Can we finally stop calling them Liberals?

Recent events have shown that the nation’s Left only has contempt for Liberty, it is no longer Liberal by any stretch of the imagination.
Quite often that which is concealed is already well-known, and when the pretence is dropped, it signifies a new phase with horrific implications. It’s not the revelation of what’s behind the mask that is shocking but the act itself.
Until this point it should have been patently obvious that there are portions of the nation’s Left that have no interest in Liberty. This was just a ruse by some of them to deceive many an acolyte to their cause on the pretence of their being ‘Liberators’. Their use of the term ‘Democratic’ along with an ideology that is it’s antithesis is following along the same lines.
It’s always the glaring discontinuities or inconsistencies in logic that gives up the game in these matters. Those who disparage liberty cannot be at the same time considered to be Liberal, no matter what kind of linguistic legerdemain employed in the cover-up. Just as it’s not really “Progress” to go back to the ancient ideas of collectivism.

One cannot be a ‘Liberal’ while being an enemy of liberty.

If one cannot explain how that which is defined as ‘favouring individual liberty, free trade’ can suddenly be transformed into collectivism [the antithesis of individual Liberty], then there is something logically incorrect in the supposition. This can be easily illustrated with the question: “Was Stalin a Liberal?”. This was clearly not the case, but he was only a few ideological steps away from certain Leftists, those who still cast themselves as being ‘Liberal’. This logical discontinuity should make obvious that cannot be the case.

The Authoritarian Socialist-Left is dropping the mask.

Now that we’ve all made the first tenuous steps onto the slippery slope of censorship, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CN) is celebrating the event happily running about with a virtual can of WD-40, all in the name of ‘The survival of our democracy’. This from a man who has made his disdain for the common sense civil right of self-defense entirely obvious. Both are assaults on Liberty, no matter what surrogate terms are utilised in the process.
Then there is the story reported in National Review that the advert for Elizabeth Heng, Republican contender for the 16th Congressional District of California was blocked by Facebook because it contained references to a historic event. Apparently, the authoritarians at Facebook though that referring to the Cambodian Genocide was beyond the pale. Of course, we could also ask: “Was Pol Pot a Liberal?”
Then there is the story of a politician in Santa Barbara who had to walk a comment that was far too revealing of the mindset of the Left. In the discussions over a ban on plastic straws, Councilman Jason Dominguez stated that “Unfortunately, common sense is just not common,” he said. “We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”
Let’s set aside the issue of whether or not the government can assert that level of control, and consider the autocratic mindset of someone who would even think of stating that out loud in a public forum. Later on the Councilman walked back those comments, but it should be obvious that Left’s actions belie it’s collective mindset.

It should be clearly evident that the Socialist-Left is coming out of the authoritarian closet.

Most embracing socialism have little use for the precepts of private property. They no longer view the individual as having any value with their demands for gun confiscation. Lastly, recent events have shown that they have little use for free-speech. Taken together, it should be readily apparent that the Left no longer has a use for Liberty. For them, this was just a ruse to attain power just as they bolted on the deceptive label of ‘Democratic’ onto their collectivist ideology.
The reason for the emergence the Left’s authoritarian tendencies are hard to discern, perhaps it is frustration at being removed from the control over everyone’s life they consider to be their birthright. Never the less, these events should provide a preview of what they will do if they ever attain the power they crave.

So where do we go from here?

Oftentimes Leftists will use a two-step process in attacking Freedom, starting out will the initial demand meant to ‘solve’ the problem at hand. Then implementing part two in calling it ‘a good first step’ followed by resetting the process. This is the case with Senator Chris Murphy (D-CN).
So who will be next to lose their right’s in the Left’s culture war on Liberty? Who will be silenced based on their indefinable standard of ‘Hate speech’? Does anyone think that this will the last we hear about this issue?

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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