
Showing posts from August, 2018

Judge the Socialist-Left on results, not intentions

Brian Balfour of the Civitas Institute, details how policies meant to ‘Help’ the poor trap them in a never-ending cycle of poverty. There was a time before many Leftist policy items had been tried that one could argue that they had ‘good intentions’. Several centuries ago, the precepts of wealth redistribution and collectivism were relatively new ideas to most untested in the harsh crucible of reality. So perhaps back in the 17th century would be valid to give them the benefit of the doubt, even though most learned people would say they made no logical sense. The ‘Good Intentions’ excuse is no longer valid, along with every other pretence for socialism. But that time is long since passed, centuries of horrific results should make it clear that the ‘Good Intentions’ excuse has long since worn out it’s welcome. The experiments in collectivism started with failure in the new American colonies of Jamestown in 1607 then Plymouth in 1620. These were not a very auspicious beginning w

Honest debate proves economic liberty is vastly superior to socialistic slavery

The Left has to hide it’s clearly inferior ideology of socialism behind Lies and obfuscation simply because it has no other choice. Let us present the situation to an objective audience. Who would seem to have the better position, those who can debate out in the open with factual arguments. Or those have to hide behind lies, obfuscation and word mutation? Consider that most people innately known that something is wrong when a person or group has to hide certain aspects of their ideology. They know that those holding back usually have something to hide. While there are those who take on the pretence of being open and honest, they always seem to dance around the truth. Throwing out a red herring here or obfuscation there or when cornered on a precise point of logic unabashedly prevaricate like seasoned professionals. Compare that to those who can openly articulate the case for their system without pretext or deception. No system is ever perfect, but the side that is honest about th

The slippery Slpe of Liberty Control

From National review online: The slippery slope doesn’t end with the confiscation of guns, but with the destruction of the right to self-defense itself. D espite very severe anti-knife laws, Great Britain has been suffering from a surge in knife crime. Some Britons propose making the laws even harsher. Others are offering more constructive solutions to get to the root causes of the problem. Britain’s experience demonstrates the importance of the Second Amendment. Under the logic of the Supreme Court’s District of Columbia v. Heller decision, knives are certainly among the “arms” protected by the Second Amendment. Courts in Connecticut, Wisconsin, and Washington are among those that have recognized as much, with courts in the first two states finding that particular knife controls went too far and were unconstitutional. Although England’s 1689 Bill of Rights recognized the right to possess defensive arms, that right is now a dead letter, as are many of the others enum

The Left is finally revealing how they feel about American greatness and freedom

Leftists have been exploiting the word Liberal for decades, now they show how they truly feel about American greatness. The Left has an odd way of showing their love for Liberty given that they fancy themselves as Liberal. They incessantly work against the cause of Liberty, trying to deprive the people of the means of self-defense as well as silencing free-speech while they exploit that label. They now are in the process of throwing away the mask that concealed their true feelings about American exceptionalism. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo initiated the trend and these follow-up interviews with Governor Cuomo’s constituents by Cabot Phillips of Campus Reform confirmed it. At one point in the video, one of the respondents commented on the question of being taught American Exceptionalism: “I’ve never heard of it before,” conceded one, while another explained that “I personally wasn’t taught American Exceptionalism because I went to a very forward thinking liberal

FEELings: ‘We’re all gonna die’ – the undetectable, untraceable 3D printed guns edition

Concise, pithy responses to crush frequently parroted Leftist talking points and propaganda, FEEL ings – F requently E ncountered E motional L ies. The Seattle Times reported that a Federal judge in Seattle will rule on the publishing of the ‘Blueprints’ for 3D Printable guns by Monday. So this is an opportune time to revisit the issue with some responses to the FEEL ings from the Left. These will be short rejoinders to the F requently E ncountered E motional L ies of the Left in their ongoing hysterical assaults on Liberty. In this case its on the ‘we’re all gonna die’   hysteria over the 3D Printed, Undetectable untraceable guns. 1. Why is this suddenly a crisis of epic proportions? Why is that the case with anything the Left decrees is a ‘serious crisis’? What better way to enact new laws clamping down on liberty than by the ‘serious crisis’? It means we have to ‘Do Something NOW!’  Without thinking about its long-term implications. Make no mistake, this is an attack

Gun Confiscation image Reference September 2015

September 2, 2015 Grieving mom of two slain sons: Get rid of the guns!

