A taste of unpersonhood

A Twitter outage was an object lesson in what is at stake in the Left’s culture war on Liberty.

There was a Twitter outage early Thursday afternoon that had a number of people in the states, UK and elsewhere, wondering if they had just been banned from the socialist… social… media “platform”. Were they suddenly an unperson in the parlance of 1984, someone removed from the virtual public square, never to be heard of again? Were they banished by the Leftist elite that only pretends to be Liberal for some unknown transgression?
The hour-long outage was an abject lesson in the hazards of the Left’s attempted culture war on free speech and Liberty. It was more than ironic that this took place on the same day, as the social media summit at the White House. Apparently anyone not of the Totalitarian Ten Percent is considered to be ‘Right Wing’ by our betters of the Far Left elite in the national socialist media.

Visions of the future where Conservatives are deemed to be unpersons by the Left.

What was a temporary inconvenience could become permanent oppression by those who supposedly champion Liberty. In many ways, the social media monopolists used our principles against us. That our precepts grounded in private property were to be our Achilles’ heel. All they had to do was to create a social sphere that they control based on private entities and they could just wipe us on the Pro-Liberty Right out of existence.
In a larger sense, this isn’t about the private platform ‘Loophole’ but the culture of Liberty. After all, these are people who love to exploit the false label of Liberal. Oh no, we can’t possibly be against Liberty, we’re Liberals don’t you know.
We’re also not buying into the post modernistic tripe that words have changed over time. The fact is Liberty is the key word in all of this, with it having the same linguistic roots as all other words on the same subject and sound. No matter what, it’s presumed that a Liberal supports Liberty, recent events have shown this is no longer the case.
We all used to share a common vision of free speech, the right of self-defense, presumption of innocence and due process. The Left has moved so far to the totalitarian extremes that it has rejected belief in all of those basic human and civil rights.

Shouldn’t the people who claim to be Liberal champion the cause of Liberty?

The Authoritarian Socialist Left should be under no delusions that we will agree to be silenced. They love to use our rules against us; perhaps it’s time that we point out that these people supposedly champion Liberty. Thus, they should be the first people in line when it comes to the defense of basic civil liberties.
Why aren’t the people who are supposedly Liberal outraged over the suppression of free speech? For that matter, why aren’t they upset over the Left’s incessant campaign against the right of self-defense and other basic human rights?
If they cannot find it in themselves to defend the cause of Liberty, perhaps they need to come out of the authoritarian closet and be truthful for once about who they are.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” – John F. Kennedy

We can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way.

If they cannot change their ways, then another solution will need to be implemented. As Charlie Kirk from Turning Point USA opined in the Washington Post: It’s time to treat tech platforms like publishers.  Pointing out that the social media giants need to be treated as publishers if they are going to act like publishers in controlling online content. They like to have it both ways –having the legal protection of merely being platform while censoring content.

The Takeaway.

As others have stated, the current paradigm of the social media giants enjoying the protections of being a platform whilst controlling content will eventually lead to a Conservative extinction. Something has to be done about the situation; they can either go back to being platforms or have those protections removed. Either one is going to happen. The status quo is untenable.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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