The unintentional hilarity of the headline: Should 2020 Democrats go big or get real?

Sometimes the truth can come out in the inadvertent expressions of a headline writer.

The Associated Press headline for the ‘Debate takeaways’ from last night’s Democratic extravaganza said it all: Should the 2020 Democrats go big or get real?  Most likely in the din of the Leftist echo chamber obscured the unintentional humor contained therein. However, this extended itself into the early morning version of the story, AP tends to ‘revise’ its stories without notice so the joke may not be around for long. Maybe the author meant this to be a wink and a nod to the fact that socialism has always been a fraud, built upon lies and deceptions. It could also be that this was just a colloquialism for the moment.
Much like a rocket just beginning to approach the apogee of it’s flight, there is an almost imperceptible deceleration of the initial enthusiasm of the left in dropping the mask concealing their true principles. They so much wanted to let everyone know that they were indeed socialists – and proud of that fact – touting what most already knew. Now that they’ve come out of the authoritarian closet, people are starting to wonder how they are going to get enough of other people’s money to pay for all the goodies.

The freeing experience of dropping the mask.

It was so wondrous at first, they had so wanted to let everyone know who they were for decades. Sure, their socialist national agenda hasn’t really changed, they had just pulled the cover off of that one term and polished it up like a shining new car. Mind you, it’s a zero emission, electric vehicle with only limited range, but a shiny new car nonetheless.
Admitting the truth for once let them start offering all the vote-buying freebies without remorse, getting into a perverse auction of sorts. Each one-upping the ante in handing out other people’s money. It was Christmas in July and they were the pre-eminent Santa Claus of the nation.
They were just having a grand old-time offering free health care, free college, free housing, free food, free, free, free! With the easiest speech-writing around, just fill in the blank: ________________ is a human right, and they had an instant applause line. Never mind who was going to foot the bill for all the largess.

Then reality comes calling.

There is nothing like being cheered for buying votes or promising other people’s money for a ‘human right’ created out of thin air. It doesn’t cost you anything because you can put the bite on someone else. You get the credit, they get the bill. It’s a win-win for you, never mind that is sucks to be the people who are going to have to pay for all of it.
Then those who are level-headed [That is, non-Leftists] started asking questions about the whole Utopian edifice. It was all fun and games until people started asking those ‘uncomfortable’ about the source of other people’s money.
So while you’re swimming in the adulation of buying votes and going big, someone comes along and cites the reality that there isn’t enough money to pay for all of it. That even if you took all the money from the rich, you would still fall short by a few trillion, never mind destroying the economy in the process.
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Abraham Lincoln

It’s all downhill from here.

Sadly for the Left, their little red rocket has almost reached it’s peak. It’s run out of fuel, coasting on Newtonian principles continuing on a ballistic trajectory with gravity reasserting it’s dominance,.
Soon enough it will accelerate downward with people realizing that it was all a scam from the beginning. There will be no free health care, free college, free housing and free food because there isn’t enough cash in the coffers to pay for all of it. Logic and economics can be a vindictive mistress like gravity and physics. While the fuel of the false promise of free goodies can get you off the ground, there is always a limited amount – economists call that ‘scarcity’. It’s one of those immutable laws that will lead to a sudden deceleration. When the moving promises of socialism meet the immovable object of reality it will be like a cicada spattering on a windshield. People generally don’t like being lied to, but that is all they have Left.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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