Keep it a secret, but remember that we’re supposed to be terrified of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The ascendancy of comrade Cortez will see a true debate between Economic Liberty and Socialistic Slavery – so we want the Left to keep her around.
In this day and age it’s hard to believe that anyone would still consider collectivism to be a viable governmental system. But once again the nation’s Left is going full socialist with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Never mind that these ideas are over 500 years old.  [First expressed  in the book ‘Utopia’ published in 1516 ] Or that we’re coming up on the Bicentennial of it’s first ‘Official’ failure  [ New Harmony Indiana, 1825 –1827, first use of the word Socialism]
For the delusional Left, it’s a perfectly functional system because it works in places that aren’t actually socialist.  This according the utterances of that paragon of intellectual thought, Joy Behar. Apparently, she thinks it works in the Scandinavian countries of “Sweden. Copenhagen.. Denmark Norway. Iceland.”  These being small and culturally homogenous that can afford to fund massive welfare systems because the US taxpayers foot the bill for their defense. Not to mention natural resources that can help monetize these system without putting the bite on their citizens. Well, the Left never lets the truth get in the way of their big lies, so why should this be any different?

The perfect opportunity to show the inferiority of Socialistic Slavery.

Now that they’ve gone full collectivist we can finally have that conversation over which system is superior. Better yet, which system actually works and which has been a complete failure.  The history of Socialistic Slavery is one of 2 centuries of failure to the tune of over 100 million dead.  That system is inevitably doomed since it defies logic and human nature. It’s a basic psychological fact that punishment will decrease a behaviour while rewards will increase a behaviour. Never mind that Leftist denials that taking someone’s property is a punishment or that it’s somehow collectively owned by society or some other such nonsense, it can never work no matter what you call it.
As Andrew Klavan has stated, the taking of someone’s hard earned property is in actuality taking their time and labour – a part of their life – that is called slavery. That is the fundamental flaw of socialism, that if one’s property is under claim by the government, there is no incentive to produce more and the system falls apart. It does not matter if someone tries to couch it as “Social Justice” or whatever, as Margaret Thatcher once observed, eventually you run out of other people’s money.
This also means that the powers that be will eventually have to crack down on those unwilling to live as slaves. Force will have to be applied to coerce the populace to produce so that it can be stolen and redistributed to buy loyalty. It also means that the people have to be ‘convinced’ that their best form of protection is to not have any.

We all have to play along so the national socialist Left keeps Comrade Cortez as their standard-bearer.

Now that she’s the face of the Left’s socialist national agenda, we need to play along in their little revolutionary terror drama whereby we’re supposed to be afraid of her and her little band of Reds. The comparisons are being made and the debates are being initiated putting the Left’s base ideology in the limelight, illustrating it’s rank inferiority. But just for fun, why not speculate for a moment on what the Left wanted to be our reaction to the sudden emergence of yet another socialist on the national stage.

What the Left wanted to be our reaction Comrade Cortez.

A spectre is haunting the States — the spectre of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a women with ideas that were new 5 Centuries ago. One can almost feel the fear, palpable as though it were a physical entity, striking terror into anyone who values Liberty. A nightmarish apparition haunting our dreams of keeping our guns and right of free-speech. Everyone stunned into silence by the unexpected emergence of the girl from the Bronx, Cheered on by a national socialist media that hitherto has never favoured one side or the other.
No one dare speak that which is unspoken, that these 500-year-old cutting edge ideas of socialism are inconceivable to behold. Their revolutionary import is too monstrous to contemplate. For no one has yet hit on the idea taxing people into the stone age to buy votes, the idea being incredibly inconceivable. We on the Pro-Liberty Right are shaking in our flats at the absolutely horrid idea that we will finally be taxed to pay our fair share.
We all sit huddled in our Billion dollar mansions fearing the day when equality will knock on the door and fairness will make sure the wealth goes to where it belongs – millennials who can no longer afford $13 Lattes or a PhD in the multidimensional mechanics of gender fluidity. No more will we be given that which we’ve earned, keeping the property we own, for it’s the people’s money now.

Our True Reaction* to the Left drop kicking the mask and going full Socialist.

[*Yes, they love that word for some reason, as though coming across ideas that have been repeated a thousand times over the several centuries is akin to Dracula seeing a cross for the first time.]
At first it was jubilation that the nation’s Left has at last admitted to which has been obvious for several decades – that they are dyed in the wool socialists.
With their coming out of the authoritarian closet we can finally compare their inferior Marxist theories mired in failure with something that actually works: Economic Liberty. The discussion beginning with how they are going to pay for all the free-stuff that is going to be handed out.
Not that they didn’t begin tiptoeing out of Stalin’s work-center a few months ago with their massive demands for gun confiscation during the Marx .. Oops.. ‘March for our lives’ demonstrations. But very much like the Mao Tse-tung’s Phase III Guerrilla warfare tactic of coming out to fight in the open, the Left has finally committed itself to pushing it’s woefully substandard ideas. In the past they’ve played the game of yes, we’re socialist.. no we’re not to keep from having to defend the blood soaked past of their horrid ideology of mass murder and oppression. But now with the elevation of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that’s all on the table. Its only now that some on the Left are realising their colossal mistake, with many recoiling at a system of governmental slavery of epic proportions.
However, something happened on the way to the donning of Che Cortez T-shirts. It became readily apparent that Comrade Cortez wasn’t ready for prime-time. She began – and continues to do so making absurd statements on the subjects of her graduate degree – economics and international relations.
Her latest being a cringe inducing video of her trying to explain how she’s going to pay for all of her largess, taking into consideration that we’re at least $21 trillion in the hole. So now the worry is that the debate that will finally bury socialism in the vault of economic logic won’t take place. This is why we need to act as though we are terrified of this woman and her 500-year-old ideas. Remember, we’re supposed to be afraid of her while we are really urging her on. The debate over the insane ideas of Socialistic-Slavery are beginning, with a disastrous fallout for the Left to be the result. This is exactly what we want, but don’t tell anyone.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report.


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