
Showing posts from May, 2018

Video: Celebrate the “Assault Weapon*” Tricentennial!

How time flies, it’s been 3 Centuries [1718 – 2018] since the invention of the Puckle gun – one of the many early “Assault Weapons*” Image Credit: When they aren’t spouting nonsensical lines such as “30 magazine clip in ½ a second” , Liberty grabber Leftists love to parrot the lie that back before the ratification of the Constitution, (1788) they only had one shot muskets that took 5 minutes to reload.   The reality is that repeating and other early versions of ‘automatic weapons ‘ were in existence long before this time period. Imagine that, the national Socialist Left lying about an important historical fact that furthers their agenda? This is a full video exposition of this historic gun from Forgotten Weapons The Puckle Gun, or Defense Gun as it was also known, was invented and patented in 1718 by the London lawyer James Puckle. This was an early ‘automatic weapon’ was capable of firing 63 shots in 7 minutes in 1721. It utilised a revolving cylind

Let’s Just say it: The Left Hates the Culture of Liberty. Part II

While it hides behind the false label of Liberal, the nation’s Socialist Left continues to expand its assault on Liberty culture. In Part I we began this discussion on how the Left is coming out of the authoritarian closet displaying their abject revulsion to the Culture of Liberty. In Part II we will detail the major aspects of their assaults on freedom. While it may sound shocking to many, deep down everyone should realise that the Left is becoming increasingly adverse to Liberty. Aside from wanting the freedom to wage the violence of abortion, they have little use for the concept in any other form. Down through history Leftists have used and then disposed of democratic institutions to obtain power. The Bolsheviks and Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei being good examples from the storied past. At present, their favourite tactic involves the use of negatively termed alternative phrases to attack basic Liberties. They use these phrases to suppress these f

Let’s Just say it: The Left Hates the Culture of Liberty. Part I

While it hides behind the false label of Liberal, the nation’s Socialist Left continues to expand it’s assault on Liberty Culture. Those of the Authoritarian Socialist Left seem to always have the same excuse when it comes to private entities denigrating freedom. These are private companies so they are unencumbered by the Constitutional restraints on the government. But this isn’t about those restraints, critically important as they may be. This is about the culture than undergirds those limitations of government and how the Left cannot abide by it, despite having labels that imply otherwise. Freedom is based upon a culture of Liberty. We are calling this Liberty Culture because for all intents and purposes, this is the foundational aspect that supports limitations on the government. Basic logic tells us that Liberty must contract as governmental power expands. One cannot have Liberty in the midst of an all-powerful government, history is replete with examples that sh

Liberal Alan Dershowitz: The Hard Left is a Bigger Threat to America

It’s always amusing to see which traditional liberals have been pushed too far by leftists. Not that this is the first time Alan Dershowitz has strayed. It is, however, the most blunt he’s been about it. Alan Dershowitz and Dennis Prager in No Safe Spaces:   ’m not worried about a few dozen people with swastikas who want to replace the Jews, because they’re our past. They have no resonance on university campuses today. But the hard, hard left? Anti-Semitism, anti-Christianity, intolerance for speech. It’s the future. These are our leaders. In 50 years of teaching at Harvard, Stanford, NYU, Hebrew University, you name it, I have never met a group of less courageous people in my whole life than tenured Harvard and tenured other professors. They are so terrified of their own shadow. They don’t want to do anything that upsets a student. From Louder with Crowder [Thursday February 15 2018] Originally published on the NOQ Report

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference November 2011

Real Time with Bill Maher Episode 231 November 4, 2011 Quotes On The Second Amendment: "In the grand scheme of the rights that we have: right of assembly, free speech...owning a gun does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights we're given." -Alex Wagner "My belief is if we take away that right to bear arms, the only people who are going to have the arms are the people who are going to be the ones breaking into your house." -Bill Engvall "I don't believe there's any reason for a person like myself to own an's not used for hunting; it would ruin any of the meat..." -Bill Engvall "We have a problem in America, which is that we misunderstand, quite frankly, what the Second Amendment is for. It's for law-abiding citizens to have a right, both to protect themselves and to be protected from living under tyranny." -Darrell Issa

PragerU Video: Control the Words, Control the Culture

On why it’s critically important to use the proper words such as Leftist instead of Liberal.   PragerU has published a new video on a very important subject. Many argue that we are in a culture or civil war with the Left, thus it is extremely important that we don’t accede to their linguistic propaganda.  PragerU: Control the Words, Control the Culture The culture war is first and foremost a war of words – and the left is winning. The consequences can be seen everywhere: in politics, in education, in media. In this video, Michael Knowles, host of the Michael Knowles Show, explains why we should not cede another syllable. It should be axiomatic that one doesn’t concede ground to an enemy without making them pay a price for taking it. But in essence, that is what we on the Pro-Liberty Right are doing every time we use certain terms that help the Left in their deceptions. As mentioned, we are in a culture war with the Left and every time we use a word such as ‘Libe

Word of the year: Liberticide

There is really only one word that describes what the national Socialist Left is doing these days to the cause of freedom: Liberticide. The Oxford English dictionary defines the term liberticide as follows: Liberticide noun Destruction or removal of liberty. noun A destroyer of liberty. adjective Destructive of liberty; liberticidal. Origin Late 18th century; earliest use found in Morning Star. From liberty + – cide , apparently after French liberticide late 18th century; earliest use found in Star. From liberty + – icide , in use as adjective and probably also in use as noun after French liberticide. Like most words that revolve around the concept of Freedom, the origin of the word Liberticide, or it’s adjective liberticidal comes from the Latin liberalis , from liber ‘free (man)’. This is also the root source of many other terms: Liberalis, Liberation, Libertarian, Libertine as well as Liberal. This was joined with a combining form that denotes ‘a person or substan

Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were WRONG!

While the NYT sings a love song to Leftist oppression theology, the victims of Communism foundation teaches it’s true nature as a new form of slavery. Uncannily enough, one can always spot a piece of Leftist propaganda from a kilometre away – especially if It’s featured in the New York Times. In this case it was a piece on everyone’s favourite historical figure, if they just happened to favour those who have brought about the mass murder of millions: Karl Marx. The headline in question: “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!”. Was on the upcoming birthday of a man who fostered a base, immoral, parasitic ideology has been rightly labelled as organised evil. In the tech world, those who have a particular affinity for certain products or companies are labelled by the colloquial term “Fan Boy”. These are people with an unshakeable faith in certain matters such as the belief that the immoral ideology fostered by Mr. Marx can somehow work someday. Curiously enough, there are

PragerU Video: What’s a Greater Leap of Faith: God or the Multiverse?

Image Credit: What’s a greater leap of faith: God or the Multiverse? What’s the multiverse? Brian Keating, Professor of Physics at the University of California, San Diego, explains in this video. What’s a Greater Leap of Faith: God or the Multiverse? Published: Apr 23, 2018  Originally published on the NOQ Report