Gun Confiscation Reference September 2015

September 2, 2015 Grieving mom of two slain sons: Get rid of the guns! Grieving mom of two slain sons: Get rid of the guns!  September 2, 2015 The NYPD needs to do whatever it takes to get guns off the street and put a stop to the bloodshed, says the mom of two teens who were murdered two blocks and three years apart. “All I know is we got to do something to stop this gun violence. It’s a lot for one mother to go through to bury two kids,” Sharon Plummer said Wednesday when asked if she thinks stop-and-frisk could have prevented the murder of her son Neshawn in Far Rockaway thus week. Speaking outside her Brooklyn home, the grief-stricken mother fought back tears as she clutched a framed of the 16-year-old, who was shot Sunday blocks away from where his brother, Shawn Plummer, 18, was killed in 2012.

Our List of Demands for the Conservation of Liberty – Part II

Leftists incessantly issue lists of demands for the restriction of Liberty, It’s time to reverse the trend towards freedom. This is our second part of our series of what we on the Pro-Liberty Right want for the preservation of Liberty. Part I is here. 6. The Left needs to stop trying to control private property with Intergalactic Background Checks. [aka ‘enhanced’ or ‘Universal’] If there is one constant in the Liberty grabber universe, it’s that half of them are incessantly calling for gun confiscation while the rest deny they are calling for gun confiscation. They also love to parrot the line that it would be impossible to round-up everyone’s guns as a way of deflecting the issue. Except that those on the Pro-liberty side thought the same thing in the UK and Australia. Their Liberty grabber nightmare began with gun registration, under the solemn promise that it wouldn’t lead to gun confiscation. [Sound familiar?] Then of course at the next occasion of a serious crisis,

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference January 2015

January 7, 2015 Tallahassee Democrat - Stop the insanity: Ban guns

Gun Confiscation Reference January 2015

January 7, 2015 Tallahassee Democrat - Stop the insanity: Ban guns Stop the insanity: Ban guns Gerald Ensley, Democrat senior writer 9:28 a.m. EST January 7, 2015 [..] I'm not talking about gun control. I'm not talking about waiting periods and background checks. I'm talking about flat-out banning the possession of handguns and assault rifles by individual citizens. I'm talking about repealing or amending the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. [...] Gun freaks insist we need to arm more people. They glibly say shooting sprees happen in "gun free zones," like schools and universities, where gunmen could be stopped if everyone had a gun. That theory is absurd. Police and military train for years to use a gun competently in stressful situations – and even they don't always respond correctly. Think Ferguson, Mo. Think Charlotte, N.C. Thin

Our List of Demands for the Conservation of Liberty – Part I

Leftists incessantly issue lists of demands for the restriction of Liberty, It’s time to reverse the trend towards freedom. Every ‘serious crisis’ involving firearms sees the same pattern of exploitation by the Liberty grabber Left. They immediately mount their gun confiscation hobbyhorse issuing lists of demands for restrictions on freedom. As soon as they get these new limitations, Leftists reset the rhetoric for the next go around. The pattern has always been one of compromise on behalf of the Pro-Liberty Right, only to see new demands made whenever the Left can exploit any new crisis. Now is the time to reverse the trend of the incessant attacks on Liberty. Millions of innocent gun owners in the country deserve a break in seeing ever tightening restrictions on their freedom because of the actions of criminals or terrorists. There are estimated to be 150 Million innocent gun owners that have upwards of 400 to 600 million firearms with trillions of rounds of ammunition. As the s

