Hashtag Authoritarianism: How the Left uses subtle methods to manipulate the electorate

The danger of the Authoritarian Socialist Left using social media trends and tricks to alter opinions.

The dominant social media publishers are exerting their influence subliminally and the situation is only getting worse. It’s to the point that a small and exceedingly undemocratic elite could decide to swing future elections to the Left from now on.
This was extensively discussed in a recent congressional hearing where experts and victims of social media free speech suppression presented the problem in stark terms on the future of our representative republic

#Istandwith [insert name of SJW ‘victim’]

The danger in all of this was perfectly exemplified by the initial report of an alleged ‘verbal assault’ of Georgia Democrat Erica Thomas by a “white man” because she had too many items in the express lane. Suddenly the erstwhile hashtag #IstandwithErica trended and we were off to the races.
At first, she doubled down on her lies. Then she backpedalled, but not before showing the gullibility of several candidates for president.
What is rather interesting is that the hashtag in question started trending in the early afternoon Saturday, staying in the list for what was trending in the colonies for a few hours and then suddenly dropping off the list as though it has never been there. Then early Sunday another hashtag #HateHoax emerged.
These hashtags can easily drive a particular narrative, emphasising certain themes over others. These ‘trends’ are then picked up by a lazy national socialist media to drive the news cycle. All based on a hidden realm that decides what is ‘trending’ now.

Who determines what is trending?

According to Twitter, Trends are determined by an algorithm [In other words, we don’t want to tell you] depending on a number of factors. However, it is quite telling that certain trends can be ‘promoted’ or placed at the top of the list for money. What’s to stop some enterprising employee from adjusting the ‘algorithm’ to have a certain topic or issue trend?
There is a touch of mob rule in those who post in the trending twitter hashtag lists. People who want to be part of the crowd in adding their voice to the issue or cause. This is made easier with the ‘#Istandwith[insert name of someone of instant fame]’ format. Then it’s easier to go along with the SJW crowd – saying something without actually saying something.
If hashtags can be ‘promoted’ what is to stop the dominant social media publishers from ‘demoting a trending tag?

AutoComplete autocracy.

All hashtags are equal, but some hashtags are more equal than others to paraphrase George Orwell. This was seen in the little graphic added to the ‘#Marchforourlives’ or #Pride tags. Apparently, this is a perk of being of a certain political bent. Then there is the very useful feature of auto completing certain tags. Meanwhile, other tags don’t seem to engender this benefit because they don’t fit into the politics of the ‘algorithms’.
The hashtag #LibertyControl is a prime example, since it contravenes the #GunControl hashtag, framing this issue as being one of Liberty instead of inanimate objects of metal and wood, it does accrue the ‘perks’ of a more politically palatable tag.

Desire for control determines one’s place on the political spectrum.

Governmental power or desire for control is the only practical metric for arranging the political spectrum. It is to the advantage of some groups to obfuscate or confuse the issue, leaving it undefined, but with the implication that Left means good and Right means bad or some other nonsense.
These vague metrics are confusing at best and dreadfully false at worst. The metric of governmental power or desire for control is the underlying theme to almost all dictionary definitions of political ideologies, thus, this makes the most sense. Never mind that it eviscerates certain political lies or long-held but farcical beliefs.
For all of their false protestations over a desire for democracy, the far-Left radical socialists only want one thing: Power. For all their words about equality, they desire the exact opposite just as happens with their use of the term Liberal in connection with the cause of Liberty.
These examples show that the Left is using the dominant social media publishers to manipulate and control the electorate. Control epitomises the Left and the Left epitomises control, even if it’s by covert methods and hashtags.

The Takeaway.

While these issues may seem rather inconsequential, consider that we as a nation are on the razor’s edge in what happens in the next few years. Its not being overly hyperbolic to assert that if the national socialist Left attains control of the government in 2020 that will be the end of the country. Were they to win, they will no doubt open the borders and offer anyone and every free goodies all paid for by the taxpayers – until the run out of other people’s money.
Authoritarianism via hashtags is but one method the Left wants to use to accomplish that goal. Create a crisis or cause and have it trend and have enough people vote for their own enslavement almost subconsciously.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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