glenn Beck recently highlighted an article from website spinquark:  Welcome to Social Government  making the point that the leadership of the dominant social media organs comes from the Left. Social media companies aren’t held to constitutional standards because they’re private companies. But they’re also protected by the government because they’re considered “platforms,” not “publishers.” Well, the governmen

A taste of unpersonhood

A Twitter outage was an object lesson in what is at stake in the Left’s culture war on Liberty. There was a Twitter outage early  Thursday afternoon  that had a number of people in the states, UK and elsewhere, wondering if they had just been banned from the socialist… social… media “platform”. Were they suddenly an unperson in the parlance of 1984, someone removed from the virtual public square, never to be heard of again? Were they banished by the Leftist elite that only pretends to be Liberal for some unknown transgression? The hour-long outage was an abject lesson in the hazards of the Left’s attempted culture war on free speech and Liberty. It was more than ironic that this took place on the same day, as the social media summit at the White House. Apparently anyone not of the Totalitarian Ten Percent is considered to be ‘Right Wing’ by our betters of the Far Left elite in the national socialist media. Visions of the future where Conservatives are deemed to be unpersons by