MSNBC and the Huffington Post would like a new name for Socialism’s brutal oppression and mass murder

Leftists seem to think that with a brand new label, people will readily accept the carnage and repression that is necessary in creating their wonderful collectivist Utopia. Brute force is the only way that socialism can function, it can hardly take “From each according to their abilities” without it. But that’s a hard sell when compared to the voluntary exchange of Economic Liberty. In general, people would rather live in freedom than under the boot heel of oppression, so the Left has to lie to convince people to enslave themselves under socialism. It’s a little shell game Leftists have played for centuries with different labels or sloganeering to sell their system of control “to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.” We are now witness to the Left trying to craft new versions of labeling for their ancient ideas, emphasising the goodies without mentioning the mass murder that has to go along with it. It should go without saying that the sales pitch will be long o

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference December 2014

Time is overdue to repeal the Second Amendment Written by Tom H. Hastings Sunday, 28 December 2014 07:32

Gun Confiscation Reference December 2014

Time is overdue to repeal the Second Amendment Written by Tom H. Hastings Time is overdue to repeal the Second Amendment Written by Tom H. Hastings Sunday, 28 December 2014 07:32 What country fetishizes, lionizes, valorizes, idolizes, and sacralizes guns as much as does our United States? OK, possibly Mozambique — the only country with an AK47 on its flag, but really, it's long past time to end this obsessive "My Precious" attachment of Americans to instruments of death. This morning of Dec. 25, 2014, of the nine top stories from US Reuters, six were about shootings — four new ones and two about the national movement against shootings of citizens by police. This pandemic of sick violence, punctuated by mass killings of children, has gone on far, far too long. It is long past time to repeal the stupid Second Amendment. [...] The only logical path, given the clearly decided role of the Second Amendment, is to repeal it. American people are tired of mass shoot

Who is afraid now?

It could be the grudge match of the century, Ben Shapiro championing Economic Liberty while Comrade Cortez vainly tries to defend Socialistic Slavery. In this corner, weighing in at 171 Pounds in Blue shorts with 62 wins, 23 by knockout, Kid Shapiro representing Economic Liberty. And in this corner weighing in at [don’t you dare ask that question].. in Red shorts and Red lipstick with one primary win, Comrade Cortez representing Socialistic Slavery. Ben Shapiro recently offered to debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but so far it looks like she doesn’t want to take up the challenge. The most eagerly anticipated question for her being: How in Hades’ are you going to pay for all of your vote buying schemes with the country having over 100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities  and 21 Trillion in debt? In many ways, it’s too bad that Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is longer on intersectional ‘street cred’ than intellectual gravitas. A fair match-up would still see he

Can we finally stop calling them Liberals?

Recent events have shown that the nation’s Left only has contempt for Liberty, it is no longer Liberal by any stretch of the imagination. Quite often that which is concealed is already well-known, and when the pretence is dropped, it signifies a new phase with horrific implications. It’s not the revelation of what’s behind the mask that is shocking but the act itself. Until this point it should have been patently obvious that there are portions of the nation’s Left that have no interest in Liberty. This was just a ruse by some of them to deceive many an acolyte to their cause on the pretence of their being ‘Liberators’. Their use of the term ‘Democratic’ along with an ideology that is it’s antithesis is following along the same lines. It’s always the glaring discontinuities or inconsistencies in logic that gives up the game in these matters. Those who disparage liberty cannot be at the same time considered to be Liberal, no matter what kind of linguistic legerdemain employed i

Gun Confiscation screen Image Reference June 2014

June 10, 2014 Obama: A couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia just said, well, that's it -- we’re not seeing that again. And basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws.

