MSNBC and the Huffington Post would like a new name for Socialism’s brutal oppression and mass murder

Leftists seem to think that with a brand new label, people will readily accept the carnage and repression that is necessary in creating their wonderful collectivist Utopia.
Brute force is the only way that socialism can function, it can hardly take “From each according to their abilities” without it. But that’s a hard sell when compared to the voluntary exchange of Economic Liberty. In general, people would rather live in freedom than under the boot heel of oppression, so the Left has to lie to convince people to enslave themselves under socialism. It’s a little shell game Leftists have played for centuries with different labels or sloganeering to sell their system of control “to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”
We are now witness to the Left trying to craft new versions of labeling for their ancient ideas, emphasising the goodies without mentioning the mass murder that has to go along with it. It should go without saying that the sales pitch will be long on free-stuff everyone is supposed to vote for themselves and short on talk of the SEBIN hauling people off to La Tumba when the promises run short. Most rational people wouldn’t choose to live under the tyranny of authoritarian socialism aside from the Leftists who get to run the show.
At present, bastions of the principles of Liberty are feverishly writing advice columns on how to accomplish the task. With emphasis on “Free Healthcare”,” Free college”, “Free housing”, “Free food” instead of the fact that everyone loses their Liberty under socialistic slavery – except for the Leftists who are in control.
The claim is that things have somehow changed, for this will be socialism with ‘No gulags’, just all kinds of free stuff paid for with other people’s money. The days of concentration camps, firing squads and Comités de Defensa de la Revolución (CDR) are gone*.  [*Except for China, Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela…] From the  Huffington Post – Relax, Boomers: Socialism Is Good Now.
The Liberty brain trust over on MSNBC discussed this issue while the host mocked everyone who fears the loss of freedom under socialistic slavery as mentioned on the Daily Wire: “But lots of people don’t get into the argument, they just go, ‘Oh my gosh, socialist, I can’t have that. It’s gonna take all my money,'” Ruhle arrogantly said while mocking American’s fears of socialism.
MSNBC’s Ruhle Mocks Fears of Socialism: ‘Oh My Gosh! It’s Gonna Take All My Money!’ 8-3-2018
But we on the Pro-Liberty Right would like to help out our comrades of the National Socialist-Left, They want a new name for their vile ideology of organised evil [Ops.. did we say that out loud..]. So we’re willing to help them out, given the effort will be difficult given the already existing 40 plus synonyms for their 500-year-old ideas:
Anarcho-syndicalism, Anarcho-Communism, Authoritarianism, Bolshevism, Castroism, Chávezism, Communism, collectivism, co-operative society, collective ownership, communalism, Economic Justice, Evolutionary Socialism, Fabianism, Fascism, Fourierism, Guild socialism, Leftism, Leninism, Libertarian-Socialist, Maoism, Marxism, Marxism–Leninism, National Socialism, Neofascism, Ochlocracy, Owenism, Progressivism, Project X, Reformism, Revolutionary Socialism, Rule of the proletariat, Social democracy, Social justice, Sovietism, Stalinism, Statism, State capitalism, State ownership, Syndicalism, Totalitarianism, Trotskyism, Utopian Socialism.
Aside from recycling a few words from the past, the Left is running short on words and slogans to sell Socialistic Slavery. So, in the spirit of generosity, we have a few suggestions for what the Left can do with it’s base ideology.

Notes on Leftist Labels

Leftists do have a penchant for playing games with definitions for common words, with the myriad labels for their base ideology being no exception. The dichotomy has always been between individualism and collectivism, in the case of the main label of their base ideology, the Left’s rationale is that socialism came from being ‘social’ + ism or Socialistic [as opposed to being individualist]. So it’s not beyond the bounds of reason to see them try to pull off the same linguistic legerdemain with other words that mean being nice or friendly.
Please take note of what seems to be the current take of the Left in trying to sell Socialistic Slavery to a new generation. This is the use of __________ ism – not mentioning the name of the ideology, but pushing all of it’s wonders, all paid for by money taken at gunpoint from other people.

New name suggestions.

Here are our suggestions along the lines of Leftist labeling lies, beginning with the granddaddy of them all:
Social + ism Socialism [The mouldy oldie that started it all]

Amiable + ism Amiablism

Free + ism Freeism

Friendly + ism Friendlyism

Liberation + ism Liberationism [If that sounds a lot like Liberalism, you’re catching on to the scam]

Society + ism Societism

Collective generosity (aka compulsory taxation) The collective being generous with your money – Taken at gun point
(h/t Paige)

Well, maybe those made up words won’t help since they are along the lines of made up words of the past that conveyed the same ideas that were new 5 centuries ago. So, maybe they can just bolt on a happy sounding adjective or slogan onto the existing words to help sell it with a reassuring lie that it won’t end as it always does.

Socialism – remember it’s still Democratic even if only the Politburo votes.

New and improved Socialism – now 50% gulag free.

Not your father’s Socialism – trust us, we don’t plan on having secret police or concentration camps….. unless we absolutely have to.

Voting for dollars!

Smiley face Socialism – Firing squad free, we *guarantee!
*For 30 days or 300 dissident arrests, whichever comes first. Your oppression my vary, see for complete details.

Progressivism – Running your life so you don’t have to.
So there you have it, our suggestions to the Left in how they can repackage their base ideology. Or perhaps the people have figured out the game. Just as changing the name doesn’t turn certain substances into something wonderful, so too is the case with socialism. There has to be a good reason that some joined the #WalkAway movement. Somehow a new term of total control over one’s life with mass murder and oppression in the background no longer appeals to anyone. Let us hope that is the case.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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