Gun Confiscation Reference June 2014

June 10, 2014 Obama: A couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia just said, well, that's it -- we’re not seeing that again. And basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws. Remarks by the President in Q&A with David Karp, CEO of Tumblr June 10, 2014 State Dining Room 4:15 P.M. EDT [..] MR. KARP: Brilliant. This one was sent in a few days ago: “Mr. President, my name is Nick Dineen, and I attend school at the University of California-Santa Barbara. I was the RA for the floor that George Chen lived on last year as a first-year college student. I knew him. Elliot Rodger killed him and five more of my fellow students. Today, another man has shot and killed at least one person and injured three others at a private Christian school in Seattle. What are you going to do? What can we all do?” And of course, another mass

Democratic Socialist Candidate: Auction off the Sun to fund vote buying agenda.

A Satirical look at how the Socialist-Left could try to purchase electoral support when there is no more money in the till and confiscatory taxation will ruin the economy. The Bronx: In a stunningly brilliant move of fiscal genius, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez propsed a plan to auction off the star of the solar system to fund her vote-buying agenda. “The easiest way to obtain the cash to purchase everyone’s vote would be to sell the Sun to the highest bidder on e-bay”. In her hastily assembled news conference, Ms. Cortez explained her plan to sell  that which provides most of the energy to the planet, not to mention the cause of Climate change.  Taxes are already too high, so her solution was to simply auction off that which provides most of the energy to the planet, not to mention the cause of Climate change. Ms. Cortez elaborated further “Let’s face it, when we say the rich should pay their fair share, that really means taking their property and using it to buy votes with free-st

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference May 2014

May 28, 2014 La Times: You say gun control doesn't work? Fine. Let's ban guns altogether.

Gun Confiscation Reference May 2014

May 28, 2014 La Times: You say gun control doesn't work? Fine. Let's ban guns altogether. Opinion You say gun control doesn't work? Fine. Let's ban guns altogether. May 28, 2014 But there also have been responses from people who share my disgust at the endless gun violence that pervades American culture. A few asked what should be done. My personal preference? It’s a decidedly minority viewpoint, but I say, ban them, with a carve-out for hunting weapons. [..] For example: Hunters could own shotguns (and rifles where state laws allow them for hunting), but they would have to be registered and the owners would have to pass a gun safety course before they could get a hunting license (already a requirement in most, if not all, places). That license would be a prerequisite for registering a hunting weapon. Resale of a weapon should be monitored to preclude passi

Keep it a secret, but remember that we’re supposed to be terrified of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The ascendancy of comrade Cortez will see a true debate between Economic Liberty and Socialistic Slavery – so we want the Left to keep her around. In this day and age it’s hard to believe that anyone would still consider collectivism to be a viable governmental system. But once again the nation’s Left is going full socialist with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Never mind that these ideas are over 500 years old.   [ First expressed   in the book ‘Utopia’ published in 1516 ] Or that we’re coming up on the Bicentennial of it’s first ‘Official’ failure   [ New Harmony Indiana, 1825 –1827 , first use of the word Socialism ] For the delusional Left, it’s a perfectly functional system because it works in places that aren’t actually socialist.   This according the utterances of that paragon of intellectual thought, Joy Behar. Apparently, she thinks it works in the Scandinavian countries of “Sweden. Copenhagen .. Denmark Norway. Iceland.”   These being small and culturally homogenous th

The Political Litmus test: Determining one’s place on the political spectrum.

“The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert A. Heinlein It’s to the advantage of some groups to deliberately confuse the issue as to where one fits in the scheme of politics. Baffling political spectrum models or false labels are used to make this a daunting task. It’s the political version of the old saying that those who believe in nothing will fall for anything. Muddy the political waters to the point of absolute chaos and people will accept whatever they are told is their political ideology. This is seen with various nonsensical political spectrum models that result in ridiculous political combinations such as an Anarchist-Communist. This incongruous juxtaposition of the complete absence of government control with complete government control is akin to the physical impossibility of Antimatter-Matter. Or there are the more commonplace attempts to make the slavery of socialism the natural extensi